#130: Digital Nomads, Remote Working, Founders Mental Health, Niche Fame and Nomads Dating with Pieter LevelsChiwi Journal

#130: Digital Nomads, Remote Working, Founders Mental Health, Niche Fame and Nomads Dating with Pieter Levels

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My guest today is Pieter Levels. Pieter is a serial founder of multiple products, such as NomadList.com, remoteOK.com and rebase.co.

In this episode, we discussed:

  1. How did Pieter start his digital nomad life and create 12 startups in 12 months?
  2. The original story of the birth of Nomadlist.com
  3. What are the common traits of digital nomads based on the 2022 State of Digital Nomads that might surprise people?
  4. Why do people need to switch their stereotypes about remote working and adapt to the new way of living?
  5. Why has Portugal becomes the indie hacker/nomad / remote worker/entrepreneur hub? What is so good about moving here?
  6. The story behind Immigration as a service product: Rebase.co
  7. How to overcome depression and anxiety as a serial founder?
  8. Why find a therapist speaking a language different from your native language that can work better in therapy sessions?
  9. Cliche question: how to balance time and energy as a serial founder?
  10. What does it feel like to be a niche famous, and why should people be unreachable?
  11. The story about Pieter’s early music career on YouTube channel.
  12. What are the future trends of remote working and nomad lifestyles?
  13. What’s the current dating market for digital nomads?

Books/links mentioned in this episode:

展开Show Notes
1:06:16 先打个卡表示听完了后期会回头再听提炼一些自己感兴趣的点
call to action 就是关注Pieter levels haha
Dream work style

- 第一次浪潮:互联网发展时期(2007-2013)
- 第二次浪潮:数字游民成为趋势(2014-2020)
- 第三次浪潮:全球疫情冲击下的远程办公模式(2021+)
- 第四次浪潮:多城市迁徙生活模式(2027+)





- 男女数游都视咖啡为救命良药
- 男数游一般都是夜猫子+健身狂人;女数游则是早鸟+关注灵性成长
- 平均年龄集中在30岁左右
- 男数游最常见的工作是软件工程师、创业者和网站开发;女数游最常见的工作是创意、市场和创业者
- 数字游民美国人最多,其次是英国、俄罗斯、加拿大和德国。