- 考级英语听力材料(专四)24 短文
0:00 2013年英语专业四级听力 短文1 1:20 2013年英语专业四级听力 短文2 3:01 2013年英语专业四级听力 短文3 2013年英语专业四级听力 短文1 Now the weather forecast. 现在是天气预报。 It's a mixed picture over the next few days. 这是未来几天的天气情况。 Today,very wet and windy in Northern Europe. 今天北欧地区非常潮湿而且刮大风。 You can see from the satellite picture that the highest temperatures, as they so often are, are in the southern parts of Europe, where it's also quite dry,particularly over the eastern parts of the Mediterranean. 大家可以从卫星图上看到,像往常一样,最高气温出现在欧洲的南部地区,这里也非常干旱,尤其是地中海东部地区。 The forecast suggests that it's going to be quite cold over northwestern parts of Europe for the rest of the day, even some snow on the Scandinavian mountains. 预报说今日余下时段欧洲西北部地区会非常寒冷,斯堪的纳维亚山脉甚至会下雪。 So that's today's weather, with showery conditions in many parts of Northern Europe, but the best of the sunshine in the south and throughout the Mediterranean, and pretty good but cool in the eastern parts of Europe too. 以上就是今天的天气情况:北欧大部分地区会下阵雨,但是南部地区和整个地中海地区都是阳光普照,欧洲东部地区也是稍带一点凉爽的好天气。 Now let's look at tomorrow's weather chart. 现在让我们看看明天的气象图。 Very much the same in the south except that the rain is starting to push down into the northern parts of the Mediterranean there. 南方地区的情况跟今天的差不多,除了地中海北部地区将迎来一场倾盆太雨。 Elsewhere,staying fine in Eastern Europe and fine in central and eastern parts of the Mediterranean as well. 其他地区的话,东欧天气仍然不错,地中海中部和东部地区也是如此。 But still wet and windy in many northwestern parts of Europe, including southern parts of Scandinavian, and a bit cool too. 但是包括斯堪的纳维亚南部地区在内的欧洲西北部地区仍然是潮湿和大风天,同时也伴着一点凉爽。 2013年英语专业四级听力 短文2 Once upon a time, societies were organized around religion, farming, trade or industry. 曾经,社会围绕着宗教,耕种,贸易或者工业组织而成。 In many parts of the world today this is still true, but something else is becoming more important the exchange of information and the technology that we use to do this. 如今,在世界上的许多地方,这仍然存在。但是其它的一些东西正变得越来越重要信息交流以及我们进行信息交流所用的技术。 Twenty-four-hour news, E-commerce, mobile phones, Global Positioning Systems...all these are making the world smaller and faster. 24小时新闻资讯、电子商务、手机、全球定位系统..….所有的这些都将世界变得愈来愈小,愈来愈快。 The growth in telecommunications is giving more and more people access to the science that will help their country to develop or to acquire the medical knowledge that can fight disease. 通讯的发展,让愈来愈多的人可以接触到科学,这将帮助他们的国家拓展或者获取能够对抗疾病的医学知识。 But how can everybody in the world share the recent technological advances? 但是,如何才能让世界上的每一个人分享到最新的技术进步呢? Millions of people cannot read these words because they don't have access to a computer. 数以百万的人无法读到那些文字,因为他们没有机会接触电脑。 They don't understand English either. 他们也不懂英语。 They don't even have a telephone. 他们甚至没有电话。 They are more worried about how far they will have to walk today to get clean water or if they can feed themselves and their families. 更令他们担心的是,今天他们需要步行多少路程才可以获得干净的水源或者他们是否可以养活自己和家人。 For most people on this planet, information is not a priority. 对于世界上的大多数人来说,信息并不是他们优先考虑的事。 The United Nations is now trying to make the information society a reality for more of the developing world. 联合国正努力使更多的发展中国家实现信息化社会。 Ten years from now, the plan is that everybody in the world will have a radio or television and that 50% of the world's population will have access to the Internet from schools and universities, health centers and hospitals, libraries and museums. 十年之后的计划是世界上的每一个人都将拥有一台收音机或电视机,并且世界上一半的人口都能接触到学校、大学、健康中心和医院、图书馆和博物馆的因特网。 This will improve medical care and education, science and agriculture, business opportunities and employment. 这将会提高医疗服务和教育、科学和农业、商机和就业。 2013年英语专业四级听力 短文3 People worldwide celebrate New Year in different ways. 世界各地的人们以不同的方式庆祝新年。 In Latin America, people express their hopes through the color of their underwear. 在拉丁美洲,人们通过他们内衣的颜色来表达他们的愿望。 If you wore yellow, that supposedly enhances your chances for abundance and earning more money. 如果你穿着黄色内衣,据称那会增加你变富裕的机会,并且你会赚更多的钱。 If it was red, then you'll more likely find love in the new year. 如果内衣是红色的,那么在新的一年你将更有可能找到爱情。 And if you were wearing white underpants, preferably new and clean, then peace will be your top priority for the coming year. 并且如果你穿着白色内裤,最好是崭新并且干净的,那么在即将到来的一年,和睦将会成为你最要紧的事。 In the Philippines, people eat round fruits to bring good fortune, while theyare noisily banging together pots and pans. 在菲律宾,人们吃圆形水果以带来好运,同时,他们大声地敲打着锅碗瓢盆。 However,some New Year's traditions have nothing to do with luck. 然而,一些新年传统与好运毫无关系。 In Denmark, people throw their old dishes at the doors of their friends' homes each New Years Eve. 在丹麦,每逢新年前夕,人们会将他们的旧盘子扔在好友家门口。 Thus,a front doorstep covered with broken plates suggests that the person inside has a lot of friends. 因此,一个覆盖着破碎盘子的前门台阶暗示着住里面的人拥有一大批朋友。 Still,for all those who take part in grand New Years events, there are many more who make their own traditions. 尽管有许多人参加盛大的新年活动,但仍然有更多的人制定了自己的传统。 It may be a small gathering of family and friends, watching New York's Times Square ball drop on TV, or loudly running through the neighborhood. 这或许是家庭成员和朋友之间的一个小聚,大家在电视机前观看纽约时代广场的水晶球坠落或者是在邻里间大声地奔跑。 Some may simply go to sleep early, so they can be energized for an early New Years Day hike- perhaps while wearing underwear that suits their mood, and wishes for the new year. 有些人或许早早地就睡了,这样他们便可以为明早的新年旅行养精蓄锐——或许在此期间,他们穿着符合自己心境的内衣,并且为新年许愿。
- 英文名著分集阅读 詹姆斯·巴利《彼得·潘》part2
Peter Pan By James Barrie 词汇提示 1.fairy 小仙子 2.sewing basket 针线篮 3.lagoon 环礁湖 4.mermaids 美人鱼 原文 CHAPTER TWO:The Shadow The children are sleeping and dreaming. Suddenly the window opens. A small ball of light enters the nursery and flies around. It is a lovely fairy called Tinker Bell. She is looking for something. After a moment, a young boy enters the nursery and says, 'Tink, where are you? Please find my shadow.' Tinker Bell finds his shadow in the drawer and gives it to him. 'Now I can stick the shadow to my feet with some soap,' he thinks. He tries and tries again, but he can't. He is very confused and starts crying. Wendy wakes up and sees the boy but she is not afraid. His clothes are made of leaves. 'Little boy, why are you crying?' Wendy asks. The boy takes off his cap and asks, 'What's your name?' 'Wendy Moira Angela Darling. What's yours?' 'Peter Pan.' 'Is that all?' 'Yes!'says Peter. Then he thinks, 'My name is very, very short.' Wendy looks at his shadow and asks, 'Can I help you with your shadow?' 'Yes,please!' says Peter. Wendy gets her sewing basket and sews on Peter's shadow. After a few minutes she says, 'Finished! Now you have your shadow again.' Peter looks at the floor and sees his shadow. He is very happy and dances around the room. 'Oh,Wendy, you are wonderful!' says Peter. 'Do you really think so?' asks Wendy. 'Yes,'says Peter. Wendy smiles and gives Peter a kiss on the cheek. 'Oh!'says Peter. 'How nice!' 'How old are you, Peter?' asks Wendy. 'I don't know, but I am young. I don't want to grow up. I always want to be a boy and have fun.' Peter looks around the room for his fairy. He hears a noise and looks in a drawer. Tinker Bell flies out. Wendy is delighted to see a fairy, but Tinker Bell is afraid. She hides behind the big clock. 'Where do you live, Peter?' asks Wendy. 'I live in Neverland with the Lost Boys,' says Peter. 'Neverland? The Lost Boys? Who are they?' asks Wendy. 'The Lost Boys haven't got a mother or father. They are alone in the world and they live in Neverland. I am their Captain. In Neverland we fight the pirates. We also swim in the lagoon with the beautiful mermaids. Fairies live in the trees in the forest. The fairies are my friends,' says Peter. 'Oh,what fun!' says Wendy. 'I must go back now. I must tell the Lost Boys a story. They love stories,' says Peter. 'Don't go away! I know a lot of stories,' says Wendy. 'Then come with me, Wendy. You can tell us stories. We all want a mother. Please come,' says Peter. 'But I can't fly,' says Wendy. 'I can teach you to fly,' says Peter. 'Can you teach John and Michael to fly too?' 'Yes,of course,' says Peter. 'John!Michael! Wake up! This is Peter Pan. He's from Neverland. It's a beautiful place,' says Wendy. John and Michael are very surprised. 'We can go there with him. But first we must learn to fly,' Wendy says. Wendy,John and Michael are very excited. They try to fly but fall on the beds and on the floor. 'No,no,' says Peter. 'Here is some fairy dust.' He puts some fairy dust on their shoulders. 'Now try again,' says Peter. 'Look,I can fly!' says Wendy. 'I can too,' says John. 'Me too,' says little Michael. 'Tink, show us the way to Neverland,' says Peter. They follow Tinker Bell and fly out of the nursery window. In the garden Nana looks at the sky and barks. Mr.and Mrs. Darling return from the dinner party. They go into the nursery, but it is empty! 翻译 第二章:影子 孩子们正在睡觉和做梦。 突然,窗户开了。 一个小小的光球进入育儿室,在周围飞来飞去。 这是一个可爱的仙女叫叮叮铃。 她在找东西。 过了一会儿,一个小男孩走进育儿室说:“叮叮铃,你在哪儿?请找到我的影子。” 叮叮铃在抽屉里找到了他的影子,并把它给了他。 “现在我可以用一些肥皂把影子粘在脚上了,”他想。 他试了又试,但他做不到。 他非常困惑,开始哭泣。 温迪醒了,看到了那个男孩,但她并不害怕。 他的衣服是树叶做的。 “小男孩,你为什么哭?”温迪问。 男孩脱下帽子问道:“你叫什么名字?” 温迪·莫伊拉·安吉拉·达林。你的是什么?” “彼得·潘”。 “就这些吗?” “是的!彼得说。 然后他想,“我的名字非常非常短。” 温迪看着他的影子问道:“我能帮你拉你的影子吗?” “是的,请!”彼得说。 温迪拿出她的针线篮,在彼得的影子上缝起来。 几分钟后,她说:“完成了!现在你又有你的影子了。” 彼得看着地板,看到了他的影子。 他很高兴,围着房间跳舞。 “哦,温迪,你太棒了!”彼得说。 “你真的这么想吗?”温迪问。 “是的,”彼得说。 温迪微笑着在彼得的脸颊上吻了一下。 “啊!”彼得说。“好漂亮!” “你多大了,彼得?”温迪问。 “我不知道,但我还年轻。我不想长大。我一直想做个男孩,玩得开心。” 彼得环顾房间寻找他的仙女。 他听到响声,就往抽屉里看。 叮叮铃飞了出去。 温迪看到仙女很高兴,但是叮叮铃很害怕。 她躲在大钟后面。 “你住在哪里,彼得?”温迪问。 “我和迷路男孩们住在梦幻岛,”彼得说。 “梦幻岛?迷路的男孩?他们是谁?温迪问。 “迷路的孩子们没有父母。他们在这个世界上是孤独的,他们住在梦幻岛。我是他们的队长。在梦幻岛,我们与海盗作战。我们还和美丽的美人鱼一起在泻湖里游泳。仙女住在森林里的树上。“仙女们是我的朋友,”彼得说。 “哦,真有趣!”温迪说。 “我现在必须回去了。我必须给迷路的男孩讲个故事。他们喜欢听故事,”彼得说。 “别走开!我知道很多故事,”温迪说。 “那就跟我来,温迪。你可以给我们讲故事。我们都想要一个妈妈。请过来。”彼得说。 “但是我不会飞,”温迪说。 “我可以教你飞,”彼得说。 “你能教约翰和迈克尔飞吗?” “是的,当然,”彼得说。 “约翰!迈克尔!醒醒吧!这是彼得·潘。他来自梦幻岛。这是一个美丽的地方,”温迪说。 约翰和迈克尔非常惊讶。 “我们可以和他一起去。但是首先我们必须学会飞行。”温迪说。 温迪、约翰和迈克尔非常兴奋。 他们试着飞,但却掉在床上和地板上。 “不,不,”彼得说。“这是一些仙尘。” 他把一些仙尘放在他们的肩膀上。 “现在再试一次,”彼得说。 “看,我会飞!”温迪说。 “我也能,”约翰说。 “我也是,”小迈克尔说。 “叮叮铃,告诉我们去梦幻岛的路。”彼得说。 他们跟着叮叮铃飞出了育儿室的窗户。 娜娜在花园里望着天空吠叫。 达林夫妇从宴会上回来了。 他们走进育儿室,但里面是空的!
- 句子反复磨耳朵(对话续)241-250
241. How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样? It was tiring. 感觉很累。 242. It's almost over. 就快结束了。 You said that yesterday as well. 你昨天也是这么说。 243. I am flattered! 你在恭维我! I am not just saying that, I am serious! 我不是说说而已,我是认真的! 244. The fire went out. 火灭了。 Is everyone safe? 大家都没事吧? 245. Let's take a taxi. 咱们打车吧。 That's a good idea. 好主意。 246. Are you awake? 你醒了吗? I'm getting up in 5 minutes. 我5分钟之内起床。 247. It's her field. 这是她的专业领域。 That's why she's pretty good at it. 所以她做得很好。 248. Could you help me out? 你能帮帮我吗? What can I do for you? 我能帮你做些什么? 249. I don't want to go alone. 我不想一个人去。 I'll go with you. 我和你一起去。 250. What luck! 好幸运啊! We were lucky, weren't we! 我们是很幸运,不是吗!
- 单词造句磨耳朵 首字母E day88(871-880)
听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 88 871. Expensive adj.花钱多的,昂贵的 This book is too expensive. 这本书太贵了。 I can't afford to buy an expensive car. 我买不起昂贵的汽车。 That boots are too expensive. 那双靴子太贵了。 872. Experience n.经历,往事;经验v.经历,遭遇 He has a lot of teaching experience. 他有很多教学经验。 The company has a broad range of experience. 该公司拥有广泛的经验。 He's the best teacher even though he has the least experience. 尽管他的经验最少,但他是最好的老师。 873. Experiment n.实验,试验;尝试v.进行实验 The experiment was successful. 实验成功了。 Don't be afraid to experiment and fail. 不要害怕尝试和失败。 That experiment led to a great discovery. 那个实验带来了一个伟大的发现。 874. Expert n.专家,能手adj.专业的,熟练的 She is the leading expert in her field. 她是该领域的领先专家。 He is an expert at solving such problems. 他是解决这些问题的专家。 875. Explain v.解释,说明 I'll explain it in detail next week. 下周我会详细解释的。 It's impossible for me to explain it to you. 我不可能向你解释。 Can you explain why you dislike him? 你能解释一下你为什么不喜欢他吗? 876. Explanation n.解释,说明;理由,原因 I don't need an explanation. 我不需要解释。 I demand an explanation. 我要求解释。 I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this. 我相信这一定有合理的解释。 877. Explode v.(使)爆炸,(使)爆破;激增 The bomb was timed to explode during the rush-hour. 炸弹定于在高峰时段爆炸。 878. Explore v.探讨,探究;考察,探索 He enjoys exploring remote areas. 他喜欢探索偏远地区。 879. Explosion n.爆破,爆炸(声);激增;爆发 There was an explosion in the lab. 实验室里发生了爆炸。 What was the cause of the explosion? 爆炸的原因是什么? Where were you when the explosion occurred? 爆炸发生时你在哪里? 880. Export v.出口;传播,输出;导出 n.出口,输出 The export of arms is prohibited. 禁止武器出口。 They export a lot of fruit to Europe. 他们向欧洲出口大量水果。
- 考级英语听力材料(专四)23 新闻
0:00 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻1 0:59 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻2 1:48 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻3 2:50 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻4 3:40 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻5 4:14 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻6 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻1 A huge storm that collapsed part of a cliff on Israel's central coast led to the discovery of a statue dating back to the Roman period, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday .以色列文物局周二表示,一场巨大的风暴击垮以色列中部海岸的悬崖,一尊罗马时期的雕像被发现。 The white marble statue of a woman is estimated to be 2,000 years old. 据估计,这尊白色大理石女性雕像有2000年的历史。 It stands 1.2 meters tall, weighs about 200 kilograms and was found with no head or arms, according to a news release by the authority. 据权威机构发布的消息称,它高1.2米,重约200公斤,没有头部和手臂。 A person walking on the shore at Ashkelon on the west coast of Jerusalem made the discovery, the authority said. 当局称,耶路撒冷西海岸阿什克伦海滩上的一名行人发现了这一雕像。 The statue fell into the sea when the cliff collapsed as a result of the storm. 由于暴风雨的袭击,这座雕像掉进了海里。 The collapse also ruined a bath house and mosaics that had been in the cliff for many hundreds of years. 倒塌也催毁了一间浴室,还有镶嵌在悬崖上数百年的马赛克。 The storm, one of the strongest Israel has experienced in recent years, brought winds of more than 100 kph that sent 10-meter waves crashing into Israel's coast. 这场风暴是以色列近年来遭遇的最强大的风暴之一,风速超过100公里,在以色列海岸掀起10米的海浪。 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻2 Canadian police and military teams were working Tuesday afternoon to rescue about 300 people stranded after what a local official termed the most brutal storm to hit the Ontario region in 25 years. 周二下午,加拿大警方和军事小组营救被困的300多人。安大略地区官员称这是25年来最猛烈的风暴。 Some people had been stuck in their vehicles for more than 24 hours following blinding snow that piled up so high it made it almost impossible to open vehicle doors. 由于积雪堆积,车门很难打开,一些人被困在车里超过24小时。 Ontario Provincial Police initially reported about 360 vehicles and about 300 people had been stranded near Sarnia, Ontario, on Highway 402-a major thoroughfare linking the U.S.-Canada border to London, Ontario. 安大略省警方最初公布,大约360辆汽车,300人被困在安大略省萨尼亚附近的402公路上,这是安大略省伦敦市通向美加边境的主要通道。 Some of those people have since been rescued, but Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley said it could be another 24 hours before everyone is taken to safety. 其中一些人已经获救,但萨尼亚市长迈克·布拉德利表示,还需要24小时才能将所有人都送往安全地带。 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻3 A top anti-smoking law has taken effect in Spain. 西班牙出台了一项反吸烟法案。 The ban, one of the strictest in Europe, outlaws smoking in all bars and restaurants. 这项禁令是欧洲最严格的禁令之一,禁止在所有酒吧和餐馆吸烟。 Smokers will also be prohibited on television broadcast, near hospitals or in school playgrounds. 在电视广播中、医院附近或学校操场上吸烟也受到禁止。 A law tightens anti-smoking restrictions introduced in 2006. 该法律比2006年出台的禁烟限制条例更加严格。 The anti-smoking rules introduced in 2006 outlawed smoking only in the workplace. 2006年颁布的禁烟令只禁止在工作场所吸烟。 It let bar and restaurant owners choose whether or not to allow it. 酒吧和餐馆老板自主选择自己的经营场所是否允许吸烟。 Most chose not to impose any ban. 大多数人选择不实施禁令。 Only large restaurants and bars were obliged to provide a smoke-free area. 只有大型的餐厅和酒吧才有义务提供无烟区。 Now,hotel, restaurant and bar owners have said they could face a 10% drop in trade with the new rules. 现在,酒店、餐厅和酒吧老板都表示,新规定出台后,他们的营业额可能会下降10%。 The industry has already seen a sharp fall in sales due to Spain's economic problems. 由于西班牙的经济问题,该行业的销售额已经急剧下降。 But doctors argue the new legislation will help smokers give up. 但是医生们认为新法律将有助于吸烟者戒烟。 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻4 Police in India have arrested a city bank employee accused of cheating clients out of millions of dollars. 印度警方逮捕了一名城市银行职员,他被控诈骗客户数百万美元。 Shivraj Pierry, 32, who is expected to appear in court later, told an Indian newspaper he was innocent. 32岁的希夫拉杰·皮耶里,预计稍后会在法庭上露面,他告诉一家印度报纸说他是无辜的。 The alleged fraud was discovered earlier this month, in a branch of the global bank,in Gurgaon, a wealthy suburb of Delhi. 本月早些时候,在德里富裕的郊区古尔冈的一家全球银行分支机构,这起涉嫌欺诈的案件被发现。 The bank has said investors were promised quick, high returns from a bogus financial scheme. 该银行表示,有人向投资者承诺可以迅速从一个虚假的金融计划中获得高额回报。 It is alleged that Mr. Pierry transferred the money into accounts controlled by three relatives. 据称,皮耶里将这笔钱转入了三名亲属控制的账户。 Mr. Pierry reportedly handed himself in on Thursday, a day after police said he was wanted for questioning. 据报道,皮耶里周四自首。此前一天,警方称他被通缉审问。 The alleged fraud came to light earlier this month when a client mentioned this scheme to a senior bank manager. 本月早些时候,一名客户向一名高级银行经理提到了这一计划,这场诈骗才被发现。 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻5 Some Hotmail users are reporting that their e-mails are missing from their accounts. 一些Hotmail用户称账户里的电子邮件不见了。 A number of people with Hotmail accounts have posted complaints on Microsoft forums complaining that their e-mails have been deleted. 很多Hotmail用户在微软论坛上投诉称自己的电子邮件被删除了。 Users around the world said e-mails were missing from their inbox and other folders within their Hotmail accounts. 世界各地的用户都表示,他们Hotmail账户里的收件箱和其他文件夹都有电子邮件丢失 A spokeswoman from Microsoft said the issue of missing e-mails was not a widespread problem. 微软的一位发言人说,丢失电子邮件的问题影响范围并不大。 By Sunday evening the issue was fully resolved, she said. The company apologize for any inconvenience. 她说,到周日晚上这个问题已经完全解决了。公司对由此带来的不便表示歉意。 2012年英语专业四级听力 新闻6 The number of North Americans who went to the cinema in 2010 was around 5 percent down on the 2009 total, figures show. 数据显示,北美2010年去电影院看电影的人数比2009年下降了大约5%。 Box office analysts forecast 1.35 billion tickets will be sold by the end of the year,down on 1.42 billion sold in 2009. 票房分析师预测,到今年年底,将售出13.5亿张门票,低于2009年的14.2亿张。 It is the biggest year-on-year drop since 2005, making 2010 the second lowest attended year of the decade. 这是自2005年以来最大的同比降幅,2010年也成为10年来第二低的一年。 Yet,box office revenues remained about the same at 10.7 billion dollars due to increased ticket prices. 然而,由于票价上涨,票房收入仍然保持在107亿美元左右。 Animated movie Toy Story 3 was the highest grossing film of the year at the U.S.box office, earning nearly 450 million dollars. 动画电影《玩具总动员3》是今年美国票房收入最高的电影,收入近4.5亿美元。 The Pixar sequel, like the second highest grossing title Alice in Wonderland,was one of several hit movies released in 3D. 皮克斯的续集,比如票房第二高的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,是几部热门3D电影之一。 It is thought the attendance figures in the U.S. and Canada will rise next year when sequels to hit comedies The Hangover and Pirates of the Caribbean are released. 有人认为,美国和加拿大的观影人数明年将会上升,届时喜剧《宿醉》和《加勒比海盗》的续集将会上映。
- 英文名著分集阅读 詹姆斯·巴利《彼得·潘》part1
Peter Pan By James Barrie 词汇提示 1.nursery 儿童房 2.nanny 保姆 3.Newfoundland 纽芬兰 4.kennel 狗窝 5.firm 坚定 6.pajamas 睡衣 7.wags 摇动 8.tails 尾巴 9.drawer 抽屉 原文 CHAPTER ONE:The Nursery Wendy,John and Michael Darling live in a lovely house in London. They have got a big, sunny nursery. There are colorful pictures and a big clock on the wall. There are toys here and there. The Darlings are a happy family. Mr.Darling and Mrs. Darling love their children very much. Wendy is the first child, John is the second and Michael is the third. The children's nanny is called Nana and she is a big Newfoundland dog! Her kennel is in the nursery and she is a wonderful nanny. She loves the children and the children love her. One evening Mr. and Mrs. Darling want to go to a dinner party. They have their best clothes on. 'Nana,it's time to put the children to bed,' says Mrs. Darling. Nana goes to the bathroom. She turns on the hot water for Michael's bath. She puts her paw in the water to check the temperature. It's perfect! 'I don't want to have a bath!' says little Michael. But Nana is a firm nanny and Michael has his bath. Then Nana gives the children their pajamas. Now they are ready for bed. Mrs.Darling comes into the nursery and smiles. 'Good work, Nana! I see the children are ready for bed.' Nana wags her big tail. Suddenly there is a noise. Mrs.Darling sees a young boy outside the nursery window. She is very surprised. Nana barks and shuts the window quickly. The boy's shadow falls on the floor. The young boy flies away. 'Who's there?' asks Mrs. Darling. She opens the window and looks outside, but she sees nothing. Then she sees the boy's shadow on the floor and says, 'Poor boy, this is his shadow.Let's put it in the drawer.' The children are in bed. Mr.Darling takes Nana to the garden. Then he goes to the sitting room and waits for Mrs. Darling. Mrs.Darling sings to the children and kisses them. She is a perfect mother. Soon the three children are sleeping. Mr.and Mrs. Darling go to their bedroom. They put on their coats and go to the dinner party. 翻译 第一章:育儿室 温迪、约翰和迈克尔·达林住在伦敦一所漂亮的房子里。 他们有一个阳光充足的育儿室。 墙上有五颜六色的图画和一个大钟。 到处都是玩具。 达林一家是一个幸福的家庭。 达林先生和达林先生太太非常爱他们的孩子。 温迪是第一个孩子,约翰是第二个,迈克尔是第三个。 孩子们的保姆叫娜娜,她是一只大纽芬兰狗! 她的狗窝在托儿所里,她是个很棒的保姆。 她爱孩子们,孩子们也爱她。 一天晚上,达林先生和达林先生太太想去参加一个宴会。 他们穿着最好的衣服。 “娜娜,该让孩子们睡觉了,”达林太太说。 娜娜去洗手间。 她打开热水给迈克尔洗澡。 她把爪子放在水里检查水温。 它是完美的! “我不想洗澡!”小迈克尔说。 但娜娜是个坚定的保姆,迈克尔洗了自己的澡。 然后奶奶给孩子们睡衣。 现在他们准备睡觉了。 达林太太走进育儿室,微笑着。 “干得好,娜娜!”我看孩子们都准备睡觉了。” 娜娜摇着她的大尾巴。 突然有一个声音。 达林太太看见育儿房窗外有个小男孩。 她很惊讶。 娜娜叫了一声,迅速关上了窗户。 男孩的影子落在地板上。 小男孩飞走了。 “谁在那?”达林太太问。 她打开窗户向外看,但什么也没看到。 然后她看到地板上男孩的影子,说:“可怜的孩子,这是他的影子。咱们把它放在抽屉里吧。” 孩子们在睡觉。 达林先生把娜娜带到花园。 然后他去客厅等达林太太。 达林太太唱歌给孩子们听,并亲吻他们。 她是一个完美的母亲。 很快三个孩子都睡着了。 达林先生和达林先生太太走进他们的卧室。 他们穿上外套去参加晚宴。
- 句子反复磨耳朵(对话续)231-240
231. How are you feeling about the holidays? 假期过得怎么样? I'm so excited. 很精彩。 232. Did you manage to stick to the budget? 你没有超预算吧? Just so-so. 还行吧。 233. Will you be able to attend? 你能来参加吗? I'm afraid not. 恐怕不能。 234. Why are you sleeping in the cinema? 你怎么在电影院里睡着了? It's so boring! 感觉好无聊! 235. Do you want to see a movie? 你想看个电影吗? I'm not in the mood. 我没有心情。 236. I didn't expect meeting you here. 没想到会在这里遇见你。 What a coincidence! 真巧啊! 237. What do you think about the trip we are planning? 你觉得我们计划的旅行怎么样? That sounds interesting. 听上去很有趣。 238. Were you surprised when I knocked on the door? 想不到敲门的是我吧? Nice seeing you! 很高兴见到你! 239. That's why? 这就是原因。 I should have listened to your advice. 我本该听从你的建议。 240. The meeting dragged on. 会议还在继续。 It is really boring if they carry on like that. 如果他们继续这样,就太无聊了。
- 单词造句磨耳朵 首字母E day87(861-870)
听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 87 861. Exercise n.运动,锻炼;练习v.运动,锻炼 Ideally,you should exercise for 30 minutes every day. 理想情况下,你应该每天锻炼30分钟。 Regular exercise is vital for your health. 定期运动对您的健康至关重要。 I think it's time for me to get a bit of exercise. 我想是时候锻炼一下了。 862. Exhibit v.卖弄,炫耀;展览n.展品 Isthe exhibit open to the public? 展览向公众开放吗? He hopes to exhibit his paintings in Japan. 他希望在日本展出他的画作。 863. Exhibition n.展览,展出;表现,展示 She won first prize in the exhibition. 她在展览中获得一等奖。 Today is the opening day of the exhibition. 今天是展览的开幕日。 We hold an exhibition every year. 我们每年都会举办一次展览。 864. Exist v.存在,实际上有;持续存在,生存 They are imaginary fears and do not exist. 它们是虚构的恐惧,并不存在。 865. Existence n.存在,实有;生存,生活 We shouldn't deny the existence of these problems. 我们不应该否认这些问题的存在。 Do you believe in the existence of God? 你相信上帝的存在吗? She is trying to prove the existence of ghosts. 她正在努力证明鬼魂的存在。 866. Exit n.出口,通道 v.退出 That building has no emergency exit. 那栋大楼没有紧急出口。 There's an emergency exit in the rear. 后方有一个紧急出口。 Don't you see the exit sign over there? 你没看见那边的出口标志吗? 867. Expand v.扩大,增加;扩展,发展 We are trying to expand our markets. 我们正在努力扩大我们的市场。 Their business is expanding rapidly. 他们的业务正在迅速扩大。 868. Expect v.期待;预计;要求,指望;认为 I expect a neat answer to this question. 我希望这个问题能得到一个简洁的答案。 I expect a subway station will be here in the future. 我预计将来会有地铁站。 You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week. 你不能指望在一周内学会一门外语。 869. Expectation n.期待,预期;期望,指望 I will try to live up to your expectations. 我会努力不辜负你的期望。 The results were contrary to our expectation. 结果与我们的预期背道而驰。 The restaurant has succeeded beyond expectations. 这家餐馆取得了出乎意料的成功。 870. Expense n.代价,费用v.向…..…收取费用 Let's share the expenses. 让我们分担费用吧。 You should record all your expenses during your trip. 你应该把旅行期间的所有开支都记录下来。 One hundred dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip. 一百美元足以支付你这次旅行的全部费用。
- 考级英语听力材料(专四)22 短文
0:00 2012年英语专业四级听力 短文1 1:07 2012年英语专业四级听力 短文2 2:49 2012年英语专业四级听力 短文3 2012年英语专业四级听力 短文1 If you are a resident, you will find it useful to open a bank account. 居民在银行开户其实很有用。 All the large banks have a network of breaches across the country, and all offer similar services. 所有大型银行都有遍布全国的支行网络,都提供类似的服务。 A visit to any one of them will be a friendly experience. 去任何一个支行都能体验到友好的服务。 However,to open an account, you have to be prepared to prove your identity in a number of ways. 然而,要开户,你必须准备好以多种方式证明你的身份。 You will find your passport useful, but the bank will also want to see some form of proof that you are living where you say you are. 你会用到护照,但是银行也想要看到你能用某种形式证明你生活在某个地方。 This can be proved by a housing rent book, a tax form, water or electricity bill for the property, as long as it is in your name. 这可以通过房屋租赁书、税务表格、水电费账单来证明,只要是你本人的。 In the bank and elsewhere, you may hear the term "utility bill", this simply refers to bills relating to the provision of services to your home, such as electricity, gas, water and telephone. 在银行等地方,你可能会听到“费用单”这个词,它是指与家庭服务供应有关的账单,如电力、煤气、水和电话。 There are other local facilities, such as post offices, where you can save your money and have access to affordable low cost loans. 还有邮局等其他地方设施,你可以存钱,还可以获得便宜的低成本贷款。 Where'd they exist in your local area? 你所在的地方这些设施分布在哪里? Contact details can be obtained from the Citizens Advice Bureau. 联络资料可从市民谘询处索取。 2012年英语专业四级听力 短文2 Life is very stressful nowadays, so it is useful for us to talk about how to cope with stress. 现在人们的生活压力很大,所以讨论一下如何应对压力其实很有用。 If you want to reduce some stress, you can reduce this by the word: s-t-r-e-s-s;that's stress. 如果你想减轻压力,你可以用“s-t-r-e-s-s”的方法;就是压力这个词。 Let's begin with the "s". "S" is that you can have the scheduling. 我们先说说“s”。“S”是关于安排日程的。 For example, you do not have to schedule too many things in your day, and if you feel you are too busy, you can cut out an activity or two. 例如,你没必要在一天中安排太多的事情,如果你觉得自己太忙,可以减少一两个活动。 And"t"is treat your body well, because experts say that exercise can reduce stress. “t”是善待身体,因为专家说运动可以减轻压力。 And also if you eat healthy food, then your brain and your body get the nourishment they need. 如果你能保持饮食健康,大脑和身体就可以得到所需的营养。 The next letter is "r". "R" means relax. 下一个字母是“r”。“R”是指放松。 You can do an activity you enjoy or that relaxes you. 你可以进行一项你喜欢或能让你放松的活动。 Maybe you can read a book or learn a new hobby and even spend time with your pet. 你可以读书或者学习新的爱好,甚至可以和宠物在一起玩。 And that could make a difference. 这可能会很有用。 And the next letter is "e". "E" is about expectations. 下一个字母是“e”。“E”是指期待。 This means be realistic about yourself and other. 这意味着对自己和他人的期待都要符合现实。 So you can just do your best and do not try to be perfect. 所以你可以尽你所能,不要试图做到完美。 And do not expect others to be too. 也不要期望别人完美。 That will release and reduce a lot of stress for you and the people around you. 这样可以减轻你和周围人的压力。 And the next letter is "s". "S" stands for sleep. If you get agood night sleep, then it will keep your mind and your body in shape. 下一个字母是“s”。S代表睡眠,如果你能睡个好觉,大脑和身体就会保持健康状态。 And the last letter is "s" again, which means smile. 最后一个字母又是“s”,意思是微笑。 If you smile and have confidence, you will think in a more positive way. 如果你微笑并且有自信,你会以一种更积极的方式思考问题。 And then you will feel more comfortable when you're coping with the stress. 面对压力时,你会感觉更舒服。 2012年英语专业四级听力 短文3 New words enter the English language all the time. 新词汇一直源源不断地进入英语。 In fact, English has always been in a state of evolution. 事实上,英语一直处于进化的状态。 And in recent years, more and more words and phrases have entered the language. 近年来,越来越多的单词和短语进入了英语。 But where do all these new words come from? 但是这些新词是从哪里来的呢? Words come out of the culture that they represent and they describe. 词汇来自于他们所表示和描述的文化。 So if you've got a new development in medicine, for example, bird flu, then you'll get a new word coming out of that. 所以如果医学上有了新进展,比如禽流感,那么我们就能从中得到一个新词汇。 If there is a military conflict, that may well bring all sorts of new words to the fore. 如果出现军事冲突,那很可能会出现各种各样的新词。 Going back in time, the First and Second World Wars were times of great creativity of language because people from different countries met each other and exchanged their words and words developed from there. 回望历史,两次世界大战期间,语言展现了其伟大的创造力,因为不同国家的人们相遇并交换了彼此的词汇,新词由此出现。 So,words come from the playground. 所以,词汇来源于运动场。 They come from politics. 词汇来源于政治。 They come from any area of life, because every area of life is changing from day today. 词汇来自生活的各个领域,因为生活的每个领域都在不断变化。 And does English have more words than any other language? 英语词汇是不是比其他语言多? It certainly has more than other European languages and probably more than any other language in the world. 一定比其他欧洲语言词汇要多,而且可能比世界上任何其他语言都要多。 English is put together from so many different bits. 英语是由许多不同的部分拼凑而成的。 Originally,it was a Germanic language. 最初,它是日耳曼语。 And then after the Norman conquest in 1066, there was enormous influx of French words. 1066年诺曼征服之后,大量的法语词汇涌入。 And it comes from a country, the United Kingdom, which was quite an expansive trading colonial power in the past. 它是联合王国语言,而过去联合王国是一个非常庞大的贸易殖民大国。 And all these have brought all sorts of other new words into the language. 所有这些都催生了各种各样的新词。
- 英文名著分集阅读 柴可夫斯基 《天鹅湖》 part10
Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky 词汇提示 1.pile 一堆 2.scratching 挠 3.priest 牧师 4.chirp 吱吱叫 原文 Chapter 10: The Wedding Dawn broke in the forest, but no birds sang. The castle was nothing but a pile of stones. The only sound was Odile crying over Zigfried's body. "Oh Zigfried, my one true love!Why did you have to die?" At this, the Prince opened first one eye, then the other. "You're alive! Oh, Zigfried!" She hugged the Prince and cried tears of happiness. "I love you, Odile. I knew that my love was stronger than that sword. Nothing is more powerful than a person's heart. Tell me you will marry me, and I will love you forever." "Of course I will Zigfried. You have made my dreams come true. We were right to believe in love!" They left the old castle together on Zigfried's horse. When they came to the lake near the palace,they saw Ozlowe. He was not a statue anymore. He stood scratching his head. All of the wizard's spells had been broken when he died. The Prince was full of joy. "Ozlowe!" "Master Zigfried, I don't know what happened. I was standing here about to shoot a swan." "That will teach you never to kill anything. This is Princess Odile. She was the swan you tried to kill." Ozlowe was very confused. "Prince Zigfried, I think I'd better go to bed. I don't feel very well." When the servants and the Queen heard about Zigfried and Odile's marriage, there was a big celebration. All the people in the land and the surrounding kingdoms were invited to the wedding. It took place at the edge of the lake, where Zigfried had first seen Odile. Odile wore a beautiful long wedding dress. Zigfried's mother walked towards them. "Zigfried, I want you to know that what you did was right. Though I asked you to stay at the palace, you left fora better reason. You should always follow your heart, especially when it is full of love. You father would be very proud of you. " Zigfried's mother was so happy she had tears in her eyes. The Prince took Odile's hands. They stood together in front of the lake. The Queen put the King's crown on Zigfried's head. The priest spoke to the new King and Queen. "Marriage is a wonderful thing.And what makes this marriage special is that the love you have for each other will affect everyone in this land. Through your happiness, we will become happy.Through your love for each other, we will love each other. Is this what you want?Is your love strong enough to lead a land of people who need joy in their lives?" Odile spoke first. "It is." "Of course, it is! " "Then by the power that is given to me by God, I pronounce you husband and wife." At that moment a joyful chirp was heard and a little bird flew from a rose bush and sat on Odile's hand. "Patrice, my little friend! You're back!" Then Odile turned to Zigfried and said:"You see my beloved King, love is stronger than anything in this world. When you love somebody or something you never lose them." Zigfried looked lovingly into his bride's eyes, they kissed and everybody cheered. 翻译 第十章:婚礼 森林里天亮了,但没有鸟儿歌唱。 那座城堡只不过是一堆石头。 唯一的声音是奥迪尔在齐格弗里德的尸体上哭泣。 “哦,齐格弗里德,我唯一的真爱!”你为什么要死?” 听到这里,王子先睁开了一只眼睛,然后又睁开了另一只。 “你还活着!哦,齐格弗里德!” 她拥抱着王子,流下了幸福的眼泪。 “我爱你,奥迪尔。我知道我的爱比那把剑更强大。没有什么比一个人的心更强大。告诉我你会嫁给我,我会永远爱你。” “我当然会去的。你让我的梦想成真。我们相信爱情是对的!” 他们一起骑着齐格弗里德的马离开了古老的城堡。 当他们来到宫殿附近的湖边时,他们看到了奥兹洛。 他不再是一座雕像了。 他站在那里挠着头。 巫师死的时候,所有的咒语都被打破了。 王子满心欢喜。 “奥兹洛!” “齐格弗里德少爷,我不知道发生了什么事。我正站在这里准备射一只天鹅。” “这将教会你永远不要杀死任何东西。这是奥迪尔公主。她就是你想杀死的那只天鹅。” 奥兹洛非常困惑。 “齐格弗里德王子,我想我最好去睡觉了。我觉得不太舒服。” 当仆人和王后听说齐格弗里德和奥迪尔结婚的消息时,举行了一场盛大的庆祝活动。 所有的人都被邀请来参加婚礼。 事情发生在湖边,就是齐格弗里德第一次见到奥迪尔的地方。 奥迪尔穿着一件漂亮的长长的结婚礼服。 齐格弗里德的妈妈朝他们走来。 “齐格弗里德,我想让你知道你做的是对的。虽然我让你留在宫里,但你有更好的理由离开了。你应该永远跟随自己的心,尤其是当它充满爱的时候。你父亲会为你感到骄傲的。” 齐格弗里德的妈妈高兴得热泪盈眶。 王子握住奥迪尔的手。 他们一起站在湖边。 王后把国王的王冠戴在了齐格弗里德的头上。 牧师对新国王和王后讲话。 “婚姻是一件美妙的事情。这段婚姻的特别之处在于你们对彼此的爱将影响这片土地上的每一个人。 通过你的幸福,我们也会变得幸福。通过你对彼此的爱,我们会彼此相爱。这是你想要的吗?你的爱是否强大到足以引领这片需要快乐生活的土地?” 奥迪尔先说话了。 “这是。” “当然了!” “那么,以上帝赋予我的权力,我宣布你们结为夫妻。” 就在这时,听到一阵欢快的啁啾声,一只小鸟从玫瑰花丛中飞出来,落在奥迪尔的手上。 “帕特里斯,我的小朋友!你回来了!” 然后奥迪尔转向齐格弗里德说:“你看,我亲爱的国王,爱比世界上任何东西都强大。当你爱某人或某物时,你永远不会失去他们。” 齐格弗里德深情地望着新娘的眼睛,他们亲吻了一下,大家都欢呼起来。
- 句子反复磨耳朵(对话续)221-230
221. Do you think we should jump into the waterfall? 你觉得我们应该跳进瀑布里吗? Don't take chances. 别冒险。 222. What do you think is the solution to this situation? 你觉得这个问题该怎么解决? This problem is beyond me. 我不知道该怎么办。 223. I'm good at this. 我擅长这个。 If you say so. 你说是就是吧。 224. Can you join me for dinner later? 一会儿一起吃个饭,怎么样? I wish I could. 要是可以就好了。 225. Could you please come and help me? 你能过来帮帮我吗? Sit tight. 稍等哦。 226. Which one did you buy for me? 你想给我买哪个? Take whichever you want. 你想要哪个,就买哪个。 227. Who is paying for the meal? 这顿饭谁付账? I'll treat you. 我请你。 228. Do you think it will last forever? 你觉得它是永恒的吗? Money soon goes. 钱会去得很快。 229. OK, who dropped the plate? 好了,谁摔的盘子? It's my fault. 是我的错。 230. Why is it so dark and cold all of a sudden? 怎么突然之间变得这么阴冷? The temperature has suddenly dropped. 突然降温了。
- 单词造句磨耳朵 首字母E day86(851-860)
听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 86 851. Excellent adj.极好的,卓越的 int.太好了 We guarantee excellent service. 我们保证提供优质的服务。 That's an excellent idea. 这是个好主意。 That restaurant serves excellent food. 那家餐厅供应美味的食物。 852. Except prep.除…外,不包括conj.除了v.不包括 The restaurant is open daily except Sunday. 餐厅每天营业,周日除外。 He never drinks, except on special occasions. 他从不喝酒,除非在特殊场合。 Everyone was invited except me. 除了我以外,所有人都被邀请了。 853. Exception n.例外,除外 We'll make an exception this time. 这次我们会例外。 With the exception of him, nobody else came to the party. 除了他之外,没有其他人来参加聚会。 854. Exchange n.交换;兑换;交流v.更换;交易 What's the exchange rate? 汇率是多少? May l exchange money here? 我可以在这里兑换钱吗? He gave me an orange in exchange for a piece of cake. 他给了我一个橙子来换一块蛋糕。 855. Excited adj.激动的,兴奋的 v.使兴奋,使激动 Is anyone else excited about this? 还有人对此感到兴奋吗? I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing her again. 一想到要再见到她,我就很兴奋。 We're very excited about the trip. 我们对这次旅行感到非常兴奋。 856. Excitement n.令人激动的事,激动,兴奋 This game lacks excitement. 这个游戏缺乏兴奋感。 What's all the excitement about? 激动人心的是什么? 857. Exciting adj.令人兴奋的,令人激动的 v.使兴奋 It was an exciting game. 这是一场激动人心的比赛。 He told us a very exciting adventure story. 他给我们讲了一个非常激动人心的冒险故事。 The latter half of the game was very exciting. 比赛的后半段非常令人兴奋。 858. Exclude vt.不包括,把…..排除在外 The prices on the menu exclude tax. 菜单上的价格不含税。 Don't exclude your little sister from the party. 不要把你的妹妹排除在聚会之外。 859. Excuse n.借口,托词 v.原谅,宽恕 Excuse me, where am I on this map? 对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方? There's no excuse for such behavior. 这种行为没有任何借口。 860. Executive adj.行政的,有执行权的;领导的 n.主管,经理 I trust his executive ability. 我相信他的执行能力。 She is a sales executive. 她是一名销售主管。
- 考级英语听力材料(专四)21 对话
0:00 2011年英语专业四级 对话1 1:40 2011年英语专业四级 对话2 3:15 2011年英语专业四级 对话3 2011年英语专业四级对话1 Good afternoon. International Trade Center Exhibition Services. How can I help? 下午好。国际贸易中心展览客服。有什么可以帮助您? Oh,hello. I'd like some information about the exhibiting at the International Automobile Show. 哦,你好。我想了解一些关于在国际车展上参展的情况。 The auto show? So, what would you like to know? 车展?您想了解些什么? First,can you give me an idea of how big the fair is? 首先,你能告诉我博览会有多大吗? Well,121 companies had stands last year, and that figure should be up to 140 this time. 嗯,去年有121家公司的展位,这次应该会达到140家。 Sorry,how many? 对不起,有多少? 140. 140家。 What about visitor numbers? 那么客流量呢? Over the two days, we had 16,500 visitors. So, with more stands, we'd hope for more people this time. 在这两天里,我们接待了16500名游客。所以,现在有了更多的展位,我们希望这次能有更多的访客。 And where did they typically come from? 他们通常是从哪里来的? About 57% were from overseas, America and Europe, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea.The remained were local people. 大约57%来自海外:美国和欧洲、日本、新加坡和韩国。剩下的是当地人。 That's interesting. Now, a few practical questions. We are thinking of taking a stand of about 45 square meters. How much will that cost us? 真有趣。现在我有几个实际的问题。我们正在考虑租一个大约45平方米的展位。我们要花多少钱? 400 dollars per square meter. 每平方米400美元。 Sorry, can you give me the cost again? 对不起,你能再告诉我一下费用吗? Yes,it's 400 dollars. 好的,400美元。 So,if you are looking at 45 square meters, it would be .…. let me see ... 18,000 dollars. But that's just the cost for a basic stand. 所以,如果你打算租45平方米,那么.….让我看看……18000美元。但这只是基本展位的价格。 What does the price include? 这个价格包括什么? You get a listing in the catalogue in both Chinese and English, some basic furniture, a desk and four chairs, and electricity and lighting. 中英文目录上都会列出贵公司的名称,还提供一些基本的家具——一张桌子,四把椅子,电和照明。 So anything else would be extra, like a poster? 那么其他的都要另外收费了?比如海报? That's right. 是的。 2011年英语专业四级 对话2 Hello,Linda. 你好,琳达。 Hello,Jim. 你好,吉姆。 I'm thinking of investing in your new educational computer that your company has produced. And I'm interested in the advertising campaign. 我在考虑投资贵公司生产的新型教育电脑。我对广告宣传很感兴趣。 Oh, thank you. What would you like to know? 哦,谢谢。你想知道些什么? I've read your campaign plan. It looks OK. I only have a couple of questions, mainly about where you intend to place these advertisements. 我看过你的宣传计划了,看起来不错。我只有几个问题,主要是关于你打算把这些广告投放在哪里。 Well,as you can see from the plan, we intend to place them in family magazines and on early evening television. We want whole families that's parents and children, to see them. 嗯,正如你从计划中看到的,我们打算把它们刊登在家庭杂志和晚间电视节目上。我们希望整个家庭——父母和孩子——都能看到他们。 Um,but are you sure they will be the right families? 嗯,但是你确定他们是合适的对象家庭吗? I mean, are you certain that the parents who read those magazines and watch those television programmes are the people who will buy an educational computer for their children? 我的意思是,你确定那些看那些杂志和电视节目的父母会给他们的孩子买教育电脑吗? Yes,we are quite certain. Our market research shows that .... 是的,我们很确定。我们的市场调查显示……… Good.I 'm sure you are right. And I see that you are thinking of placing advertisements in teenage magazines as well. 很好。我相信你是对的。我看到你也在考虑在青少年杂志上登广告。 Yes.We intend to place them in some teenage magazines, the more serious ones, you know. And we are also thinking of putting them in Sunday newspapers, because it is likely that the whole family will be together on Sundays. 是的。我们打算把它们刊登在一些青少年杂志上,那些比较严肃的杂志。我们也想把它们放在星期天的报纸上,因为很有可能整个家庭都会在周日相聚。 I see. But do you really think that parents and their children will like the same advertisements? 我明白了。但是你真的认为父母和他们的孩子会喜欢同样的广告吗? We've done research and we think they'll like our advertisements. 我们已经做了调查,我们认为他们会喜欢我们的广告。 Good. 很好 2011年英语专业四级 对话3 Hello. I'm Sue Green. You must be John Fox. 你好。我是苏·格林。你一定是约翰·福克斯。 Thanks for coming to the job interview. Let me ask you a few questions. 谢谢你来参加这次招聘面试。我想问你几个问题。 Have you got any work experience? 你有工作经验吗? Yes.I had a job in a paper factory for a few months after I left school. Then I worked in the summer holidays at the university, first in a fast food restaurant, then in a book shop. 是的。毕业后,我在一家造纸厂工作了几个月。大学暑假期间,我在打工,先是在快餐店,后来又在书店。 OK.Do you drive? Have you got a driving license? 好的。你会开车吗?你有驾驶执照吗? That's fine then. So, what kind of interests do you have? 很好。那么,你有什么样的兴趣爱好呢? Interests? Well, I like traveling. I play a lot of sports, and I play the piano. 兴趣?嗯,我喜欢旅游。我经常做运动,还弹钢琴。 What sorts of sports do you like? 你喜欢什么运动? Football, tennis and swimming. 足球、网球和游泳。 Right. And what sort of music do you play? 好的。你演奏什么音乐? Oh, a lot of different types, classical, jazz.. 哦,有很多不同的类型,古典,爵士乐…… OK.The most important question now. What experience have you had with children?好的。现在是最重要的问题,你有没有与儿童有关的经验? Well, I've looked after my brother and sister as babies and as young children. 嗯,我从小就照顾我弟弟妹妹。 Um. 嗯。 And I've also worked with children in a youth club. 我还在一个青年俱乐部工作,和孩子们打交道。 A youth club? 青年俱乐部? Yes. I've been working as a helper at a youth club since I started at the university as a sort of a volunteer, with teenagers. 是的。自从我上大学就开始做志愿者,一直在一个青年俱乐部做助手,和青少年打交道。 Good. OK. We'll let you know our decision in a few days. 很好。好的。过几天我们会通知你我们的决定。 Thank you. 谢谢。
- 英文名著分集阅读 柴可夫斯基 《天鹅湖》 part9
Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky 词汇提示 1.weeping 哭泣 2.triumphantly 得意洋洋地 3.stab 刺 原文 Chapter 9: The Fire Rocford, Odet and Odile flew onto the tower of the castle. They changed back into people. Odile was weeping loudly. The wizard just laughed his evil laugh and said: "Odile, now I know how to get you to marry me. If you don't, I will kill the Prince, and you will watch him die." "Father, you do not have to kill Zigfried. He has already promised to marry me. He cannot break such a promise." "Neither of you has a heart. How can you ever expect to be happy if you know that someone does not love you? But you will see. Love is stronger than spells. You will never succeed in getting what you want." At this,they saw Zigfried coming towards the castle on his horse. "We shall see which is stronger, love or hate!" The wizard made a wall of fire appear in front of Zigfried. Zigfried could only think of Odile. He rode right through the fire without getting hurt. Odile said triumphantly: "You see.I am right." As she ran from the wizard, he tried to block her way by making the doors close in front of her. But Odile just ran faster and escaped through each one. The Prince saw Odile on the steps going up to the tower. He took her in his arms. "Odile, I will never let you leave me again. Say that you will stay with me forever." "I will, I will! I love you Zigfried!" The wizard appeared at the top of the steps. Odet was behind him. "You will not escape death this time, Zigfried." The Prince took out his sword. Odile tried to stop him. "Do not fight him, Zigfried. If he kills you, I will lose everyone I've ever loved." "You are right Odile. Zigfried is only a boy. He is no match for me. Now, come back to your room, and let this little boy go home to his mother." "Rocford, your words will not discourage me. I would kill you now, but I will give you one last chance to live. Let us leave in peace and never come near Odile again." "You really are a little boy if you think that you can harm me." Rocford raised his hand, and Odile flew through the air to where Odet stood. Zigfried ran at Rocford and tried to stab him with his sword. Rocford put his hand up. The sword touched it and turned into water. Without a sword, Zigfried attacked the wizard. Rocford threw Zigfried down the steps. He picked up a stick and turned it into a sword. He pointed it at Zigfried's heart as he lay on the ground. "Rocford! Don't!" "Say you will marry me Odile, and I will let him live. " "Don't do it Odile! Don't make yourself more unhappy just for me!" The wizard prodded Zigfried with the sword. "And you have promised to marry me, Zigfried. You said you would always love me." "I said that because I thought you were Odile. I would never marry you. I would rather die." Zigfried took the wizard's sword and pushed it deep into his own heart. "Zigfried, no!" Something strange began to happen. The castle began to shake. Large stones fell from the ceiling, and Rocford and Odet were killed. Odile ran to Zigfried. She took the sword out of his heart and pulled his body out of the castle, before it fell to the ground. 翻译 第九章:火 罗福德、奥德和奥迪尔飞上了城堡的塔楼。 他们变回了人。 奥迪尔大声地哭着。 巫师只是邪恶地笑了笑,说:“奥迪尔,现在我知道怎么让你嫁给我了。如果你不这样做,我就杀了王子,你就看着他死去。” “爸爸,你不必杀齐格弗里德。他已经答应娶我了。他不能违背这样的诺言。” “你们两个都没有心。如果你知道有人不爱你,你怎么能期望幸福呢?但你会看到的。爱比咒语更强大。你永远也得不到你想要的东西。” 这时,他们看见齐格弗里德骑着马向城堡走来。 “让我们看看爱和恨哪个更强大吧!” 巫师让一道火墙出现在齐格弗里德面前。 齐格弗里德只能想到奥迪勒。 他骑马穿过火堆,没有受伤。 奥迪尔得意地说:“你看。我是对的。” 当她从巫师身边跑开的时候,他试图挡住她的去路,把门关上了。 但奥迪尔跑得更快,从每一个洞里逃了出来。 王子看见奥迪尔站在台阶上向塔走去。 他把她抱在怀里。 “奥迪尔,我再也不会让你离开我了。说你会永远和我在一起。” “我会的,我会的!”我爱你,齐格弗里德!” 男巫出现在台阶顶上。 奥德在他后面。 “你这次逃不掉死亡了,齐格弗里德。” 王子拿出了他的剑。 奥迪尔试图阻止他。 “别跟他打,齐格弗里德。如果他杀了你,我就会失去所有我爱过的人。” “你说得对,奥迪尔。齐格弗里德只是个孩子。他不是我的对手。现在,回你的房间去吧,让这个小男孩回家找他妈妈。” “罗福德,你的话不会使我气馁。我现在就会杀了你,但我会给你最后一次活命的机会。让我们平平安安地走吧,永远不要再靠近奥迪尔。” “如果你认为你能伤害我,那你真是个小男孩。” 罗福德举起了手,奥迪尔就从空中飞到了奥德站着的地方。 齐格弗里德跑向罗福德,试图用剑刺他。 罗福德举起手来。 剑碰到它就变成了水。 没有剑的齐格弗里德攻击了巫师。 罗福德把齐格弗里德扔下了台阶。 他捡起一根棍子,把它变成了一把剑。 他把枪对准躺在地上的齐格弗里德的心脏。 “罗福德!不!” “说你愿意嫁给我,奥迪尔,我会让他活下去。” “别这样,奥迪尔!”不要因为我而让自己更不开心!” 巫师用剑捅了刺齐格弗里德。 “你答应过要嫁给我的,齐格弗里德。你说过你会永远爱我。” “我这么说是因为我以为你是奥迪尔。我永远不会嫁给你。我宁愿去死。” 齐格弗里德拿起巫师的剑,深深刺进自己的心脏。 “齐格弗里德,没有!” 奇怪的事情开始发生了。 城堡开始摇晃。 巨大的石头从天花板上掉了下来,罗克福德和奥德死了。 奥迪尔跑向齐格弗里德。 她从他的心脏里取出剑,把他的身体拉出了城堡,还没等他倒在地上。
- 句子反复磨耳朵(对话续)211-220
211. Don't you understand what I am explaining? 你不明白我的解释吗? This makes no sense. 根本说不通。 212. Are you working for another Company now? 你现在另一家公司上班吗? I switched jobs. 我换工作了。 213. Do you think it would be a good idea? 你觉得这是个好主意吗? I think so. 我觉得是。 214. How's the movie? 这个电影怎么样? That's really scary! 真的很吓人! 215. May I have one please? 我可以来一个吗? Be my guest. 请随意。 216. The plane is taking off. 飞机要起飞了。 Fasten your seat belt. 系好你的安全带。 217. I will not be able to help you today, what about tomorrow? 我今天没办法帮你,明天可以吗? Forget it. 那就算了。 218. Aren't you cold? 你不觉得冷吗? I'm freezing. 我快冻死了。 219. Did you see when the fireworks went off? 你看到放烟花了吗? The sky brightened. 天都照亮了。 220. Where do you work? 你在哪里工作? I work at home. 我在家工作。