Wallace J. Nichols: 火灾夺走了我们居住20多年的房子,但无法夺走我们对家的回忆Storyland Podcast

Wallace J. Nichols: 火灾夺走了我们居住20多年的房子,但无法夺走我们对家的回忆

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In this episode, we have Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, who is a marine biologist, author, and water-lover. He is the writer of the picture book Dear Wild Child. In the book, a father writes to his daughter in a heartfelt letter about memories of the house she grew up in among the redwoods. The house was lost to a wildfire but as the father lovingly reminds the child, she will always carry her home inside her. Listen to hear about the true story behind the letter and how the picture book was co-created as a way for the father and daughter to cope with grief.

嘉宾 Guest

Wallace J. Nichols


节目中提到的书 Books mentioned:

The Wild Child

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