Two Black Panthers and Seven 替罪羊 | 疫情颁奖季 (上)

Two Black Panthers and Seven 替罪羊 | 疫情颁奖季 (上)

72分钟 ·

是时候聊聊电影啦!这一期咔咔角角迎来了第一位重磅嘉宾 Adrian。Adrian是电影行业从业者,也是伦敦印度尼西亚电影协会联合创始人。本期他将和我们分享他在“英国奥斯卡” - BAFTA 的亲身经历以及一起讨论了获得多项金球奖,BAFTA 以及奥斯卡提名的两部电影《芝加哥七君子审判》(The Trial of Chicago 7),《犹大与黑弥赛亚》(Judas and the Black Messiah)

这两部电影都聚焦在1960年代轰轰烈烈的反正统文化运动(Counterculture)的背景之下,在观看这60年前的历史事件时,我们竟然前所未有地感同身受。反观今日,社交媒体的诞生让我们更好的参与政治运动了吗?我们怀念那些黄金年代是因幸存者偏差 - 美好被过滤下来的缘故?《芝加哥七君子审判》中充斥着诙谐幽默的对白,但当影片结束时,我们不得不反思这喜剧的外衣下包裹着的不同政治理念的冲撞。

"一个神秘迷人的黑佬是怎样的?那个黑人要时时睿智宽大。他在承受莫大的苦难时绝不反击,绝不动怒,绝不恐吓威胁。他对各种种族主义的恶行永远采取原谅的态度。他教导白人如何破除心中可悲但可以理解的偏见。" 阿迪契在《美国佬》中这样描述当今主流社会下成功的黑人形象。《犹大与黑弥赛亚》是一部伟大的电影,它向我们展现了那些过去不被放在聚光灯下的黑人运动,那些“相对激进和暴力的“反抗革命,它让我们不由地问自己:以奥巴马,马丁路德金为闪耀点的历史是迎合白人社会并被他们形塑的历史吗?


【嘉宾 Guest】

Adrian Scanlon: A film maker and the co-founder of Indonesian Film Society based in London

Follow Indonesian Film Society on Instagram @indonesianfilmsociety



(Jump to the corresponding language part by tapping the timestamp below)

(02:20) [ENG] Introduction to BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) Awards and Adrian's personal experience at BAFTA Youth Board

(6:35) [ENG] BAFTA's nomination is more diversified with people from different backgrounds this year

(6:40) [ENG] The nomination process of BAFTA and Rising Star Awards

(9:50) [中文] 二刷《芝加哥七君子审判》,谈谈导演艾伦索金

(11:30) [ENG] Aaron Sorkin is with "too much skills" in general

(12:45) [ENG] Aaron Sorkin's clever dialog manipuation in "The Trial of Chicago 7"

(17:10) [中文] 电影发生的时代背景,简单的情节梳理

(20:15) [中文] 值得关注的1960黄金年代 - Counterculture Movement 反正统文化运动;二战后的“婴儿潮”的当盛时期;电影音乐娱乐百花齐放(The Beatles; Bob Dylan; 嬉皮士文化);回看今日,时代的昨日重现感

(25:30) [ENG] Fears and paranoias in 1600s as the period after WW2

(27:30) [ENG] Social media as a tool for political involvement. Social awareness vs Real impact. "You know less but you shout out louder"

(30:45) [ENG] Does there any Survior bias exist when we look at 1960s?

(32:05) [中文] 《芝加哥七君子审判》中印象深刻的角色和场景:Abbie Hoffman 和 Tom Hayden 的不同政治途径: Do you work to change the system from within, or jolt the system with shock therapy?

(35:45) [ENG] Abbie Hoffman vs Tom Hayden: Perfect casting Sacha Baron Cohen vs Eddie Remayne

(40:05) [ENG] The broad spectrum of comedies: from light hearted jokes to strong social issue highlight

(43:25) [ENG] The amazing editings in this film: the sound and pictures married up perfectly

(48:40) [ENG] Mark Rylance (as Kunstler the lawyer)'s great performance

(49:45) [中文] 《犹大与黑弥赛亚》的名字解释,人物介绍以及简单情节梳理

(51:20) [中文] "犹大“ 作为叛徒的人物丰富性以及电影的特殊叙事手法

(54:20) [中文] 题材,镜头,语言,摄影美学都是以黑人为中心的去凝视的作品

(57:00) [中文] 充斥于历史中的“迷人温和黑佬”叙事是被主流白人社会形塑的吗?

(59:10) [中文] 黑人解放运动中被构陷的领导人们以及那些少有被提起的群体

(1:02:30) [ENG] Daniel's screen presence, chrisma and excellent eye performance makes him be able to convey the essences of Fred Hampton — being affirmative and having the soft and likable sides