- 《黑神话:悟空》火出圈!西游背景难住的不仅有外国人…
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲:黄风起兮 关于《黑神话:悟空》我们已经谈了两期节目了,但是最近有一件事不知道大家有没有关注:Tesla(特斯拉)和SpaceX(太空探索技术公司)的CEO马斯克(Elon Reeve Musk)在X也就是原来的Twitter(推特)上发布了一条关于黑神话的内容。 他发了一张AI-generated image(AI合成的图片),把自己的脸P到了游戏中的悟空身上,还配文说“impressive 3A game from China(来自中国的让人印象深刻的3A游戏)”。We have to say that the influence of this game has spread all over the world. 今天我们就来谈一谈Black Myth: Wukong这款游戏为什么不只是在中国,而是在全球都making waves(掀起了波澜)! 01. A Fresh Mythological World 全新的神话体系 你敢相信吗?黑神话还没正式发行就已经在多个地区登顶pre-sale charts(预售排行榜)了。这简直是不可思议!So, what makes this game so special? 首先就是《黑神话:悟空》给世界带来的全新的游戏世界观,或者说a fresh mythological world(一个全新的神话体系)。Actually, 3A games are typically dominated by major western and Japanese studios (3A游戏常年由西方和日本的一些大型工作室主导). As for China, the main focus of its gaming industry is often on mobile games (手机游戏). 其实在此之前,西方的一些3A games的世界观就来自它的神话体系。There are a lot of game canons out there that take cues in (汲取) their world-building (世界构建) from existing mythologies (现存的神话). Hades (《哈迪斯》), God Of War (《战神》), Valheim (《瓦尔海姆》), and Assassin's Creed (《刺客信条》) build around foundations that have existed for centuries. canon /ˈkænən/ 规则,标准 说到西方神话体系,就不得不提到:Egyptian Mythology(埃及神话)、Greek Mythology(希腊神话)和 Norse Mythology(北欧神话)了。These are classic Western myths. People are already familiar with these mythic systems, so it's very exciting when players are exposed to (接触到) a new kind of world-building. 有一个玩家是这么说的:对于3A游戏界而言,黑神话绝对是满满的异文化冲击,那是一种神秘、有历史感、高壁垒,又让人忍不住去探索的未知领域。It's a mysterious kind of culture shock (神奇的文化冲击). But let’s not ignore the fact that this game could be a bit hard to get into for those not familiar with Chinese culture (对那些不了解中国文化的人来说会有些困难). But it is normal that we always have to put in a lot of effort (花很多精力) when learning something new. Just as we have learned about Western culture before by looking up information (查阅信息), learning their language, etc. Now is perhaps the best time for the world to learn about China. It hasn’t stopped international players from wanting to dive deeper into (更深入地了解) the story and cultural background. For example, some players learn about the myth by reading Journey to the West and watching the Journey to the West TV series. Erin thinks it actually made the game more intriguing (有趣) since it is so different. 02. Hardcore Technology 硬核技术 接下来我们从technical aspects(技术方面)聊一聊这部游戏的影响力。 Game Science used a cutting-edge (尖端的) tool called Unreal Engine 5 (虚幻引擎5). 其实“虚幻5”是2020年才发布的一款软件,而在此之前《黑神话:悟空》已经启动了好几年了。所以它算是中途切换到了一个新的graphic engines(图形引擎),但是这一换可以说是让这个游戏的画面清晰度直接提了几个等级。 Unreal Engine 5 is the latest version of Unreal Engine (虚幻引擎的最新版本) developed by Epic Games. Nanite 虚拟几何体(virtual geometry)的出现意味着由billions of polygons(数以亿计的多边形)组成的影视级美术作品可以被直接导入虚幻引擎。这也就是为什么我们玩游戏能玩出影视大片的感觉了,每一帧都是高清壁纸。 From its humble beginnings using Unreal Engine 4 to upgrading (升级) to Unreal Engine 5, the shift is like going from 720p to 4K. 在这种极致的画面下所呈现出来的场景简直太美了! Actually, a lot of the buildings and sculptures (雕塑) in the game are scanned from (扫描自) real life China. The developers traveled around China, scanning actual historical sites (历史遗址) to create aesthetically stunning setting (美轮美奂的场景). No wonder it won the “Best Visual Effects” award (最佳视觉效果奖) at Gamescom 2023 (2023年科隆游戏展). It shows that Black Myth: Wukong is already being recognized on a global stage, not just as a game, but as a serious contender (竞争者) in the world of visual storytelling (视觉叙事). What’s really fascinating is how this technology allows players to experience real Chinese environments, from ancient temples (古寺庙) to mystical (神秘的) landscapes. It would be more reasonable and believable. 现实中存在的东西就是比凭空创造出来的要更加reasonable(合理)一些。 或许我们可以说,这是一种realism(现实主义)或者写实风格,它用一种只有cutting-edge technology(尖端技术)才能做到的方式把你拉到了这个世界中。The authenticity (真实性) adds to the storytelling, making it feel more grounded and relatable (更接地气、更贴近生活), especially for Chinese players. One comment said, “When I see the temples and hear the familiar conversations in the game, it feels like I’m home.” While there were many fantastic 3A games before Black Myth: Wukong, non-Western gamers don’t have that cultural resonance (文化共鸣). 尤其是游戏中的梗、笑点都是对不上的,特别是在本地化没有那么完善的时候。那么在这种情况下,黑神话的出现让众多中国玩家感觉像是回到了家一样。 That emotional connection (情感联系) is powerful, especially for a game based on such an iconic piece of literature (标志性的文学作品) like Journey to the West. Now in China, almost everyone has seen the Journey to the West TV series. And what’s funny is that it’s not just Chinese players feeling this; international gamers are diving deep into the lore (传说) and even learning about Chinese culture just to appreciate the game more. And a lot of people are starting to watch different versions (不同版本) of the Journey to the West TV series. If you are one of them, Flora recommends the one made in 1986. You may love the character of Wukong after watching it because it is played so well. 03. Global Gamer Reactions Here are a few comments we found: 一位中国玩家写到:作为一个《刺客信条》系列游戏的爱好者,每当我蹲在欧洲各个著名建筑顶端和历史神话人物对话交互的时候都在想,我们也有五千年历史文化,也有各种神话故事璀璨的文明,我们的建筑也很美,什么时候才能玩到我们自己的3A游戏,现在我们有了!相信《黑神话:悟空》只是起点! A foreign gamer commented, “This is like Assassin’s Creed but with Chinese mythology. The graphics (画面), the story—it’s unlike anything I’ve ever played (不同于以往我玩的任何游戏)!” Black Myth: Wukong is finally giving Chinese gamers a taste of their own mythology (让中国玩家体验到他们自己的神话) in a way that feels just as epic (如史诗一般). It represents a milestone for China’s video game industry (中国电子游戏的里程碑). Its success shatters the notion (打破了这种看法) that 3A titles are more likely to be money losers (做3A游戏是赔钱买卖). In addition, it is making the world more aware of China. 04. Expectations for China's Game Industry Black Myth: Wukong shouldn’t just be seen as a vehicle (工具) for exporting Chinese culture. The game’s primary goal (主要目标) is to be a fun, well-made game. Cultural export (文化输出) is a bonus (锦上添花), not the endgame (最终目的). 我们希望Game Science在“文化输出”“国风”这样的褒奖声中能够不忘初心,继续给世界呈现更多制作精良的内容和文化产品。 The “national style” or “cultural export” tags (标签) don’t automatically guarantee success (并不能自动保证成功). The quality of the game needs to speak for itself. If a product is genuinely good, it will naturally attract attention and spread globally. That’s why there’s a lot of responsibility on the developers to keep refining and improving (改进和完善) the game. “国风”“海外”这样的标签不但不会成为“免死金牌”,反而赋予了Game Science更大的责任。如履薄冰、努力深耕,才会给世界呈现出更多足够震撼的中国作品。 Black Myth: Wukong is not just a game, but a glimpse into the future of Chinese AAA development (未来中国3A游戏开发的一个缩影) and a gateway to Chinese culture for gamers around the world (全球玩家了解中国文化的窗口). We can’t wait to see where this journey goes. See you next time!
- 在青岛20年了,说说我的真实感受
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Hero 最近,青岛发生了一些事。 身为青岛市民,我们觉得好难过。It’s really heartbreaking to see these stories. 感觉青岛在叹息(the city is sighing). 青岛是一个非常美好的城市,而且,青岛还是一个非常值得的城市。Please don’t let this create any prejudice against Qingdao. 01 青岛的三件“人间值得” 来青岛前,要知道来青岛图什么(what you’re looking for in Qingdao)? There are three main things to visit in Qingdao: * the beautiful scenery 美景 有人说青岛就像济州岛的城市版,老上海的青春版。 青岛是一座山海小城,the roads wind up and down(道路起起伏伏),and the seaside setting gives it a very fairytale-like feel(沿路都是海景,让整个城市充满了童话梦幻感). 在青岛,其实不用去网红点看人从众,如果是为了美景的话,随便一条街走走就很漂亮。And as you walk around, you'll eventually come across the sea. 在青岛走着走着,就会碰到大海了。 我们有一个朋友,她是江苏人,前些年搬到青岛市南区定居,她每天上班前一定是去海边看海,海边有些人在晨起散步、运动;而且一年四季大海的颜色都是不一样的,她会每天认真地记录。这是一位很会在青岛生活的人。 我们还有一些青岛的朋友go hiking in Mount Laoshan or Mount Fushan every weekend(每个周末去爬崂山、浮山),到山顶看山海一色———这是在青岛应该体验的。 *the great food (especially seafood and beer) 海鲜和啤酒 来青岛的话,其他菜系就不要考虑了,当地特色就是海鲜,以及最正宗的青岛啤酒。(You should focus on trying the seafood and beer. Don't worry too much about other cuisines.)并且,尽量不要在景区吃海鲜(Try not to get seafood at tourist spots.) 其实青岛本地人有一种吃法,就是从市场买海鲜,去啤酒屋买点扎啤,顺便让店家把海鲜给加工了。在家吃就比较简单了:市场上买回来,回家自己一蒸,很简单就可以上桌了。It's straightforward, but fresh and delicious. *the opportunities it offers 机会 为什么定居青岛? 作为生活在青岛二十多年的外地人,翩翩说: 我当时在青岛读大学,because my major was English, and back then, there were a lot of native English speakers in Qingdao. 所以我当时真的觉得如鱼得水,英文很快练好了。 青岛这个城市has a really diverse culture(文化非常多元)。大学毕业之后我在自己的城市一直没有找到合适的工作,感觉跟周围的世界格格不入。最终还是回到了青岛,这边企业多,机会很多,而且毕竟是港口城市,得风气之先,自己很多年轻的不成熟的想法和创意,都被这个城市包容和接纳了。就像Selah说的:This city has welcomed me. 我当年两手空空而来,是青岛给了我机会,给了我工作、给了我朋友、爱人、给了我家,而且还给了我们“一席”,让理想成为现实。 我一直觉得,青岛是一个允许年轻人有梦想的城市。It’s a city of dreams. 大家还关注的一个问题:Do you think people in Qingdao are hostile towards outsiders?(你觉得青岛排外吗?) No, never. 我们从来没有感受到过。 作为一个从外地来青岛的outsider, 我所见过的青岛本地人,都非常地朴实、善良。反而很多青岛的老百姓会羡慕济南、北京、杭州等一些城市厚重的历史和人文积淀,因为that’s something you don't find in Qingdao(这是青岛没有的)。 总之,没有感受到丝毫的hostile, 就像Selah说的:Qingdao is home. 02 每一位市民,都代表着你的城市 作为青岛市民,有责任维护城市形象,it’s our responsibility to maintain and share Qingdao's positive image。 每一位市民都应当记得:you represent the city—you are Qingdao. 你,就是青岛。 翩翩说:这几天我这种觉悟很高。前天在一席书院,有一对杭州来的游客,路过一席,进来参观,我非常热情地邀请他们在书院免费喝茶,还给她们提供在青岛的旅行建议。她们临走时说:青岛的山海跟别处的不一样,非常地宏大开阔。 This is the impression Qingdao should leave on the world. 这才是青岛应该留给世界的印象。 希望你们留言跟大家分享:Have you ever been to Qingdao? What do you love most about the city? Any suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment and share with everyone! 同时,如果有青岛本地的粉丝,也希望你能留言与大家分享你生活中的青岛。
- 《黑神话:悟空》爆火引发热议:电子游戏是第九艺术还是精神鸦片?
主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Turnin' 今天,我们从电子游戏的角度谈一谈不同的人对《黑神话:悟空》等游戏的看法。 01. Impressive video games Some things you should know about Black Myth: Wukong is that it has many achievements, like being the first 3A game in China (中国的第一部3A游戏). 此外,关注游戏的朋友可能知道Gamescom(科隆游戏展)——世界上最大的游戏盛会。而Black Myth: Wukong正是在这个展会上获得了“Best Visuals(最佳视觉效果奖)”。 该展会呈现了the latest trailers (最新的预告片) and announcements (公告) from the international games industry,由Geoff Keighley(加拿大电子游戏记者、电视节目主持人)主持。 《黑神话:悟空》火了之后,当然不乏鲜花和掌声,但是其中也有一些不同的声音。 For some reason, there are stereotypes (刻板印象) about video games that they are only detrimental (有害的) to learning and life. Selah thinks this view is a bit one-sided (有点片面). People can sometimes get relaxed (放松) and relieve stress (缓解压力) with video games, and a good gaming experience can change your mood for the better (让心情变得更好). And a good video game is always something to look forward to, it may carry a lot of cultural information (承载很多文化信息). Assassin's Creed (《刺客信条》), a historical action-adventure (历史动作冒险类) video game series (系列电子游戏), depicts a fictional millennia-old struggle (虚构的千年斗争) between the Order of Assassins (刺客组织), who fight for peace and free will (自由意志), and the Knights Templar (圣殿骑士团), who desire peace through order and control. In most games, players control a historical Assassin while also playing as an Assassin Initiate (新成员). Many people are impressed by this game because players can crouch on top of (蹲在......顶端) various famous buildings in Europe, talk and interact with historical and mythological figures (历史和神话人物), see what those relics and monuments (文物古迹) looked like when they were just built. 02. Video games: the Ninth Art(第九艺术)? 有些人把电子游戏称作“the Ninth Art(第九艺术)”。 关于前八项艺术,其实也有不同的说法。比较常见的一种说法是:Architecture (建筑)、 Sculpture(雕塑)、 Music、Dance、Literature、 Film、Theatre(戏剧)。 但是把电子游戏称为“第九艺术”这个结论目前还有争议。While this is a rather controversial conclusion, it does reflect what people expect from video games. · controversial /ˌkɑ:ntrəˈvɜ:rʃ(ə)l/ adj. 有争议的 There's a reason people say that. Video games can often communicate their messages (传达信息) better than the movies they’re based on. 前八种艺术,不管是听还是看都是在appreciating the results of a work of art(欣赏一个艺术作品的结果)。 电子游戏的不同之处就在于它的interactivity(交互性)。In the game, people are no longer spectators (旁观者), but someone integrated into (融入) the whole game world, in which you can become whatever you want to be and can have a different story. 但是,要被列为“第九大艺术”确实不是一件容易的事情。Over all, the first eight are representative of their times (有时代的代表性) and are widely recognized (被广泛认可). 03. Prejudice against video games 对电子游戏的偏见 就像不是所有的书都能称得上是文学艺术,游戏也有优劣之分。There are some great games like Black Myth: Wukong, but we cannot deny there are some bad quality, illegal games (低质量、非法游戏). We must learn to distinguish between them (学会分辨). 不过有些人确实是对电子游戏是有偏见的。Some parents were like: I don’t care if it is a great video game or not. I don’t even need to know what a video game is. Once my kid started playing video games, I’m sure all his or her failures stemmed from it (所有的失败都来源它). In fact, it's normal to have difficulties at work and school, everyone experiences failures (每个人都会经历失败). But it's not a wise choice to blame it all on video games. The point is what games you play or how you organize your time outside of playing games (如何安排游戏外的时间). Flora remembers one of her teachers saying something that’s very interesting. She said:“ grades don't depend on when you're not studying, but when you're (你的成绩并不取决于你不学习的时候,而是学习的时候).” 04. A ban on the sale of game consoles 游戏机禁令 Why do some Chinese parents stereotype video games so deeply (对电子游戏有这么深的刻板印象)? This may have something to do with the following. In 2000, China issued a ban on the sale of game consoles (颁布了一项游戏机禁令). 从那以后,进口游戏市场一直处于灰色地带。无数玩家只能通过parallel imports(水货)、山寨以及piracy(盗版)等来体验喜欢的国外游戏和游戏主机。 This is bad for the entire gaming market. After the regular games and consoles are not allowed (正规的游戏和游戏机被禁止后), those illegal behaviors in the shadows will start (暗处的非法行为就会开始). 因为中国的游戏和游戏机需求始终存在。 因而,在相当一段时间,进口游戏机市场成为水货盗版横行的畸形生态圈。 So this has been an underground market for games, and there has not been much supervision (没有太多监管) and there was pirating with acquiring consoles. Because of this, they have been looked down upon (被......看不起) by the public. 就这样,乱象丛生的进口游戏机被人们扣上了disturbing social order (扰乱社会秩序),affecting student’s performance (影响学生学习) 的帽子。但最后这顶帽子却到了“所有的电子游戏”头上。而“spiritual opium(精神鸦片)”,“electronic heroin(电子海洛因)”这样的标签也让人们对“电子游戏”的误解越来越深。 Just like in China, the US stereotypes video games too. Many people either love them or hate them. 一些常见的片面观点有:1. 这对你的大脑有好处2. 这纯粹浪费时间、还会助长暴力的行为。 05. Balance is the key 取得平衡才是关键 Selah is not a huge fan or very interested in them. But she thinks if you use it wisely (明智地使用它) and not spend all your time on it, it could have some benefits. 还有,玩游戏的时候会感觉时间过得很快,所以在体验的同时我们也别忘了游戏外的精彩世界。 Overall, experiencing some good video games can be relaxing and a way to experience something different, but don’t get addicted to the games (不要沉迷). 其实不光是电子游戏,很多事情并不是非黑即白。如果你多做一些研究也许就会发现和自己以往认知完全不同的观点。 Selah also thinks it is important to think about the amount of time you are spending on it- too much of anything can be harmful (任何事情过度就会产生危害). So balance is the key (平衡是关键). 愿我们每个人都能在体验和享受美好时做好分辨、有所节制。并不是所有的电子游戏都能称为艺术,也莫要让电子游戏成为你精神的鸦片。
- 外网热议:你听过最好的婚恋建议
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Love Story Selah recently got engaged!!! Selah最近订婚啦!!! 今天,我们一起来盘点一下外网热议的话题:the best relationship advice we have ever gotten (你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议)。 1. 常感恩 (Show appreciation often.) Never take each other for granted. Show appreciation often. “我从来不会把对方的好当作理所当然,我会经常对我爱人表达感激、肯定与欣赏。” 2.吵架时,你俩也是一伙的。(You are a team) When you are resolving an issue, you and your partner are a team, not people fighting against each other. It is the two of you versus the problem itself. (吵架的时候你对抗的,不应该是你的另一半,而应该是你们俩一起对抗问题。) “对两个相爱的人来说,吵架除了破坏身体健康、耽误事儿、以及事后后悔之外,没有其他的用处,所以有不愉快的时候,尽量提醒彼此及时止损,互相配合着把问题解决掉,而不是把对方解决掉。It’s all about the issue. It’s not personal. 3. 让你人生充实的,不是伴侣。(It’s your own responsibility.) They can never make you ultimately happy and fulfill everything you need in life. (让你获得最终幸福,以及让你人生充实的不是你的伴侣。) 能做到这些的,有且只有你自己。It’s your own responsibility to have a happy and fulfilling life. They will make your life better, but they cannot guarantee your happiness. 好的伴侣会让你的生活更甜蜜,但不能为你的人生幸福做担保。 因为,幸福在自身之内,不在自身之外。True happiness cannot be found in another person。 4. 跟谁结婚?(Marry your best friend.) You should marry your best friend and someone you enjoy spending time with.(跟那个能成为你最好朋友的人结婚,跟那个你喜欢与其过日子的人结婚。) 无论对方多么地make you feel a certain way, “感觉”,都是靠不太住的。 Feelings change but friendship can help you stand the test of time. (感觉会变,但友谊经得住时间考验。) “我跟我爱人都认识十多年了,现在依然是每天聊不完的天,我们真的是对方最好的朋友。所以我觉得感情保鲜的秘诀里,一定有一条是友谊。” 5. 爱是一件又一件的小事 (little acts of love) 影视剧会给我们另一种misconception(误解),就是love is about big gestures(爱是惊天动地的大事),但是,many times, little acts of love mean more。 The New York Times《纽约时报》出过一个特刊,征集了100位读者说说how they show their affection day-in and day-out(日常怎么通过一些小的行为表达爱意)。题目叫做 ‘100 Small Acts of Love’ (一百件爱的小事)。 很多读者的回答琐碎而动人,比如: 每天晚上刷牙时会顺便在对方的牙刷上放上牙膏(put toothpaste on the other person’s toothbrush); 每次上车、下车时,互相亲吻对方一下(kiss each other every time they get in and out of the car)。 一位加州的女士说:21年了,我丈夫总是会把最后一口甜点留给我。(For more than 21 years, my husband has given me the last bite of his dessert, always.) 真的都是一些small acts, but strong relationships need this kind of regular care and attention。 6. 他/她不会读心术( They cannot read your mind.) If there is something bothering you, you should talk about it. 你的伴侣不会读心术(your partner cannot read your mind),所以心里话要及时说出来,要告诉对方,及时沟通。 不然,憋久了,you will feel bitter about everything(会看什么都怨气冲天)。 那我们今天关于“你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议”就盘点到这里,每段感情都会有起伏(every relationship has its ups and downs),但是只要多一些努力和理解,感情会越来越牢固美好。 也希望你们留言告诉大家: 你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议?
- 《黑神话:悟空》火爆全球,外国网友:悟空不是日本的?
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲:云宫迅音 今天距离《黑神话:悟空》正式发售已经有一周多了,但是它的热度依然不减。这期节目我们就聊一聊中国首个国产3A游戏大作——Black Myth: Wukong。 01. Introduction of the Game 游戏介绍 This is actually the first 3A game in China. 其实,3A游戏是类似于影视作品中的大片的概念。It’s a 3A title, which means it’s a super high-budget (高预算的) game with top-tier production values (有着顶级的制作价值). Some people say "3A" stands for (代表): a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of resources. 同时,它创下了中国single-player game(单机游戏)的新纪录。 ·tier /tɪr/ n. 一层 Also, it is particularly hot in the US (在美国也很火). Within an hour of its release (上线不到1小时), it topped the Steam charts (登上了Steam榜首) , 同时在线玩家当天晚些时候数量突破了150万。 Flora has found people discussing whether this is a Souls-like game (魂系游戏) or not on the internet. So what exactly is a souls-like game? 这种Souls-like games一般难度比较高,而且通常是in a dark fantasy setting(有暗黑、奇幻的背景设定)。Such as Dark Souls (《黑暗之魂》) and Elden Ring (《艾尔登法环》)。And it really tests your skills (非常考验你的操作). So is Black Myth: Wukong a Souls-like game or not?Some say yes, because of its tough combat (艰苦的战斗) and intricate gameplay (复杂的游戏玩法). But others argue it stands out with (以......而突出) its unique storytelling (独特的故事情节) and rich Chinese cultural elements (丰富的中国文化元素). ·combat /ˈkɑ:mbæt/ n. 战斗 ·intricate /ˈɪntrɪkət/ adj. 错综复杂的 ·stand out v. 突出 So there's a diversity of views (人们观点不一). 这样看的话,Souls-like game好像也没有一个fixed criteria(固定的标准)。Everyone has a different Souls-like game in mind. ·criteria /kraɪˈtɪriə/ n.(评判或做决定的)标准 Erin believes Game Science has really hit it out of the park (一鸣惊人) with this one. Flora and Erin both agree it’s a game that deserves the hype (这个游戏值得大肆宣传). 不过,在一片赞美声中也有一些声音表示困惑。 ·hit it out of the park 大获成功 ·hype /haɪp/ n. 大肆的宣传广告 Erin asked: “Did you know that some people are mixing up (混淆) China’s legendary Sun Wukong (中国神话中的孙悟空) with Japan’s Goku from Dragon Ball (日本《七龙珠》中的Goku)?” Flora answered : “They are definitely not the same.” 只不过悟空是七龙珠中Goku的原型。 ·legendary /ˈledʒənderi/ adj. 传说(中)的 孙悟空是中国经典小说Journey to the West(《西游记》)的中心人物,也是中国真正的cultural icon(文化偶像)。Meanwhile, Goku, or “Son Goku,” is a Japanese character created by Akira Toriyama (鸟山明——日本漫画家). 其灵感来自孙悟空,但故事情节和背景都截然不同。 孙悟空来自于Chinese mythology(中国神话),而七龙珠中的Goku是诞生于modern Japanese pop culture(日本的流行文化)。We need to know that. People may have been more familiar with Goku before (人们可能之前对Goku更加熟悉). But Black Myth: Wukong is reintroducing the world (向世界重新介绍) to the original Chinese Wukong and making waves (掀起波澜) in the correct format (以一种正确的形式). 02. Global Reception of Black Myth: Wukong《黑神话:悟空》的全球反响 There was a lot of discussion about this game, especially when the game started to be released (尤其是当游戏正式发售时). 因为自Game Science(游戏科学——《黑神话:悟空》的开发商)发布第一个live demo video(实机演示视频)后,到如今已经整整过了四年,有些玩家也等了整整四年。 As many of us know, Erin plays a lot of video games in her free time. She has seen many of her favorite gaming streamers in the West (西方的游戏博主) be blown away (被震惊) by the stunning visuals (让人惊叹的视觉效果) and the deep dive into Chinese mythology (对中国神话的深入挖掘). ·stunning /ˈstʌnɪŋ/ adj. 令人震惊的 有些人甚至承认,他们必须重温《西游记》,才能充分理解故事。Many overseas gamers (海外玩家) are already reading Journey to the West. 有英文版、西班牙语版、双语版等等,就跟我们当时看英文原著的时候一样。 Flora is really happy and proud (感到高兴和自豪) to see that people from all over the world are interested in Journey to the West (世界各地的人对《西游记》感兴趣) and the cultural background behind it (其背后的文化背景). It’s not every day that a game prompts (促使) people to learn about another culture. 让世界各地的人能以一种极具吸引力的方式了解一种文化,这种机会真的非常宝贵。Erin also felt so happy to see so many people appreciate her culture. So we all know it gave the world an insight into Chinese culture (它让世界了解了中国文化). 那么,作为游戏玩家的Erin,是怎么从graphics(画面),design(设计),visual effects(视觉效果)这些方面评价这款游戏的呢? Erin认为the graphics are top-notch(一流的)。The design and visual effects (设计和视觉效果) are groundbreaking (有开创性的), especially when you consider how they’ve captured the essence of Chinese mythology (抓住中国神话的精髓) in such a detailed and immersive way (以一种细节且让人身临其境的方式). ·immersive /ɪˈmɜ:rsɪv/ adj. 沉浸式虚拟现实的 下面,我们来看一下一些游戏评论网站是怎么评价的? IGN给出的评分是8分(满分10分)。MC(Metacritic),给出了84分(满分100分)。原因是一些海外玩家觉得这个西游记的故事比较obscure(难懂)。 ·obscure /əbˈskjʊr/ adj. 难以说清楚的 As a game player, Erin would say those scores are a little bit low (那些分数有点低). She thinks Black Myth: Wukong deserves high marks (值得更高的分数), especially if you appreciate the cultural depth it brings (欣赏它带来的文化深度). Flora doesn't think there's anything wrong with that because not everyone is knowledgeable about different cultures (因为不是每个人都了解不同的文化). But Erin is different. She watched the TV series-Journey to the West since she lived in China for many years. 作为一个了解背景故事的海外游戏玩家,如果要Erin评价这款游戏,她会怎么打分呢?Personally (个人来说), she would give it a 9 out of 10, particularly because of its unique approach to storytelling (因为它独特的讲故事的方式). What’s the missing point for? Erin said that she hasn’t finished the game yet. She wants to save a point (保留一分) to see if the game will hold up as she progress further (看她继续玩下去这个游戏是否还是能符合她的预期)! 其实, 除了我们刚才说的故事背景难懂,有些平台criticized the game for its “lack of diversity,” (批评这个游戏缺乏“多样性”),说这个游戏缺少female characters(女性角色)。 Erin thinks those criticisms (批评) reflect a broader conversation (更广泛的讨论) about representation in games (关于游戏中的代表性). However, we should also consider the cultural and historical context (文化和历史背景) of the story Black Myth: Wukong is telling. While it’s important to strive for diversity (争取多样性), it’s also crucial to respect the source material (尊重原始资料). 尊重原著也是非常重要的。 We can’t judge every game by the same standard without understanding its cultural roots (不了解它的文化根源). 用某一个人或群体所认为的统一的标准去衡量所有的事物恐怕才是真正的“lack of diversity”(缺乏多样性)。 If we look at the game through the lens of Chinese mythology and the era it represents (从中国神话和它所代表的时代的角度来看这个游戏), it makes more sense (它会更有意义). 如何平衡representation(代表性)和cultural authenticity(文化真实性)之间的关系,也许是游戏产业所面临的一大问题和挑战。 ·lens n. 镜片 但是不管怎么说,《黑神话:悟空》这款游戏不管从制作还是文化传播方面都非常成功。Black Myth: Wukong is more than just a game (不仅仅是一个游戏)—it’s a cultural phenomenon (文化现象). It’s introducing millions of people to Chinese mythology and sparking global interest (激发全球的兴趣) in Journey to the West. ·phenomenon /fəˈnɑ:mɪnən/ n. 现象 That’s why everyone is so excited about this game, it is a breakthrough (突破) for the creation of games in China (中国的游戏制作), as well as a beautiful and fun game. Erin thinks this game will inspire many games (激发许多游戏的灵感) in the future as well, so she is really excited to see those as well. 我们相信《黑神话:悟空》只是中国3A游戏大作的开始,而《西游记》也正是世界了解中国文化的一个新的方式。
- 都是纪念逝者,咱们的中元节与墨西哥的亡灵节有什么不同?
主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Stray Nights 今日,中元。中元节又叫“鬼节”。其实除了中元节之外,万圣节、亡灵节也被称为“鬼节”。今天我们就来聊一聊不同的“鬼节”分别体现了什么样的“生死观”。 On Chinese Zhong Yuan Festival (中元节), we usually float river lanterns (放河灯) to honor our ancestors (祭祖). It’s also known as the "Ghost Festival (鬼节)." · ghost /ɡoʊst/ n. 鬼,幽灵 其实很多国家也都有“鬼节”,像Halloween (万圣节), Day of the Dead (亡灵节)等。关于万圣节的传统,相信大家都比较熟悉,比如:雕刻南瓜灯(carving pumpkins)、不给糖就捣蛋(trick or treating)。今天我们重点聊一聊亡灵节(Day of the Dead)。 01 Day of the Dead 亡灵节在墨西哥是一个非常重大的节日。People celebrate the Day of the Dead with songs and dances (载歌载舞) while honoring their ancestors(纪念他们的祖先). 在这一天,他们带着鲜花和美食gather at cemeteries(聚集在墓地),awaken the spirits of the departed(唤醒逝者的灵魂),offer flower petals(献上花瓣),guide their ancestors home(引导他们的祖先回家)。 单就载歌载舞这一点来讲,this is nothing like the Chinese Ghost Festival (这和中国的鬼节一点也不一样)。 02 Zhong Yuan Festival 在中元节这天,有些地方的人们会bring out the ancestral tablets(拿出祖宗的排位),respectfully place them on a special offering table(恭敬地把它们放在贡品桌上),light incense(点上香),并且offer tea and food for the ancestors to enjoy(供茶和食物供祖先享用)。然后,他们为祖先磕头(kowtow)、烧纸钱(burn paper money)。 · tablet n. 匾 但是现在烧纸钱的人越来越少了。Because it's bad for the environment, easy to start fires (容易引起火灾), etc. 而且,现在也提倡文明祭祀。 So anyways, we are in a very reverent state of mind (怀着一颗敬畏的心) when it comes to rituals (谈到仪式)。现场的气氛也非常庄严肃穆(solemn)。 · reverent /ˈrevərənt/ adj. 恭敬的 · solemn /ˈsɑ:ləm/ adj.(仪式)庄严的,隆重的 03 同样是缅怀先人,但表现大不同。生死观有差异! 今天我们来谈一下不同的生死观(Different Views of Life and Death)。 其实我们很少谈论“死亡”这个话题,甚至可以说是非常避讳。 (1)我们的生死观第一个特点就是:回避死亡相关的话题,注重当下的生活。 Selah believes it's quite nice to focus on the present (专注于当下挺好的), but it may not be sensible to avoid talking about death (避免谈论死亡可能是不明智的). 因为我们迟早要面对它(sooner or later we have to face it)。 That's probably why people who have a vague concept of death (对死亡概念模糊) may go to extremes (可能会走向极端) after encountering some difficulties (遇到一些困难之后). · vague /veɪɡ/ adj. 不明确的 (2)第二个特点就是:追求生命的价值(it seeks the value of life),尤其是社会价值(especially the social value)而不是它本身存在的自然价值(rather than the natural value of its own existence)。 所以我们才会有“杀生成仁”“舍身取义”这样的成语,也会有“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛(Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather)”的名句。 这实际上和我们的文化传统有关(This is actually related to our cultural tradition)。 儒家文化强调:我们要在社会价值中实现生命的意义(it is in the pursuit of social values that human natural life has a meaning of existence)。That may be the reason why we value the collective interest over the individual (重视集体利益高于个人利益). 当个人利益与他们所在集体的正当利益发生冲突时,we are encouraged to defend the latter first(我们被鼓励首先维护后者)。 (3)Our view of life and death把死亡视为一个精神的升华 (sees death as a process of spiritual ascension). · ascension /əˈsenʃn/ n. 上升 In our culture, sacrifice for a just cause (为正义事业而牺牲) is seen as an elevation of the sacrificer’s character (被视为牺牲者人格的升华), and it perpetuates the spirit (它使精神永存). 所以对于那些为伟大事业,比如保家卫国而牺牲的人,我们会用“英勇就义”“英勇牺牲”这样的词。 · cause n. 事业 · perpetuate /pərˈpetʃueɪt/ v. 使持续 墨西哥的亡灵节背后透露着什么样的生死观呢? 首先,亡灵节其实是以印第安文明(Indian cultures)为主导,结合西班牙文明(Hispanic cultures)的产物。当时,印第安人认为只有treating the dead well(善待亡灵)and letting them go home happily(让他们高高兴兴地回家),他们才会be blessed by the dead(被这些亡灵保护)。 所以说墨西哥的亡灵节可以说是“亡者在棺,生者狂欢”,而我们却是通过感怀死亡从而更加珍视生命。 还有一部非常典型的墨西哥亡灵节电影——《寻梦环游记》(Coco)。It tells the story of a dead father who wants to be reunited with his living daughter on the Day of the Dead (一个死去的父亲想在亡灵节与活着的女儿团聚). At first, he had hoped his daughter would die quickly so they could actually meet. 但后来意识到如果他女儿死了,在现实世界中没有人会记得他了(no one would remember him in the real world)。 所以看来他非常在意是否被人记得。It may also reflect the Mexican view of life and death (反映墨西哥人的生死观). 墨西哥著名作家奥克塔维奥·帕斯(Octavio Pasco)曾说过:“We think that death is only the beginning of a new way of life (我们认为死亡只是一种新的生活方式的起点).”They think the real death is to be forgotten (被遗忘才是真正的死亡). 看到这里,你对这两种生死观的理解有没有更加深入呢?其实现在有很多人对“死亡”这个话题是谈之色变的,这就显现出死亡教育的必要性了。 04 死亡教育——如何理智看待生命的终点,感恩生命的珍贵 目前,死亡教育的开展任重道远。那么现在美国的死亡教育普及得怎么样呢? 主播Selah提到:死亡教育在美国越来越受到关注,尤其是在学术和医疗保健环境中(academic and healthcare settings),但它尚未广泛融入mainstream education(主流教育)。 Are there any related courses offered in schools in the US (美国的学校有相关的课程吗)? 死亡教育在美国中小学仍然很少见,大多数学生都是通过 literature(文学),history(历史),or religion(宗教)classes来了解的。 其实,死亡是人生一个不可避免的课题。也许对它的认知加深之后,我们会更加珍视自己的生命,从而实现人生价值的升华。
- 巴黎奥运会:摆脱畸形饭圈绑架!维持健康体育生态
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲:Monster 巴黎奥运会期间,“饭圈文化”引发了人们的热议,今天,我们就来聊聊由奥运会引发的饭圈文化讨论。 01 何为“饭圈文化”? “饭圈文化”(Fandom culture)的“饭”是英文单词fan(粉丝)的音译,所谓的“饭圈”就是一些特定的人群,他们devote themselves to supporting their favorite stars(全身心地支持他们最喜欢的明星),这些明星可能是athletes(运动员),singers(歌手)或者是actors(演员)。 Fandom culture很容易lead to intense rivalries(引发激烈的争议或对抗)以及significant social media influence(产生巨大的社交媒体影响力)。因为当粉丝们对明星的devotion(忠诚)turns into blind loyalty(变得盲目忠诚时),they will see anyone who stands in their idol’s way as an enemy(他们会把任何妨碍他们偶像的人当作敌人),这样的话会lead to hostility(引起敌意) rather than healthy competition(而不是健康的竞争)。 02 “饭圈文化”为何引起热议? 北京时间8月3日,我们的乒乓球运动员Chen Meng defeated her teammate Sun Yingsha in the women's singles final at the Paris Olympics(陈梦战胜了队友孙颖莎,在乒乓球女单决赛中成功卫冕冠军)。 然而,陈梦等来的却是铺天盖地负面的评价。During the match, many fans were booing when Chen lost points. 当陈梦失分的时候,很多人在喝倒彩。 boo /bu:/ v. 喝倒彩 Why don't they support Chen Meng? 为什么这些人不支持陈梦呢?AFP(法新社)的记者都一脸懵。原来,看台大部分的中国观众were fans of Sun(是孙颖莎的粉丝)。 按常理来讲,两名运动员都是中国队的,她们应该celebrate both of their incredible achievements(两者之中无论谁获胜都应该为她们祝贺)。 但因为这些粉丝are into Sun Yingsha(喜欢孙颖莎),they only see it as a win or lose situation for their favorite(他们只关注自己偶像的输赢)。所以当陈梦夺冠的时候,台下一片沉默。更让人意想不到的是,some supporters of Sun even posted aggressive comments on social media(一些孙颖莎的支持者在社交平台上甚至还发了一些过激的言论)。 Don’t put down others just to support someone you like. 不要仅仅为了支持你喜欢的人而把别人放在一边。 Some platforms have removed many of the inappropriate comments. 一些平台已经删除了许多不恰当的评论,有人甚至被criminally detained(刑事拘留)了。 detain /dɪˈteɪn/ v. 拘留 Cyber violence(网络暴力)的危害不容小觑,it can cause real harm to a person’ s mental health(它会对一个人的心理健康造成真正的伤害),can even lead to physical harm(甚至还会影响到一个人的身体健康)。希望大家都能speak kindly on the Internet,我们共同努力来maintain a good online environment(维护一个良好的网络环境)。 03 还有哪些运动员受了“饭圈文化”的影响? 其实不只是陈梦,樊振东和王楚钦这两位top Chinese table tennis players(中国顶级乒乓球运动员)have also been targets of this toxic fandom culture(也是深受“饭圈文化”的影响)。 比如说樊振东,因为粉丝leaked his personal information(泄露了他的个人信息),he had to retreat from social media(他不得不退出社交媒体)。这些粉丝甚至went after his family。Involving their family(把他们的家人卷入进来) and exposing private information (暴露他们的私人信息) is even worse, and definitely illegal(非法的)! 王楚钦也有这样的disturbing experience(让人不安的经历)。有粉丝会follow him(跟踪他)然后snap photos and sell them(拍照并出售)。他曾在深夜发文说:希望大家能respect each other's privacy(尊重彼此的隐私),keep our distance(保持距离),给他一些喘息的空间。 At its core, sports are about fair play, respect, and the joy of competition. 体育精神的核心是:公平竞争,彼此尊重,并享受竞赛的乐趣。当这些价值被破坏之后,体育精神本身也就变味了。 04 美国也有类似的“饭圈文化”吗? 在美国,他们非常强调individualism(个人主义),这就有时候会lead to extreme behavior from fans(导致一些极端行为) who see their favorite athletes as heroes who must always win(认为自己喜欢的运动员是战无不胜的英雄)。 Losing games is normal in competitive sports. 在竞技体育中,输掉比赛本就是非常正常的事情。Losing and winning are two sides of the same coin. 输赢本就是一个硬币的两面。We cheer for the winners and applaud the losers who struggle on. 我们为赢家欢呼,但只要是敢于拼搏,即使失败也值得我们的掌声。 运动员们都非常努力,applauding them for their effort and encouraging them to keep working hard(肯定他们的努力,并鼓励他们继续加油)至少是我们都能做到的。 05 怎么才能减少“饭圈文化”对竞技体育的负面影响呢? 首先,无论是对于运动员还是粉丝们,要接受winning and losing are both part of the game(输赢都是比赛的一部分),我们应该celebrate the effort and determination of all athletes(为所有运动员的努力和决心喝彩),而不只是为那些who come out on top(取得优异成绩的运动员而欢呼)。 要知道,competitive sports aren't just about winning games(竞技体育不仅仅是关于赢得比赛),更重要的要有sportsmanship(体育精神)的存在。 我们需要回归到the true Olympic values(真正的奥林匹克价值观)——understanding,friendship和fair play(公平竞争)。这创造了一个积极的环境,运动员可以focus on what they do best(专注于他们做得最好的事情)。 Whether you're cheering from the stands (站台) or watching from your couch (沙发), the way you support athletes and create a positive vibe (氛围) really makes a difference. You're helping to keep that Olympic spirit alive and strong (你正在帮助保持奥林匹克精神活跃和强大)! 作为看台或屏幕前的一名观众,也许你追星时的理性、营造的良好比赛环境也是在助推实践伟大的奥林匹克精神。
- 你真的了解“松弛感”吗?中西双视角带你远离虚假的“松弛感”
主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:How to Be Alone 01. 什么是“松弛感”? Selah has often seen the Chinese phrase "松弛感" on the Internet. What is it? 其实,松弛感我们可以说 “a sense of relaxation (一种放松的感觉)” 或者 “a chill vibe (一种松弛的氛围)”。 Basically, on Weibo, a lot of people are posting pictures with the phrase "sense of relaxation" on them (发布配文有“松弛感”的照片). 最近关于the Paris Olympics(巴黎奥运会)的新闻也有一些带有“松弛感 (a chill vibe)” 的文案。 Actually, a lot of people are looking for a sense of relaxation (寻找一种松弛感) these days. "Chill vibe" does sound like something you would want to be and feel, but it's sometimes counterproductive to strive for it intentionally (刻意争取有时会适得其反). 越想抓紧反而越得不到,“松弛感”就是这么一种神奇的感觉。 • counterproductive adj. 事与愿违的 • intentionally /ɪnˈtenʃənəli/ adv. 故意地 真正的松弛感意味着:我们会更加注重inner peace(内心的平静)and fulfillment(满足),不再过度追求material satisfaction(物质满足)and external evaluation(外部评价),而是更加注重self-growth(自我成长)and enrichment of the inner world(内心世界的丰富)。 02. 为什么会追求“松弛感”? It is actually related to (和......有关) the fast-paced life nowadays (当今快节奏的生活) . 它满足了年轻人stress relief(缓解压力)的intrinsic craving(内在渴望)。 • intrinsic /ɪnˈtrɪnzɪk/ adj. 内在的 The older generation, who have worked hard all their lives until they die, do not have such thoughts (一辈子操劳的老一辈,是没有这种念想的). Selah has also heard that Chinese people work very hard (中国人工作非常努力)。But at the same time there is a lot of pressure from all around them, society, their families, and their own selves (他们也面临着来自周围、社会、家庭和自己的巨大压力). So she can understand how young people think (她能理解年轻人的想法), they feel like "at least I can live differently (至少我能换个活法)". 英国作家毛姆(William Somerset Maugham)在他的《在中国屏风上》(On a Chinese Screen)中就写到“To be harassed by the wear and tear of life, and to pass rapidly (被生活损耗、折磨,然后迅速走完生命历程), through it without the possibility of arresting one's course,-is not this pitiful indeed (根本得不到休息——这不是很可怜吗)? ” • harass /həˈræs/ v. 骚扰 • wear and tear of life 生活的磨损:指日常生活中的压力、疲劳和损耗,对身体和心理造成的影响。 • arrest v. 抑制 “To labor without ceasing (苦苦地干,没完没了), and then, without living to enjoy the fruit (然后还没活到享受劳动果实的日子), worn out, to depart, suddenly (就疲惫地突然逝去), one knows not whither, -is not that a just cause for grief (也不知道会落个什么归宿——这难道不令人悲哀吗)?” • cease v. 终止,结束 • whither adv. 到哪里,去哪儿 • grief /ɡri:f/ n. 悲伤,悲痛 What is the point of it all (这一切有什么意义) if you are not enjoying the journey? He is saying that is a cause for grief (这是悲伤的原因). 03. 过度追求“松弛感”会怎样? It is indeed sad to be overworked and not thinking. But you can't get a sense of relaxation by deliberately pursuing it (但你不能通过刻意追求来获得放松感). • overwork v. 使过度劳累 • deliberately /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ adv. 故意地 It's the same as sleeping (这个其实跟睡觉是一样的). The insomniac who keeps thinking (失眠的人一直想) , "I have to fall asleep, I have to fall asleep," will probably have insomnia that night (那天晚上可能会失眠). • insomniac /ɪnˈsɑ:mniæk/ n. 失眠症患者 When the chill vibe becomes a cultural symbol (成为一种文化象征), there are bound to be people who follow suit (一定会有人跟风) because it looks cool. 然而,真正的放松是模仿不来的,甚至是学不来的。 • follow suit 效仿 Because it requires the inner self-sufficiency (需要内在的自给自足) and peace (平和) that comes with maturity and time (伴随成熟和时间而来的). • maturity /məˈtʃʊrəti/ n. 成熟 The real sense of relaxation is never a photo on social media, but your true feelings (真正的松弛感从来不是社交媒体上的一张照片,而是你的真实感受). 04. 中国古人的松弛感 (1)战国时期,庄子主张在天地间“逍遥游”,达到无己、无功、无名的境界。The most highly cultivated person (最有修养的人) can let nature take its course (顺其自然), forget himself (无己), and has no intention of seeking merit (无心求功), and the saint with moral learning has no intention of seeking fame (有道德学问的圣人无心求名). • saint n. 圣人 It is kind of the saying “go with the flow (随遇而安)” instead of trying so hard to make something happen for you. 其实就是比较“佛系”。 (2)要说“佛系”,魏晋时期的“竹林七贤”绝对算得上我们现在说的“佛系青年(Buddha-like youngsters)”。 他们在竹林间(live in the bamboo forest),不闻外事,不问朝纲,只求开怀畅饮、放歌长啸、抚琴赋诗、谈玄论道,过潇洒惬意的生活(live a dashing and cozy life)。 Actually, similar ideas have been around for a long time in the West as well (类似的想法在西方也已经存在很长时间了). 05. 西方“廷臣”的松弛感 西方的西塞罗(Cicero)(公元前106-43年)曾主张“deliberate negligence(有意的疏忽)”,意思是在演讲时故意隐藏修辞和技巧。 Cicero was actually a famous orator in ancient Rome (西塞罗实际上是一位著名的演说家). 他善于雄辩。别的演讲者都是唯恐自己的言辞不够犀利、不能直击对方观点的要害,但他却提倡“deliberate negligence”。That's interesting. These Western concepts developed in the Middle Ages (这些西方观念发展到中世纪), and a phenomenally popular work appeared (一部现象级传播的作品出现) - "The Courtier (《廷臣》)". This is a great work that swept the whole of Europe (这是一部席卷整个欧洲的伟大作品) during the Italian Renaissance (在意大利文艺复兴时期). • phenomenally /fəˈnɑ:mɪnəli/ adv. 现象上地 In the discussion of "grace (优雅)" and "sprezzatura", The Courtier pointed out that courtiers (廷臣) must "show appropriate calmness in all their actions (在行动中表现出适当的冷静) so that their words and deeds (言语和行为) seem to have been effortless and thoughtless (毫不费力、不假思索的)." • sprezzatura /sprettsaˈtu:ra/ n. 不羁,潇洒(意大利词汇,用于描述一种轻松、不费力地表现出优雅和自信的态度) 在这本书中,一位廷臣要appear natural and unforced (表现出自然、不被强迫). Maybe that's what a chill vibe looks like. 这本书还谈到the qualities of a perfect courtier(作为一个完美廷臣的品质),不仅要精通arms(武器)还要精通letters(文字),简单来说就是能文能武,而且还要体现sprezzatura。 Basically it means "not caring (不关心)" but here it also contains the meaning of "calmness and confidence (冷静、自信)" and quick action (行动迅速). It reminded Flora of a Chinese fable (中国寓言故事). 有一个卖油翁,把一枚铜钱盖在葫芦口上,让油穿过钱孔倒进葫芦,而钱却没有湿。有人问他说:为什么手那么稳呢?他回答说:“无他,惟手熟尔(也没什么啦,不过是手法熟练罢了)。” 06. 如何拥有真正的“松弛感”? (1)Practice makes perfect (熟能生巧) Flora thinks instead of mimicking someone else's chill vibe (与其模仿别人的松弛感), she'd rather learn how they practice to achieve proficiency (她更愿意学习他们如何练习达到熟能生巧). She believes there's a lot of things that give us a chill vibe when we've done them a lot (有很多事做多了之后就会有松弛感). • mimic /ˈmɪmɪk/ v. 模仿(人的言行举止) • proficiency /prəˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi/ n. 熟练,精通 (2)Be present in the present moment (活在当下) Selah thinks we should be present in the present moment and focus on the matter itself (关注事情本身). 其实过去的已经过去,未来的还未到来,我们关注能把握的当下就好了。 We cannot always be thinking ahead (提前思考) or be thinking about the next best thing. Developing an "Experiencer's Mindset (体验者的思维)" will allow you to enjoy the process (会让你享受这个过程). Flora believes life is like a game. Getting a good game experience is what matters (获得良好的游戏体验才是最重要的). (3)“Accept everything (接受一切)” Life is just about taking things as they come (随遇而安) and taking things in strides (大步向前). 允许一切发生,就像孔子在《论语》中说的:既来之,则安之。 Besides, it is important to understand yourself and accept yourself (了解和接受自己很重要). Understand what matters to you (知道你觉得重要的事), what you care about (你关心的事), what you want to spend your time doing (你想花时间做的事), and how you want to go about life (你想怎样生活). 我们如何体验生活是一种选择(How we experience life is a choice)。 认识和接受自己是爱自己的开始(Knowing and accepting yourself is the beginning of loving yourself)。Only then will we know what kind of life we want to live (只有这样,我们才会知道我们想要过什么样的生活). 那时,你不追寻松弛感(when you don't seek the chill vibe),松弛感也会随之而来(the chill vibe will follow)。 请留言告诉我们: 你是怎么看待“松弛感”的呢?
- 中西戏剧对比 | 法国奥运会开幕式上的“酒神”来头不小!
主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Helpless 今年奥运会开幕式(the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony)的很多创意都来源于一些French plays(法国戏剧)。今天,我们来聊一聊中西方戏剧的对比。 01 历史起源和剧种分类 法国是an important source of plays(戏剧的重要来源)。法国戏剧起源于medieval religious dramas(中世纪的宗教戏剧),这是一种有关宗教题材的戏剧。如mystery plays(神秘剧),它演绎的是选自《圣经》的一段神秘的故事,miracle plays(奇迹剧),一般是关于某个圣徒的奇迹,还有morality plays(道德剧),目的是教给人们某个重要的品德。 · morality /məˈræləti/ n. 道德,品行 They often performed in churches or public spaces (经常在教堂或公共场所上演). The French Renaissance (法国文艺复兴) brought a revival of classical themes and structures (带来了古典主题和结构的复兴), influenced by Greek and Roman models (受希腊和罗马模式的影响). 古希腊戏剧(Greek theater)起源于公元前6世纪的Athens(雅典),是世界最古老的戏剧之一。它最早是在religious festivals(宗教节日)上表演的,为的是献给Dionysus (狄俄尼索斯)——古希腊的酒神,也是古希腊戏剧之神。 · theater n. 戏剧 古希腊戏剧主要分为两种类型:tragedy(悲剧),一般是关于human suffering(人类经历的痛苦);comedy(喜剧),经常非常讽刺(satirical)。 其实中国的戏剧也属于世界古老戏剧之一,据说最早也是一种民间的歌舞仪式,一般以祈福、求神、祭祀等等为主题,和古希腊戏剧有相似之处。 中国的京剧(Peking Opera)主要有文戏和武戏两种类型。 武戏一般是打斗的主题(martial subjects),有关war(战争), rebellion and intrigue(叛乱和阴谋),注重演员的martial arts(武术)功底和身体动作的表演。 · martial /ˈmɑ:rʃ(ə)l/ adj. 尚武的 文戏一般主题是和social life(社会生活)有关,通过dialogue(对白)和lyrics(唱词)来讲一段故事,传达角色情感。 02 表演风格差异 中西戏剧在performing style(表演风格)上有比较大的差异。 西方歌剧在表演过程中focus on(注重)powerful singing(强有力的演唱)和emotional expression(情感表达),表演是self-explanatory(不言自明的),fluid(流畅的),以及life-like(写实的)。这些也和西方其他的艺术作品风格一脉相承。 · explanatory /ɪkˈsplænətɔ:ri/ adj. 解释的,说明的 比如舞台上的props(道具)都是identical to the object in real life(模仿现实中真实的物品),还有很多舞台效果都很写实,比如fake blood(假血), fake knives(仿真刀),或者sound effects(音效)等等。 · identical adj. 完全相同的 相比于西方戏剧,中国的传统戏剧更加的symbolic(写意)。For example, many movements(许多人物的动作)are just imitating actions (模仿真实情景), like riding a horse, or entering a room. · symbolic adj. 用作象征的,被认为是象征的 It’s not so straightforward (它并不是很直接). It is symbolic where the audience infers what is happening in that moment (观众推断在那一刻在发生着什么). · infer v. 推断,推论 舞台上的道具are also not exactly life-like(也不是那么写实)。有些剧里的道具只有一张桌子,当演员坐在旁边的时候它是桌子,当演员站在上面张望的时候它又变成了城楼。 03 中西方戏剧的人物角色划分 The roles in traditional Chinese operas(中国的传统戏剧) are fixed(是固定的)。 京剧的角色有四大行当:生旦净丑。 Sheng(生), which refers to male roles(男性角色),and Dan(旦), the female roles(女性角色)。 除了the main male and female characters,还有Jing(净),who play with their face painted(花脸),他们扮演的是一些比较严肃的角色,比如warriors(士兵), heroes(英雄)还有statesmen(政治家)。 Chou(丑), which is the clown(小丑), also has a painted face, with a patch of white paint around his eyes and nose(一般在眼睛和鼻子的这个位置会涂上一块白色),用来营造comic effect(喜剧效果)。 京剧中,各类角色根据剧中人物的身份、气质与性格的不同,都有固定的脸谱、扮相和服饰。Using body and face makeup or paint is a great way to show which characters they are! 在西方的戏剧中,会有protagonists(主人公),他们是整部戏剧的核心,drive the plot(推动着情节的发展),他们也经常face challenges or a tragic fate(面对挑战或者悲惨的命运)。 · protagonist /prəˈtæɡənɪst/ n. 主人公 主角的对立方就是antagonist,一般就是the character opposing the protagonist(剧里面的反派)。 · antagonist /ænˈtæɡənɪst/ n. 对手;敌人 西方戏剧里还有一类演员是the chorus,一个小的歌队或者合唱团,起的是类似于旁白的作用,他们会comment on the action(对情节做一些评论),provide background information(补充背景信息)。 · chorus /ˈkɔ:rəs/ n. 合唱团 除了这些角色之外,还会有heroes(男性英雄角色),heroine(女性英雄角色),comic heroes(喜剧角色),villains(恶霸角色),lovers(情人)等等。 · villain /ˈvɪlən/ n. 恶棍 西方戏剧中角色的分类不像京剧里这么固定,一般会根据他们的voice pitch(声调)和voice range(音域)来定。 · pitch n. 音高 04 中西方看剧的习惯 The audience is also an important part of a play(观众也是戏剧很重要的一环). 一个好的喜剧是completed by the performers and the audience(由演员和观众共同完成)。 audience /ˈɑːdiəns/ n. 观众 中国的传统戏曲通常是performed in the open air(在露天演出),所以technically(严格说来)它不像是在一个closed theater(封闭式剧院)。 有一个 rising trend nowadays(当下的趋势),就是这些戏剧正在moving into the theaters(搬到剧院里),而且there has been a resurgent interest among the young people(年轻人也重新拾起了对传统戏剧的兴趣)。 resurgent /rɪˈsɜ:rdʒənt/ adj. 复兴的;再度流行的 在西方,去剧院看戏剧也变得less common than it used to be(比之前更少见), 而且比较昂贵,但依然是valued in western culture(在西方文化中受到重视的)。 现在有了电视和streaming(流媒体),戏剧也can be watched online(可以在网上观看)。更丰富的选择和观看方式has opened up this world to many(为许多人打开了这个世界)!而在网上看到一些amazing(超级棒的)戏剧之后,很多中国年轻人也start to show great interest in going to the theaters(开始对去剧院这件事充满兴趣)!
- 夏天出了那么多汗,怎么不掉秤?
主播:Anne(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲 :Call You Mine 转眼已是三伏天,很多网友们说夏天是一个lose weight(减肥)的好时候。所以今天咱们来聊聊how to lose weight in the summer! 01 很多人喜欢夏季减肥 虽然很多人为了look better in summer clothes(夏天穿衣服更好看)而减肥,不过主播们personally wouldn’t recommend people to lose weight just for the sake of looking pretty(个人不太支持大家单纯为了看上去好看而减肥)!尽管会有一些潜移默化的beauty standards(审美标准),不过主播们并不认为thinner is better(人越瘦越好)。 for the sake of 为了…… 很多人会feel the societal pressure to be thin(感受到来自外界社会的要变瘦的压力),尤其是women and girls。所以主播们并不promote(提倡)that mindset of “you need to be thin in order to be pretty”(这种以瘦为美的心态)。 mindset n. 心态 如果要知道whether you need to diet or not(你是否需要控制饮食),一个很好的方式是check your BMI(查一下你的BMI),也就是body mass index(身体质量指数)。 Ideally, you should be within a healthy range of BMI. (理想状态下,你应该保持在一个健康的BMI范围之内)如果你的BMI是 higher than 25,you would be considered overweight(你会被认定是超重)或者临床意义上的obese(肥胖)。 这是一个valid reason to lose weight(减肥的正当理由)。 obese /oʊˈbiːs/ adj. (临床意义上)肥胖的 如果你的BMI是在normal range(正常范围)里,而你又想lose weight to the point where you’re underweight(减到过瘦的地步),还是要三思! Your health should be the most important thing when it comes to losing weight. (对于减肥而言,你的健康应该是头等大事) 02 夏天出了那么多汗,为什么不掉秤? 网上有种说法,说是因为夏天你会sweat a lot(出很多汗),所以你的metabolism(新陈代谢)will be faster(会更快), due to the heat(因为高温)和sweating(出汗),which makes it more effective for you to lose weight (让你减脂更高效)。 这个说法does make sense(有一定道理),但不是entirely accurate(完全准确)。 sweat /swet/ n.v. 汗;出汗 metabolism /məˈtæbəlɪzəm/ n. 新陈代谢 脂肪被排出体外有两种形式。Fat leaves the body (脂肪被排出体外)either as carbon dioxide(要么是作为二氧化碳) when you exhale(呼气), or as water(作为水) when you sweat or go to the bathroom. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 exhale /eksˈheɪl/ v. 呼气 More than 80% of the fat goes out of your body through breathing in the form of CO2. (多于80%的脂肪是以二氧化碳的形式通过呼吸排出体外的。)The remaining 16% is excreted as water(剩下的16%是作为水被排出体外)。而这其中,出汗只是一小部分,doesn’t make too much of a difference in your weight loss(在你减脂里起到的作用微不足道)。 所以有的人会裹着plastic wrap(保鲜膜)运动来多出汗以达到减脂的效果,这并不是非常effective(有效)。 《黄帝内经》里有一句话,“汗为心之液”,所以出汗其实是对心脏有负担的,大量出汗就会容易心虚气弱,所以还是建议大家不要大量出汗。 Especially(尤其) in the summer, if you sweat a lot, you need to wipe it with a towel(用毛巾擦干), change into clean clothes(换上干净的衣服), and try not to exercise at noon(尽量不要在大中午头锻炼)! 03 为什么夏天适合减肥? What advantages(优势) does summer have that help you lose weight? 首先,warmer weather tends to suppress your appetite(更热的天气往往会抑制食欲), 所以这会make you eat less(让你吃得更少)。 suppress /səˈpres/ v. 压制 appetite /ˈæpətaɪt/ n. 食欲;胃口 高温会让你want to drink more water(想喝更多的水), 这会让你feel more full(感到更饱),所以during your meals(在正餐的时候),你就会吃得更少。 有一种现象叫stress eating,就是人一压力大的时候就喜欢吃东西。而在夏天由于there’s more sunlight during the day(白天有更多阳光),你会更开心,have less stress(压力更小),就不那么容易stress eat。 04 夏天减肥小贴士、 Tip 1: 设定实际的目标 Set Realistic Goals Aim for a gradual weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week to make sure it’s sustainable.(以每周减少半斤到1斤的慢速减重为目标,确保这个过程是可持续的。) 那种“一次性”(all at once)减掉大量体重的做法是不健康的! It’s also hard to keep the weight off if you lose too much too quickly! (如果减重太猛,很难保持体重不反弹) gradual /ˈɡrædʒuəl/ adj. 缓慢的 Tip 2: 多锻炼 Stay Active 可以做一些strength training(力量训练),因为减重期间很容易lose muscles(流失肌肉)。 strength /streŋθ/ n. 力量 muscle /ˈmʌsəl/ n. 肌肉 主播Erin说,she’s been swimming and going on a calorie deficit(减少热量摄入)。她现在doesn’t really have time for the gym(没太有时间去健身房),偶尔会做一些ab workouts(腹肌锻炼),但不是super consistent(非常坚持)。 Tip 3: 睡好觉 Sleep Well 减重不光是多运动和少吃饭,而是要看how healthy you are as a whole(你整体有多健康)。所以,having a healthy lifestyle(有一个更健康的生活方式)能让掉秤更轻松 。 Tip 4: 多喝水 Stay Hydrated hydrated /ˈhaɪdreɪt̬ɪd/ adj. 水分充足的 你需要drink plenty of water(喝大量的水)来support your metabolism(促进你的新陈代谢)。 “多喝热水”(Drink more warm water)可不是一句空话,it also applies to summer(放在夏天也一样适用)!尤其是right after an intense workout(刚做完剧烈运动),如果喝冷水或者冰凉的水(icy cold water)的话,it could be really bad for your health(可能对你的健康很不利)。 Erin也开玩笑说,she drinks too much cold water for her own good(她喝的凉水太多了,对她自己并不好)! Tip 5: 注意你的饮食 Pay Attention to Your Diet 少吃点可以,但不要starve yourself(饿着自己)! starve /stɑːrv/ v. 使…挨饿 尽量在饮食中: Add fiber-rich foods(增加高纤维食品) fiber /ˈfaɪbɚ/ n. 纤维 Avoid processed foods(避免加工食品) processed /ˈprɑːsest/ adj. 经过特殊加工的(食品);处理过的 Limit sugar intake(限制糖分摄入) Eat more protein(摄入更多蛋白质) Consuming(摄入)更多蛋白质能够让你feel fuller for longer periods of time(感受更多更久的饱腹感),并且能在减脂过程中lower the risk of muscle loss(降低肌肉流失的风险)。 比如chicken(鸡肉)就是一个很好的protein option(蛋白质选择)! protein /ˈproʊtiːn/ n. 蛋白质 欢迎留言告诉我们: 这个三伏天,你是否有减重计划呢?
- 从电影《抓娃娃》谈中式教育
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲 :can you hear me? (by Munn) 今天我们来聊一聊最近的一部关于“中式教育”的电影——《抓娃娃》(Successor)。 01. 影片名《抓娃娃》和Successor Successor意为“继承者”,指影片中父亲马成钢培养儿子马继业为自己的“继承者”。而“抓娃娃”则为“抓孩子”或者抓孩子的education(教育)。 02. 《抓娃娃》的影片内容 There was a tycoon(富翁) named Ma Chenggang who had two sons. 由于长子(his elder son)在优渥的条件下(under the favorable conditions)没多大成就,马成钢将此归咎于the living conditions were so good that he did not appreciate them(生活条件太好,所以他并不珍惜)。他觉得大儿子没能“成才”肯定是因为没有艰苦条件的磨炼。 Then he decided that he would make sure (决定要确保) that his youngest son would be admitted to Qingbei University (小儿子被清北大学录取) to fulfill the wish that he had not been able to fulfill at that time (实现他当时不能实现的愿望). 当时电影里频繁地出现“清北大学”估计就是暗示现实中国内的两所顶尖院校Tsinghua University and Peking University(清华大学和北京大学)了。They are the universities that not only many students but also many parents aspire to (不仅是很多学生也是很多父母向往的)。马成钢就是其中之一,他想让儿子满足this wish for him when he didn't get in himself (他自己未能实现的愿望)。 Ma Chenggang paid for a professional team (成立一个专业团队) to simulate his growth environment (模仿他的成长环境) in order for his son to be admitted to Qingbei University. •be admitted to 被......录取 这和《楚门的世界》一样细思极恐,周围的人都是一群演员。你生活的方方面面都暴露在摄像头下。There are even people who are specializing in analyzing your micro-expressions (有人专门分析你的微表情). • specialize v.专门研究(或从事) 在发现真相后,继业打算break free from his father's control(摆脱他父亲的控制),去实现他自己的抱负(to fulfill his own aspirations):成为一名long-distance runner(长跑运动员)。 其实,继业从小就喜欢长跑,但是后来因为父亲和周围的人都欺骗他,让他觉得他不适合这条道路,于是他就放弃了。 The last scene shows Jiye running a marathon (最后一幕是继业跑马拉松). This is supposed to be a cause for celebration (本来是值得庆祝的事). All's well that ends well (皆大欢喜). But this is not fairy tale (童话故事). 他本来是第一名(He was originally in first place),但由于他以前developed habit of excessive frugality(养成了过度节俭的习惯),他看到空瓶子就想捡起来,等到捡完后,所有的选手都超过了他。 This reflects that his parents' previous wrong education methods (之前错误的教育方法) had already had a profound effect on him (对他产生了深刻的影响). 有很多网友都表示:这令人窒息的“中式教育”!Traditional Chinese-style education, it has been labeled as “authoritarian” (被贴上“独裁主义”的标签). Authoritarian parenting (专制型教育) is a style of child-raising that emphasizes high standards (强调高标准) and a tendency to control kids (控制孩子) through shaming, the withdrawal of love, or other punishments (通过羞辱、撤回爱或其他惩罚). But once people equalize Chinese education with authoritarian (一旦将中国教育等同于独裁主义), 必定会增加对中国教育的误解和偏见(misunderstanding and prejudice)。Because after all, not everything about Chinese education is negative (并不是关于中国教育的一切都是负面的). • equalize v. 使相等 There are good aspects of traditional Chinese education, such as the importance that families place on cultivating a sense of frugality (培养节俭意识), self-reliance (自立) and filial piety (孝顺) in their children. These are increasingly overlooked by modern youth (这些越来越被现代年轻人所忽视). 就像这次的抓娃娃电影,人们好像一提到中国式教育首先想到的就是suffering parenting, guilt-based parenting and control-based parenting(过度的苦难教育,内疚式还有控制式教育)。 People may have their reasons for interpreting it that way, but anyway they're not exactly the same. • interpret v. 把……理解为 03. 一些错误的教育方法 (1)Suffering parenting(过度的苦难教育) Suffering parenting refers to a form of education in which the recipient (受教育者) is made to undergo suffering (遭受痛苦) in order to improve his or her overall qualities (为了提高整体素质). 这种教育方式是的初衷其实是好的,它的目的是让受教育者的综合素质得到提升。For example, it's supposed to develop a sense of frugality(节俭意识) and resilience(抗压能力). However, most of the so-called "suffering parenting" that exists nowadays is just a formality (现存的多数“苦难教育”仅停留于形式) and does not serve the purpose of education (与其教育初衷相违背). It's fine to develop or improve his or her overall qualities, but life itself can give us that, or we can get it in other ways (生活本就可以给予我们这些,我们也可以通过其他方式获得). 也难怪很多人说:我的生活本来就很苦了,你还要给我制造这么多苦难? Flora saw a video posted by a mom complaining about her daughter (视频关于一个母亲抱怨自己的女儿). 她带着女儿出去旅行,本可以给她买一张seat ticket(坐票),但她却intentionally bought a standing ticket(故意买了一张站票)。 They traveled for hours and her daughter cried the whole way (她们有几个小时的车程,女儿哭了一路). What's even more unbelievable is that this mother is still complaining to the internet (这位母亲还在网络上抱怨) that her daughter doesn't understand her good intentions (说女儿不懂自己的良苦用心). What a terrible mindset! (2)Guilt-based education (内疚式教育) Guilt-based parenting is when parents control their children by making them feel guilty (通过让他们感到内疚来控制孩子) through showing weakness (通过表现出软弱) and complaining(抱怨) or even self-mutilation (甚至是自残). 其实内疚式教育就是以爱为名的情感绑架。它会让孩子产生sense of guilt(愧疚感)、增加mental stress(心理压力),削弱他们的self-esteem and self-confidence(自尊心和自信心)。 Some people call them toxic love (有毒的爱). 最经典的就是餐桌上的一句:我舍不得吃,都留给你吃。 (3)Control-based parenting(控制式教育) It is when parents or educators control their children's lives, learning, socialization, and hobbies (控制孩子的生活、学习、社交和业余爱好) to achieve their goals (去实现他们的目标). 这类父母通常控制欲极强。 其实以上三种教育方式与exam-oriented education(应试教育)不无关系,比如电影里马成钢费尽心思其实就是想让继业考上清北大学。 04. Exam-oriented education(应试教育) Exam-oriented education has received mixed reviews (评价褒贬不一). 这种教育体系可能不利于学生的all-round development(全面发展),but it is conducive to the popularization of basic knowledge(有利于基础知识的普及),而且选拔人才的成本较低。 05. Quality education (素质教育) 在西方,特别是在美国,高质量教育的重点是holistic development(全面发展),encouraging creativity(鼓励创造力)、critical thinking(批判性思维)和a broad array of extracurricular activities(广泛的课外活动)。This approach aims to develop well-rounded individuals (旨在培养全面发展的个人). • a broad array of 各种各样的 • extracurricular /ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjələr/ adj. 课外的 虽然素质教育的理念听起来很理想,但它并非没有挑战。One major concern is whether quality education can sometimes be overemphasized (有时素质教育会被过分强调). • concern n. 担忧 • overemphasize /ˌəʊvərˈemfəsaɪz/ v. 过分强调 美国的top-tier universities(一流大学)的生源基本上是来自美国排名前100 的高中,但是在这里面public schools(公立学校)只有6所。The reality is that attending a private high school is often the most effective way to receive a quality education in the US (在美国,上私立高中往往是接受优质教育的最有效方式). 然而,the high tuition fees(高昂的学费)使得许多家庭望而却步。这可能会reducing social mobility(降低社会流动性)。 这可能会造成一个循环,只有那些能负担得起私立教育的人(those who can afford private education)才会继续dominate top university admissions(主要影响顶尖大学的录取率)。 When social mobility decreases(当社会流动性下降), 不同的社会经济阶层之间的差距(the gap between different socioeconomic classes)会扩大. This can lead to a society where opportunities are concentrated among the wealthy(这导致机会都集中在富人手里), 会限制多样性(diversity),延续不平等(inequality). 06. “An idealized education system (理想化的教育制度)” It’s clear that both China and the US face unique challenges with their educational systems (中美的教育体系都面临着独特的挑战). 过分强调高质量教育(overemphasizing quality education)而像美国那样without addressing accessibility(不解决教育的可获得性),可能会exacerbate social divides(加剧社会分歧). • exacerbate /ɪɡˈzæsərbeɪt/ vt. 使加重 Some people just blindly worship the western education system (一些人盲目崇拜西方的教育体系), 但每个教育体系都有自己的挑战,盲目照搬绝对是不可取的,适合自己的才是最好的。 China's education system, while making strides in popularizing basic education (尽管在普及基础教育方面取得了重大进展), still heavily focuses on academic performance (非常关注学业成绩). 这往往会给学生带来immense pressure(巨大的压力),并且overlooks the importance of holistic development(忽视全面发展的重要性)。 许多人担心中国教育的未来,并试图找到改变它的方法,有些人提出了很多宝贵建议,但有些很多建议是极端的。This is why we're doing this podcast to correct that (这就是我们想做这期节目来更正它的原因). The key takeaway is that (关键的结论是) there is no one-size-fits-all solution (没有一刀切的解决方案). What we need is a balanced approach tailored to each country’s unique context (针对每个国家国情的平衡的方法). It’s really about finding the middle ground—integrating (融合) the strengths of quality education (高素质教育的优势) with the rigor of traditional academic excellence (传统学术卓越的严谨性) while ensuring accessibility for all students (同时确保所有学生都有入学机会). • rigor /ˈrɪɡər/ n. 严格 这种平衡的方法就像是我们说的“中庸”,可以帮助develop well-rounded individuals(个人全面发展),without compromising on inclusivity and equity(而不损害包容性和公平性)。 • compromise /ˈkɑ:mprəmaɪz/ v. 折中,妥协 请留言告诉我们: 你看了电影《抓娃娃》吗?对这部电影你有什么看法?
- 《原子习惯》:设计一个坚不可摧的习惯养成系统如此轻松!
主播:Anne(中国)+Vip(澳大利亚) 歌曲 :If Today Was Your Last Day 上期节目提到(戳链接�《原子习惯》这本书,让你无痛建立新习惯!),building a good habit(建立一个好习惯)必不可少的是一个好的system(系统)。这期节目,咱们就继续来聊聊——如何设计一个“坚不可摧”的习惯系统。How to design a habit system that is indestructible? indestructible /ˌɪndɪˈstrʌktəbəl/ adj. 坚不可摧的 01 Four Stages 习惯的4个步骤 Before we actually build the system for a habit, we need to understand what a habit is. 在建立习惯系统之前,我们先要去深入认识习惯的本质。 每一个习惯的养成(when a habit is formed),看似只是一个单纯的行为,实则involves(涉及到)4个stages:Cue(提示),Craving(渴望), Response(反应), Reward(回报)。Let’s break it down! Take phone scrolling as an example(拿刷手机举个例子): 1) Cue 提示:cue就是when you see your phone。 2) Craving 渴望:当你have the urge to pick up your phone(有拿起手机的冲动)的时候,然后start scrolling(开始刷),这就是craving。尤其是当我们感到bored(无聊)或者in a bad mood(在坏情绪里)的时候,we all know how it feels(大家应该都懂)! 3) Response 反应:我们会naturally(自然而然地)respond to that urge(回应那个冲动),所以response就是when you pick up the phone and start scrolling。 4) Reward 回报:就是当你开始刷手机看short-form videos(短视频)时,your brain would be very satisfied(你的大脑会感到非常满足)。 这四个步骤形成了一个loop(闭环),就开始了刷手机的无限循环…… 02 Four Principles 养成习惯的4大法则 中文里讲“养成”习惯,强调好习惯需要日积月累的培育和灌溉,说的是习惯的本质;而英文里讲“build” a habit,强调像建房子一样建立一个习惯,侧重于习惯的构造。 这个文化差异(cultural difference)不得不让人觉得fascinating(神奇)! 建立一个好习惯系统,就是要based on these four stages(基于上面提到的四个阶段),逐个击破,这里《原子习惯》的作者提出了4个basic principles(基本法则): #法则一:Make it obvious(让它显而易见) 作者提到,当你想要建立好的习惯的时候,environment matters more than motivation(环境比你的动力更重要),所以不要try to test your motivation by placing yourself in a bad environment(通过将自己置于不良环境中来测试自己的动力)。比如说,你想要晚上好好休息, don’t put your phone in the bedroom where you can see it. 再有一个点就是,you should use habit stacking(你应该使用习惯叠加),pair a new habit with an existing one(将新的习惯与现有的习惯配对)。The habit stacking formula(公式) is: After [CURRENT HABIT](现有习惯), I will [NEW HABIT]. 而且,you should include time and location as well(你还要把时间和地点包含进去)。 比如你想要养成晚饭后不用手机和电脑的习惯,那你就在晚饭后turn off your phones and computers right away(立马关上手机和电脑),然后把它们放在卧室外。如果你有工作要做的话,you could wake up early in the morning and do it. #法则二:Make it attractive(让它有吸引力) You should make a habit attractive. 要让它变得吸引人,有诱惑力!Habits are formed when they give you that dopamine hit. 我们养成习惯,都是因为它们能带给我们多巴胺。要想养成习惯的话,你要pair what you want to do with what you need to do(把你想做的和你需要做的事情相结合)。在马上要做一个相对困难的行为习惯之前,你可以do something you enjoy(做一件自己喜欢的事情)。 比如说,在你要做一个hard workout(困难的健身)的时候,你可以eat your favourite candy(先吃你最喜欢的糖果)。If you do this a few times(几次这样做之后), your brain will associate these two things together(你的大脑会自动地把糖和困难的健身联系起来), and make you crave the difficult workout(然后你就会特别渴望健身). associate /əˈsəʊʃieɪt/ v. 联系 #法则三:Make it easy(让它变简单) 如果你想要do a workout in the morning(早上锻炼),你可以lay out workout clothes the night before in advance(提前一晚把锻炼要穿的衣服准备好)。 另一种让习惯变得简单的方法就是to start with 2 minutes of doing it(先做个2分钟)。为了确保能stick to a habit(坚持一个好习惯),你需要do it as many times as possible(尽可能多地重复)。The 2 minutes rule can get you start doing the habit very easily. 做10次2分钟要比做1次20分钟更加管用,重要的是要先开始起来。 #法则四:Make it satisfying(让它变得令人满足) 一旦你完成这个养成习惯的行为之后,you should give yourself reward IMMEDIATELY(立刻奖励自己)。 对于主播Anne来说,如果她能够关闭电子产品,她会这样奖励自己:read the novel that she likes(读自己喜欢的小说),或者do facial(敷个面膜)或者light a scented candle(点个香薰蜡烛)。 除了上面提到的4个原则之外,你还可以使用a habit tracker to track habits(记录你的习惯养成),habit trackers可以是some apps或者a notebook。 总是对你的习惯复盘是行之有效的,and make changes to your system if you’re not sticking to the habit(如果你无法坚持这个习惯,你可以随时改变你的系统)。
- 《原子习惯》这本书,让你无痛建立新习惯!
主播:Anne(中国)+Vip(澳大利亚) 歌曲 :Smile To build a habit(养成习惯)对于很多人而言是the hardest part(最难的部分)。今天,我们跟大家聊一本能帮助你真正养成习惯的书——Atomic Habits《原子习惯》,它的作者是James Clear。一提起习惯指南,这本书就会成为大家的go-to book(首选)。 书名中的atomic意思是“原子的”,作者的中心思想其中之一就是you need to start with very small changes,你要从非常小的改变开始做起,不要想一步登天。 要想养成习惯,我们要先搞清楚习惯的定义。习惯就是你日常生活中做出的small decisions(微小的决定)以及actions,这些决定和行为不需要你刻意思考或纠结。但是大多数人对于习惯都有误解,今天我们先来看看three common misunderstandings that most people have about habits(人们对于习惯的三个误解)。 #人们对于习惯的误解一 Small but positive changes don’t matter. 微小但积极的变化并不重要。 无论是好的改变还是不好的变化,都会compound(累积叠加)。假设以一年为单位,good changes will compound into a huge improvement, and the same goes for bad changes(好的改变会变成巨大的进步,坏的变化也会产生巨大的影响)。 有一个词叫compound interest(复利),再小的的改变只要一年就会累积成巨大的进步,所以好习惯就是“利滚利”,那反之坏习惯就是“高利贷”了。 #人们对于习惯的误解二 You should focus on what you want to achieve. 你应该专注于你想要实现的事。 有很多人可能会想,是不是搞错了,养成好习惯不就是要focus on what you want to achieve(专注于你想要达成的那件事吗)? 但《原子习惯》的作者却说,养成习惯最高效的做法是to actually focus on your identity(专注于你的身份)。你首先要决定what kind of person you want to become(你想成为一个什么样的人),然后choose the habits that align with this identity(选择与这个身份相符的习惯)。 align with 与……达成一致 比如说,对于你想要的一个结果“I want to lose 20 pounds”或者“I want to squat 300 pounds”,你应该告诉自己“I am a person who never misses a workout(我是一个从来不会错过锻炼的人)”,而且你要really believe it,把它内化成你的信念。 比如说,你想要做到sleep and wake up early,你不要想“我要早睡早起”,这样只会加强你对自身不足的看法,反而,你就应该告诉自己:我就是一个早睡早起的人。我就是一个睡眠自由的人。 王阳明先生提到过的“吾性自足”的信念,就是告诉我们要向自己的内心寻求力量。当然了,只靠信念是不够的,at the same time you need to also prove it to yourself(还需要做些事情来证明给自己看)。不要做很困难的事情。You need to prove it to yourself with very small wins in your life that align with your identity. (以微小的胜利来向自己证明这个新身份是合理的。) 比方说你想早起,在早上的时候,you did get up early,那就对自己说:see I am a morning person. I knew it.(看吧,我是一个能早起的人,我就知道我可以。)这样的话,你的信念会越来越强大。千万不要这样对自己说:oh I finally get up early for once, I hope I do it next time.(我这次早起了,我希望下次我也能做到。) 再简单一点,when your alarm rings(闹钟响的时候),simply open your eyes in the morning,然后你就可以自信地告诉自己:我是一个能早起的人! It’s not a lie,这并不是对自己撒谎,而是在利用这种信心和信念的力量给自己降低行动的阻力,增加动力。信念的力量真的太神奇了! #人们对于习惯的误解三 You should focus on setting goals. 你应该专注于设定目标。 大家应该都有同感,想一想自己每年的new year resolutions(新年决心)就知道了,有多少是真的实现了呢? If you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead. 忘掉你设定的目标,转而是要专注于你的“习惯养成系统”。缺乏系统化思维(systematic thinking)也是很多人在养成习惯时屡战屡败的原因。你的目标没有实现,是你设计的“习惯养成系统”有漏洞! 下一期节目,我们会重点聊聊how to design a system to build habits that is indestructible(如何设计一个坚不可摧的“习惯养成系统”)来帮助你养成好习惯。干货满满,记得关注哦。
- 你实现睡眠自由了吗?这些助眠Tips,助你一夜好梦
主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) 歌曲 :Turn the Page 现代社会,睡眠已经成了一大难题。A lot of people have sleeping issues. 很多人会stay up late(熬夜),也有一些人have trouble falling asleep(入睡困难),有的人甚至会stay up all night(睁眼到天明)。当然,也有很多年轻人会选择报复性熬夜(revenge bedtime procrastination)。 procrastination /prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 延迟,拖延 所以,现在,有越来越多的人开始追求“睡眠自由”了。 01 睡眠有多重要 有一位很著名的neuroscientist神经科学家(斯坦福的副教授),发布过一篇关于睡眠的贴文,他在文中写道: Best nootropic: sleep(最能提高你大脑认知能力的药物就是睡眠) Best stress relief: sleep(最好的解压手段就是睡眠) Best immune booster: sleep(最能提升免疫力的方式还是睡眠) Best emotional stabilizer: sleep(最佳情绪稳定器依然是睡眠) This post really sums up the importance of sleep. 这篇文章确实总结了睡眠的重要性。总之,就是一句话:睡饱睡足比啥都重要。 聊到睡眠的重要性,不得不提的就是sleep debt(睡眠债)。 你睡不够的那些时间,并不会凭空消失,just like debt,they add up over time(它们会累积起来),最后it can really have a negative impact on your health(它真的会对你的健康产生负面影响)。 If you miss one hour of sleep every night, you have seven hours of sleep debt in just one week. 那周末补觉不就都补回来了?大错特错!According to research, it takes four days to fully recover from one hour of lost sleep. 缺一个小时的觉,需要四天来完全恢复。 02 到底怎样才能实现“睡眠自由”? # Tip 01 You should check for any sleep disorders. 检查一下你是否有睡眠障碍。 常见的睡眠障碍或者说睡眠方面的疾病有: insomnia 失眠症 sleep apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停症(症状是you stop breathing during sleep) 如果说你正在经历着snoring(打鼾),feeling sleepy during the day(白天嗜睡)or having very poor sleep(睡眠非常差),可以考虑去医院检查一下是不是有sleep apnea。 # Tip 02 You should go outside and view sunlight within 30-60 minutes of waking up in the morning, and before sunset in the late afternoon. 你要在醒来以后的半小时到一小时以内,以及在临近日落的时候,出门去看看阳光。 It doesn’t mean that you should look at the sun directly(并不是直视太阳),just looking at things in the sunlight is fine. 在晴天的时候,try to view sunlight for at least 10 minutes,如果是阴天的话,double the time,看20分钟。Glasses,contact lenses(隐形)都是可以的,but do not wear sunglasses(墨镜),并且尽量不要stay in the shade(待在阴凉地里)。而且还要注意,you can’t look at sunlight through the windows(不要透过窗户看阳光),因为窗户会过滤掉很大一部分的蓝光的波段。 一天两次看阳光的时间timing很关键。When you view sunlight, the closer it is to sunrise and sunset, the better. 跟日出和日落的时间越接近越好。其实也就是印证了那句古训,“日出而作,日入而息”。 # Tip 03 It is best to have a schedule. 最好有一个睡眠时间表。 给自己设定好,7-8 hours of sleep every night, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day(每天尽量在同一时间睡觉和起床)。When you first start to feel sleepy, don’t fight it, just go to bed and sleep. 当你一有困意的时候,不要挣扎,赶紧去睡。 Try to maintain this so your body can get used to it. 尽量保持这个习惯,你的身体会慢慢适应它。 # Tip 04 Do not go to bed hungry or stuffed. 饥饿或者太饱的时候不要入睡。 Try to stop eating three hours before your bedtime! # Tip 05 Avoid caffeine within 8-10 hours of bedtime. 在你睡前的8-10个小时内避免咖啡因。 含咖啡因的食物有milk tea(奶茶)、tea、sodas like cola(可乐)、energy drinks(功能性饮料)、chocolate 以及some medications(药物)。如果你想睡个好觉的话,avoid all of these after 12pm(中午12点后这些都不要碰)。 有一个误区,很多人都认为睡前喝两杯可以助眠,但是alcohol will actually mess up your sleep(酒精真的会扰乱你的睡眠)。 # Tip 06 Create a restful environment. 创造一个适合休息的环境。 Keep your room cool, dark, and quiet. 你的房间应该是凉爽、黑暗又安静的。 你可以考虑装一个blackout curtains(遮光帘),这样的话可以很好地block out(阻挡)外面所有的光。 遮光窗帘能遮挡外面的光,却挡不住the light from your phone screen(你手机屏幕的光)。所以,you should avoid using any electronics (电子产品) at least an hour before you sleep! 根据研究,在晚上10点到凌晨4点之间you should actually avoid all bright lights, 尤其是overhead lights(顶灯)。因为我们的眼睛really sensitive to light(对光非常敏感),including the angle of the light(对光的角度也非常敏感)。 当你看到不同的灯光时,your eyes are sending different signals to your brain:比如说it’s time to wake up,或者说it’s time for bed。但是现代人的大脑接受到的信号全乱套了。 我们的古人非常讲究入睡和起床的时间。亥时,也就是21时-23时是古人们推崇的最佳入睡时间。亥时从汉代起也被称为“人定”,意思就是人静(you should be resting quietly)。但入睡最晚最晚尽量不要超过晚上11点,因为那个时候胆经正旺。在中医理论里,胆又叫少阳,“少阳不升,天下不明”。晚上11点不睡觉,胆经没法照常运行,人就容易昏昏沉沉的。古代人喜欢五更起,很多人一般早上4点左右就起来了。 除了注意睡眠的时间和睡眠时的光线,你在睡前可以diffuse some essential oils(用一些精油)。 # Tip 07 Limit daytime naps to less than 90 mins, or don’t nap at all. 将白天的小睡控制在90 分钟以下,或者根本不要小睡。 这个对于上班族来说还是比较容易做到的。 # Tip 08 You should also try to stay active. 要经常运动。 适当的锻炼will make you tired,更容易帮助你入睡。但是要避免too active before going to bed。You could do some stretching(拉伸) before bed. # Tip 09 Manage your stress. 管理好你的压力。 Find a way to put all the stressful things aside before you go to bed(找到睡前把所有有压力的事情放在一边的方法),比如说meditate(冥想),推荐大家可以去找一些NSDR(non-sleep deep rest)这样的视频,或者是write them down somewhere(把这些事从脑子里腾到纸上),and then put them aside(然后把它们扔到一边去),就算天塌下来,睡醒了再说! 03 拿到“睡眠自由”,我说了算! 改善睡眠质量其实也没那么复杂,但是很多时候就是,“I know what to do, I just don’t want to do it”。很多人晚睡的一个深层的心理原因是因为太想要有一部分可以完全由自己掌控的时间。 当你stay up late at night and scroll on your phone(熬夜刷手机)的时候,你会认为“I have this time all to myself”(这段时间全部都属于我),还会觉得“it’s completely under my control”(完全受我控制). 在某种程度上说,it’s kind of like mental self-care(这有点像心理上的自我照顾)。 但是,越是这样,越会在不知不觉中又失去了对人生的掌控。因为staying up late真的会让你lose more control of your life。通过掌控好自己睡眠,才有可能去真正掌握人生的主动权。其实大家可以这么想,每一天的醒来都是一次重生(Tomorrow is not only a new day, but a new life)。 希望我们大家都可以有早睡早起的勇气,实现睡眠自由,成为睡眠的百万富翁,甚至亿万富翁!
- 巴菲特修改遗嘱 | 聊聊基金会的那些事儿…历史上最早的基金会在北宋!
主播:Wendi(中国)+ Selah(美国) 歌曲 :Money, Money, Money 今天,我们聊聊“股神”巴菲特(Warren Buffett)修改遗嘱这件事。 Warren Buffett is a legendary value investor(是一个充满传奇色彩的价值投资者). He is best known for(因……被熟知) being a very successful investor(成功的投资者) and the head of Berkshire Hathaway(伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的负责人), a big company with many businesses. *legendary /ˈledʒənderi/ adj. 传奇的 他通过buying and holding undervalued companies(收购和持有价值被低估的公司)赚了很多钱。为人们所熟知的是,he gives away a large part of his fortune to charity(他把他的大部分财产捐给了慈善机构),而且he lives a simple, modest life despite his wealth(尽管他很富有,但他却过着简单、低调的生活)。 *undervalued /ˌʌndərˈvæljʊ/ adj. 售价过低的 01 Buffett’s latest will 巴菲特最新遗嘱 巴菲特之前说要把遗产捐赠给the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation(比尔盖茨和他妻子Melinda的基金会),但是前不久,Buffett just changed how his considerable fortune will be spent following his death(他改变了死后巨额财富的使用方式)。 *considerable /kənˈsɪdərəb(ə)l/ adj. 相当大 93岁的巴菲特说,he has again re-worked his will(他又一次重新调整了他的遗嘱) — and that he does not plan to continue donations to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation after he dies. He will put his wealth in a new charitable trust overseen by his three children(他将把自己的财富存入一个由他的三个孩子监管的新的慈善信托基金中). *trust n. 信托基金机构 *oversee v. 监管 He has changed his will several times(他已经改变了好几次遗嘱了),and he put together the newest plan(他制定了最新的计划)due to the trust he has in his children’s values(因为他信任孩子们的价值观)and how they will distribute his wealth(也信任孩子会如何分配他的财富). *distribute /dɪˈstrɪbju:t/ v. 分发 在巴菲特的遗嘱修改之前,the largest portion of his fortune was designated for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation(他最大一笔遗产是要给比尔·盖茨和他的妻子的这个基金会的)。 02 巴菲特和盖茨基金会之间啥联系? The Buffett and Gates families have been friends for over 3 decades(30多年). As some of the wealthiest people in the world (同为世界富豪), they have pooled their resources together to make much change and good happen in the world(他们一起用自己的资源改变世界,让世界变得更好). *pool v. 集中资源 虽然都是世界富豪,比尔盖茨稍微更有钱一点,位居世界第四(Bill Gates is the 4th richest person in the world),巴菲特是第六(Buffett is the 6th)。 Buffett was on the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation for many years(巴菲特曾在比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会的董事会任职多年), and is said to have contributed $43 billion dollars to them over the last 20 years(在20年里向Bill and Melinda Gates基金会捐赠了430亿美元). The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation在很多领域都做出了卓越的贡献,比如说eradicating polio(帮助消除小儿麻痹症) 、reducing malaria(消除疟疾)以及帮助发展中国家发展,比如improving education through investments in K-12(通过投资改善从幼儿园到12年级的孩子教育),alleviating poverty by supporting agricultural development(通过支持农业发展来减轻贫困),improving sanitation (改善卫生设施)。 *eradicate /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ v. 消灭 *alleviate /əˈli:vieɪt/ v. 减轻 *sanitation /ˌsænɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 卫生系统或设备 03 基金会都有哪些种类? There are many different types, for example, Private Foundations(私人基金会), like the Gates Foundation, Corporate Foundations (Established by a corporation)(由公司创立的企业基金会). 大多数的私人基金会都是由wealthy people来创立,这样的话,他们可以reduce the inheritance taxes(少交一些遗产税)。而且,it allows the donors to decide how their money is used for charitable purposes(它允许捐赠者决定他们的钱如何用于慈善目的)。 *inheritance /ɪnˈherɪtəns/ n. 遗产 还有一种基金会是Family Foundations(家族基金会),这种基金会通常目标是passing down philanthropic values across generations(将慈善价值观代代相传)。 *philanthropic /ˌfɪlənˈθrɑ:pɪk/ adj. 博爱的 04 历史上最早的家族基金会在北宋 据说历史上最早的家族基金会是在北宋由范仲淹创立的,叫“范氏义庄”。In 1050, Fan Zhongyan, who was then 60 years old and was serving as the governor of Hangzhou(在杭州做官), donated his life savings(捐赠了他的终身储蓄), purchased more than 1,000 acres of fertile land in Suzhou(在苏州买了1000多亩田), and founded the charity organization "Fan's Charity House"(“范氏义庄”), which supported three parts: land, housing, and education(“义田”“义宅”“义学”). *purchase /ˈpɜ:rtʃəs/ v. 购买 1000年后,a similar design appeared in the United States, like these family foundations(家族基金会),大家比较熟悉的可能有Carnegie Foundation(卡耐基基金会),Rockefeller Foundation(洛克菲勒基金会),这些基金会目的都是to pass on their wealth(传承财富), with the aim of allowing their families to have a secure and comfortable life(保障家族后代的生活)。比较典型的洛克菲勒家族基金会has been passed down for 7 generation(已经传承了7代了)。 范氏宗族规定任何族人都不能卖族田。Similar to the Fan’s House, it is stipulated that the descendants of these wealthy people cannot sell the property of the family foundation. 欧美富豪的后代不能卖掉家族基金会的财产。 *stipulate /ˈstɪpjuleɪt/ v. (尤指在协议或建议中)规定 *descendant /dɪˈsendənt/ n. 后代 But a slight difference of the Fan’s House is that it not only took care of its own descendants(自己的后人) but also the whole clan(全族之人), including the distant relatives(远亲). 范仲淹的宗族制度不仅照顾自己的后人,还有全族之人,这一差异可能是由于中西方不同的家庭观和宗族观造成的。 *clan n. 家族 05 国外网友怎么评价巴菲特更改遗嘱? Truthfully, most normal people do not have much to say. 网友并没有什么反应。 由于the Gates divorce(盖茨的离婚),there has been family drama in the Gates family the past few years(盖茨家庭发生了家庭闹剧)。导致巴菲特改编遗嘱的原因之一可能是Melinda Gates recently announced that she is leaving the foundation herself(梅林达·盖茨最近宣布她将自己离开该基金会)。巴菲特可能does not trust the future of the company as much(不那么相信公司的未来)。