The Aussie Opportunist (s01e17: Simon MANETTI, Kantar Consulting)Mosaic of China 英语脱口秀

The Aussie Opportunist (s01e17: Simon MANETTI, Kantar Consulting)

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It's time to reflect on the end of the year, and the end of the decade. So as you’re listening to Simon Manetti reflect on his last 10 years of choices and chances in China, take a moment to think about the forces that brought you to where you are today. Some of you might look back on your decade as a series of rational and linear decisions. Well congratulations to you. Personally I relate more to Simon: some rational decision; a few irrational ones thrown in; and otherwise a combination of luck, fate and opportunism.
Thank you to Simon for being so open, eloquent, and... relatable.

Simon Manetti’s object: A plain old lamp.


Simon Manetti’s favourite WeChat sticker [1]: a dancing baby.
(Add @oscar10877 on WeChat to join the Group and see the original sticker)

Simon Manetti’s favourite WeChat sticker [2]: a triumphant baby.
(Add @oscar10877 on WeChat to join the Group and see the original sticker)

Simon Manetti’s favourite WeChat sticker [3]: a surprised baby.
(Add @oscar10877 on WeChat to join the Group and see the original sticker)

Simon Manetti’s favourite place to visit in China: Hong Kong (香港).

One of Simon Manetti’s favourite places to hang out: Alimentari.

Simon Manetti’s favourite song to sing at KTV (karaoke): Bee Gees, Stayin’ Alive.

Simon Manetti’s favourite China-related information sources: China Tech Investor and China Tech Talk, from Technode.

Simon Manetti’s selfie with Oscar.

Simon Manetti: He bought his lamp at one of the Friendship Stores in Beijing. 

Simon Manetti: One of his motorcycle trips to Miyun (密云), outside Beijing (北京).

Simon Manetti: When he lived in Ningbo, he would travel to Shanghai via Hangzhou. These days there is a bridge directly over the Bay of Hangzhou.

Simon Manetti: When he worked in the factory in Ningbo, his clients include the actors Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones.

Simon Manetti: When he worked in the factory in Ningbo, he lived off 炒鸡蛋西红柿 (Chǎojīdàn xīhóngshì), the standard Chinese dish of eggs and tomatoes.