Two Black Panthers and Seven 替罪羊 | 疫情颁奖季 (下)

Two Black Panthers and Seven 替罪羊 | 疫情颁奖季 (下)

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这一期我们继续和 Adrian 聊获得金球奖,BAFTA 以及奥斯卡提名的两部电影《芝加哥七君子审判》(The Trial of Chicago 7),《犹大与黑弥赛亚》(Judas and the Black Messiah)

韩炳哲 Byung-Chul Han 在他的《爱欲之死》(Agonie des Eros) 里描述爱情与政治的关系时说”爱能使性冲动转化为精神激动“:表达出来的爱欲,代表着对其他个体生命形式和社群组织的革命性的渴望。“ 我们觉得这就是在讲黑豹党主席 Fred Hampton 和 他的未婚妻 Deborah 之间的爱。

习惯了好莱坞个人英雄主义的电影,这部《犹大与黑弥赛亚》中显露出的牺牲小我成就大局观念让我们觉得耳目一新。 我们借此机会和 Adrian 聊了聊集体主义和个人主义在中西方社会的形塑,哈利王子和梅根舍弃皇室头衔移居美国在中英美受到的反响

【嘉宾 Guest】

Adrian Scanlon: A film maker and the co-founder of Indonesian Film Society baesd in London

Follow Indonesian Film Society on Instagram @indonesianfilmsociety



(Jump to the corresponding language part by tapping the timestamp below)

(02:11)[CN] Fred Hampton与Deborah的恋爱线——这是与诗、演讲、理想交织在一起的革命者之爱。


(09:48)[ENG]Individuals v.s. the whole system. How does Adrian view the narrative that you need to sacrifice yourself for the greater collective? "There is no "i" in "team".

(12:51)[ENG]The contrast in actions between Bill(Juda) and Fred(Black Messiah) when facing similar situation.

(14:42)[ENG]The recent Oprah interview with Meghan and Henry. How do Chinese, British, and Americans think of this "Royal escape" ?

(18:18)[ENG]We tried to understand the differences and similarities in British, Chinese, and American's views through aspects of culture, history, social media, etc.

(21:15)[CN]德胜的best scenes: 影片如何用镜头语言反转黑人和白人之间的权力结构?革命者的牺牲留下的精神遗产是如何对抗当局对自己的污名化的?

(24:18)[CN]雪雪的best scenes: 警徽在两部电影中的象征意义。当*"警徽比枪更有威力”("The badge is scarier than a gun."*),从60多年前到现在,警察们为何依然会脱下警徽?

(26:58)[ENG]The protests against police all over the world nowadays - how this movie is relevant to the current time.

(29:37)[ENG]The contrast between 60s and now: the change in how western people view China and Maoism. How does Xue and Desheng, as Chinese ourselves, think of the western view?

(33:10)[ENG]The inevitable selfishness to chase "the American Dream".

(35:45)[ENG]How white and black rebellions are facing totally different fates after their protest in the Chicago 7 and Black Messiah.

(37:13)[ENG]The complexity in the Judas, Bill O'Neal. How did the film humanize that character?

(43:30)[ENG]Revisit the ending of Chicago 7. Is it a cheesy ending?Does it offer a hope?

(47:14)[ENG]The ending of the Bill in Judas and Black Messiah.

(49:20)[ENG]How good is Daniel Kaluuya's performance in Judas and Black Messiah. How does the file build up a holistic presentation of the black panther party through nuanced moments?

(52:09)[ENG]Music's important role in Judas and Black Messiah.

(53:48)[ENG] Chicago 7 v.s. Judas and Black Messiah which one do we like more?