Episode 2: 最实用的英文缩略词!JK,BRB,WTF? 学起来吧!BetterLifeEng生活英语

Episode 2: 最实用的英文缩略词!JK,BRB,WTF? 学起来吧!

10分钟 ·


Acronyms & Dialogues:
1. OMW (On My Way)
 ○ "Where are you? The movie's about to start!"
 ○ "OMW! Hit traffic, but I'll be there in 5!"
2. TTYL (Talk To You Later)
 ○ "Thanks for the chat, I need to head out now."
 ○ "No worries, TTYL!"
3. TYSM (Thank You So Much)
 ○ "I brought you some coffee."
 ○ "TYSM, you're a lifesaver!"
4. AKA (Also Known As)
 ○ "I'm meeting up with Robert today."
 ○ "Robert? Oh, you mean Bobby, AKA the chess master?"
5. DIY (Do It Yourself)
 ○ "I need a new bookshelf."
 ○ "Why not make one? A little DIY project could be fun!"
6. DM (Direct Message)
 ○ "Did you see the message I sent you?"
 ○ "No, where did you send it?"
 ○ "Check your DMs on Instagram!"
7. NVM (Never Mind)
 ○ "Could you send me the address again?"
 ○ "Sure, it's—"
 ○ "NVM, found it in our earlier chat!"
8. YOLO (You Only Live Once)
 ○ "Should I try skydiving?"
 ○ "Absolutely, YOLO!"
9. OMG (Oh My God)
 ○ "I just won tickets to the concert!"
 ○ "OMG, that's amazing!"
10. JK (Just Kidding)
 ○ "I ate all your cookies."
 ○ "What?!"
 ○ "JK, I'd never!"
11. BRB (Be Right Back)
 ○ "Can you help me with this problem?"
 ○ "Sure, but BRB, need to grab my charger."
12. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
 ○ "How do I set up my new phone?"
 ○ "Check the FAQ section on their website."
13. WBU (What About You?)
 ○ "I'm getting pizza for dinner, WBU?"
 ○ "Thinking sushi tonight!"
14. GTG (Got To Go)
 ○ "I've got an early meeting tomorrow, I need to get some sleep."
 ○ "Understood, GTG, sweet dreams!"
15. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
 ○ "Everyone's at that new club tonight!"
 ○ "I know, I'm feeling serious FOMO!"
16. POV (Point Of View)
 ○ "This movie's ending is confusing."
 ○ "From my POV, it symbolizes the character's growth."
17. WTF (What The F***)
 ○ "I accidentally dyed my hair green!"
 ○ "WTF, how did that happen?!"
18. HMU (Hit Me Up)
 ○ "If you're ever in town, HMU, and we'll grab coffee."
19. IDK (I Don't Know)
 ○ "What time does the store close?"
 ○ "IDK, let me check their website."
20. FYI (For Your Information)
 ○ "FYI, the meeting has been moved to 3 PM."
21. LMK (Let Me Know)
 ○ "Can you attend the party on Saturday?"
 ○ "Not sure yet, LMK what time it starts."
22. LOL (Laugh Out Loud)
 ○ "I just watched a hilarious video."
 ○ "LOL, send it to me!"
23. TBH (To Be Honest)
 ○ "TBH, I prefer homemade pizza over restaurant pizza."
24. BTW (By The Way)
 ○ "BTW, I left some cookies on the counter for you."
25. NGL (Not Gonna Lie)
 ○ "NGL, this is the best burger I've ever had."


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email: jarvischan630@163.com
