DELTA Module 1: Exam Practice 1

DELTA Module 1: Exam Practice 1

20分钟 ·

本集分享的是我做的第一个Exam Practice,主要是从Language Systems的角度,分析语言成分。播客中提到的句子如下:

  1. Do you enjoy cooking? (line 5)

  2. …it’s all showbiz isn’t it? (line 8)

  3. What food reminds you of your childhood? (lines 59-60)

There are desserts that my mum used to make that take me back, like tapioca pudding, which is yummy.


英语语言教师文凭Delta(Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)是全世界最知名、最受欢迎的对外英语教学资格证书之一。 通常是学习完CELTA两年之后,可以申请的课程。