双语吐思 - Hanlon's Razor and Will Smith/Not Punching People in GeneralBreadToast Chinese 面包吐思

双语吐思 - Hanlon's Razor and Will Smith/Not Punching People in General

30分钟 ·

Season 3 is officially under way! Jason joins Brad for a breakdown of a powerful mental model known as "Hanlon's Razor." In this new 双语吐思 format, one dude only speaks English, the other only speaks Chinese. Your job? Think about meaningful stuff using your target language!

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If your podcast player doesn't have a transcript feature, here's one of all the 中文 spoken in this episode!

Time Markers 时间轴

(with two premium, organic, non GMO hand-selected vocab words in each section, in case you want something to focus on)

00:20 Jason is visiting from 井底之挖 (Check it out here!) - 2词s: 井底之蛙,挖掘

01:49 A unique approach to thinking in English/Chinese - 2词s: 思维,情境

02:53 Hanlon's Razor, defined - 2词s: 小心眼儿,恶意

06:55 Hanlon's Razor, elaborated - 2词s: 含义,判断

09:07 Dealing with biases: Confirmation Bias(证实性偏见), Fundamental Attribution Error/Correspondence Bias(基本归因错误), and Availability Bias (可得性偏差)- 2词s: 主观能动性, 思维模式

13:32 Critical thinking exercise (pick your language!): Razor-sharp questions - 2词s: 前提,冒犯

17:53 Natural Chinese conversation: Hanlon's Razor and Will Smith/not punching people in general - 2词s: 旁观者,瞅你咋地

23:27 Final 吐思:Weighing the costs of incorrect assumptions - 2词s: 代价, 情景

展开Show Notes
16:23 想问下16分钟左右的背景音乐歌曲,感觉很好听~