- Episode 337 [中] Elijah Zhang,路径Podcast
Elijah 从新西兰回来跟我录电台我都很感恩。 他作为一个壶铃运动员,我们圈子有挺大的重叠性!他的俄罗斯经历也是跟我们Bushido 柔术圈的Leo 特别像。大家感兴趣可以加 Eli 的小红书,微信视频号,b战 都叫 路径Podcast
- Arthurian 2024.09.01 [中] Joe Zheng, 牌店一年了
Joe 的店快一周年了,我们聊他今年学到什么。
- Episode 336 [中] Simon+Daisy,拳击的意思
Simon 还真的是一位很久没见的朋友,人家经常跑国外找一些学习拳击的资源。Boxing Republic 已经开了这么久也算是在上海比较稳定的一家拳馆:襄阳南路218号1506室。 Daisy 是一位想打比赛的女拳手可是发现很难找到对手! 两位拳击领域的朋友来聊我也特别开心,学到不少。
- Episode 335 [EN] Aidan King,Quitting my Job
Quitting his job and finally letting a lot of the stress go. We talk about climbing, BJJ, warhammer and Magic the gathering. Life in Shanghai is different when you have free time.
- Episode 334 [中] 蔡特,1778的故事
从1778 的开业到现在变化很多,我们一批岩友也来了走了。蔡老板跟我聊了安全性,次卡的话题,还有营销的一些问题。1778 现在有两个馆,一个还在南浦大桥然后第二个馆在浦东的三林印像汇503。
- Episode 333 [中] Ava Liu,攀冰的过程
以前常见的Ava 在 vFour,最近几年她一直跑去户外攀岩,徒步,爬山还有攀冰。一年约不上来录电台终于成功。Ava 聊到城市的快乐和户外的成就感。成都的岩馆和上海的区别?
- Episode 332 [EN] James Hsu,Post-MagicCon Amsterdam
After his appearance at MagicCon Amsterdam, I sat down with James to talk about content creation, and being so well respected in the niche hobby of Magic the Gathering. Humans of Magic has had a bunch of changes over the last few years, and its always great to catch up with James about his Youtube Channel.
- Episode 331 [中] 卜微沛,传统新闻到社交媒体
- Episode 330 [中] Dean Li,怎么维护朋友群
Dean [李意泽] 跟我从2021年录了Episode 193 就很久没见了,本来是来聊AI 的毕竟他在苹果和NIO都做过,可是后面我们聊到朋友圈和人类变得更机器人了。
- Episode 329 [中] Shawn Zou,咖啡给到的是情绪的感觉
Shawn 的咖啡培训机构帮助很多咖啡创业家开自己的店。主要不是教怎么调咖啡而是也做一个顾问的角色。我们聊到咖啡未来的一些趣事还有现在的一些推荐的馆。 感兴趣的可以去找他们在:仟盛咖啡学院 杨浦区的内江路191号115室
- Episode 328 [中] Suye+Judy,时尚就是找自己核心
Suye Yang 的 Permission To Be Human 和 Judy Chu 牛仔设计师来聊时尚的环境,他们两个也做这个行业一段时间了。我们提到fashion 行的一些问题,然后她们对待市场对待自己的设计,还有怎么找到自己的的灵感. 有兴趣的可以在微信上搜索:PTBH Official 顺便可以在一些博客平台搜我单独和Suye 的一期:Episode 222 也有我单独和Judy 录的一期: Episode 130.
- Episode 327 [EN] Dean Anaya, The Hang
Dean, after closing down Workshop Shanghai, is now still coaching no-gi BJJ at Ocean Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. It was great catching up with him talking about life and what he is looking for in the future.
- Episode 326 [中] Bruce+王珏,真的有人在躺平吗?
我们三个人经常一起训练柔术,也一起玩过攀岩。现在三位都在一个想辞职或是已经辞职躺平的状态。 可是至少王珏还在努力开柔术馆,TacticsBJJ:中江路106号1栋4楼409室
- Episode 325 [EN] Leon Hung, Therapy is About Safety
Leon has been around the world doing psychiatric therapy, including war zones doing humanitarian aid and trauma work. Great to have him in Shanghai talking about mental wellbeing and I hope he opens up his own business soon! Check him out on the Popcorn mini-program for a lot of his talks!
- Episode 324 [EN] Jimmy Shi, Rozebiff Opening
Jimmy’s background in fine dining seems like a bit of a jump from his American sandwich shop. But the food is legit and well priced, portions are big and I wish him the best! Location of Rozebiff 三明治: 陕西北路549-5号 靠近新闸路