The Handicrafts Designer (s02e08: Jovana ZHANG, Rong Design Library)Mosaic of China 英语脱口秀

The Handicrafts Designer (s02e08: Jovana ZHANG, Rong Design Library)

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In China, craftsmen are not always venerated as artisans. Instead, they are often denigrated as low-status workers. But there is a design team based in the Zhejiang countryside that is doing its best to turn this around, curating the myriad ancient crafts that can be found across China before they disappear, and repurposing them for modern usage. 

This week's episode is with Jovana Zhang, one of the co-founders of the Rong Design Library and the PINWU Design Studio. Her's is not just a story of design inspiration, it's a story that teaches us that respecting heritage is not the same as clinging onto the past. It's about repurposing what we can learn from the past, and making it relevant to modern times.