上周五,歌坛天后 Celine Dion(席琳·迪翁)通过视频的方式向粉丝宣布自己罹患僵人综合征这一事实。她在视频中提到,这种罕见的疾病所引发的痉挛不仅影响她正常生活中的方方面面,甚至会让她无法用习惯的方式演唱,因此原定明年 2 月重启的巡演也要再度推迟。Celine 还说自己正在积极接受治疗,感谢粉丝和家人的爱与支持,自己真的很希望尽快重返舞台。
视频全文 371 词,但 Celine 讲完这些话却足足花了 5 分多钟,期间她数度哽咽,足见她对演唱、舞台和歌迷的不舍。今天,我们截取视频文稿的前半部分进行逐句精讲,从字里行间带大家体会这位传奇歌后的所经历的心痛与坚强。
Hello everyone. I'm sorry it's taking me so long to reach out to you. I miss you all so much, and I can't wait to be on stage to talk to you in person. As you know, I've always been an open book. I wasn't ready to say anything before, but I'm ready now.
I've been dealing with problems with my health for a long time, and it's been really difficult for me to face these challenges and to talk about everything that I've been going through.
Recently, I've been diagnosed with a very rare neurological condition called stiff-person syndrome, which affects something like one in a million people. While we're still learning about this rare condition, we now know that this is what has been causing all of the spasms that I've been having.
最近,我被诊断出患有一种非常罕见的神经系统的症状,叫做僵人征。这种病大概 100 万人里才有一个人得。目前我们人类依然还在学习这种罕见病,至少现在我们知道了,造成一直以来我身体痉挛的原因就是这种病。
Unfortunately, these spasms affect every aspect of my daily life. Sometimes causing difficulties when I walk and not allowing me to use my vocal cords to sing the way I'm used to.
It hurts me to tell you today. This means I won't be ready to restart my tour in Europe in February. I have a great team of doctors working alongside me to help me get better, and my precious children who are supporting me and giving me hope.
今天告诉你们这一切我很难过,这意味着我无法为重启 2 月份在欧洲的巡演做好准备。我有很好的医生团队在我身旁帮助我恢复,还有我的宝贝孩子们一直给我支持、给我希望。
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