- Ep.47: One More Before I Go
在我们上一次面对面录制的节目中(在Amy离开蒙大拿之前),我们回顾了在山中共度的时光,以及我们各自的2024年。此外,我们还讨论了创作障碍,Meg分享了她克服这些障碍的方法。Amy讲述了她在面对遴选困难时的叛逆精神,以及她挑选书籍影音的过程,这引发了我们对大大小小的决策进行了更广泛的讨论。点击听取更多内容! In our last episode recorded in-person before Amy left Montana, we reflect on our time together in the mountains and 2024. Plus, we also talk about creative blocks and Meg shares something that’s helped her push past them. Amy shares a genius act of rebellion and her process of picking out a library book, which leads us to a larger conversation about making decisions big and small - and much more. If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat: TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件而了解到我们的播客,欢迎你且祝贺你找到了联系我们的最佳渠道! 如果你不了解Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里来关注我们。关注以后,你将了解到我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果你喜欢这个播客,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件事情,那对我们来说都非常举足轻重。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》会让你第一时间了解我们的动态,这样你不会错过任何一集节目。关注我们,给我们留言,也可以让我们更加了解你。我们会认真阅读每一条评论,并且认真做出回复。 想和我们保持联系和文字交流,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你习惯听播客的任何平台,寻找“The Spark Podcast by Meg and Amy 火花电台”的节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于The Spark Podcast火花电台最重要的事情。如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级,并邀请朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们会非常感激!感谢你一直以来的支持。是你们的存在,让我们知道火花再小,也可以无比璀璨。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.46: Letting Go - A Winter Solstice & NYE Ritual
We’re back behind the mic after quite a hiatus (we’ve both had A LOT going on since May)! This first episode back marks a particularly special one though, because it’s the first episode we’ve EVER recorded in person. So, we ceremoniously recorded this one on Winter Solstice, around a campfire in Meg’s backyard in Montana, and took part in a Winter Solstice ritual that could just as easily be a New Year’s Eve ritual. Before we hit record, we wrote down a few things we’re each letting go of in the new year on little squares of paper. Then, we hit record to share one-by-one what we each wrote down and why. After every share, a cathartic toss in the fire as we look ahead to 2025. 自五月以来,我们俩的生活都发生了很多事情。在经历了相当长的一段空档期后,火花电台的主播们终于重新回到了话筒前!不过,这次回归的第一期节目尤为特别,因为这是我们第一次面对面录制节目。因此,我们特意选择了冬至这一天,在蒙大拿州Meg家的后院围着篝火录制了这期节目。在这期节目中,Meg和Amy共同参与了一场“冬至仪式”,以这样一个特殊的方式跨年。 在录音开始前,我们分别在小纸片上写下了新的一年中我们想要放下的事情。然后,我们打开录音设备,逐一分享了自己写下的内容以及背后的原因。每分享完一件,就将纸片投进篝火中,借此展望和祈福即将到来的2025。 If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat: TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件而了解到我们的播客,欢迎你且祝贺你找到了联系我们的最佳渠道! 如果你不了解Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里来关注我们。关注以后,你将了解到我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果你喜欢这个播客,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件事情,那对我们来说都非常举足轻重。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》会让你第一时间了解我们的动态,这样你不会错过任何一集节目。关注我们,给我们留言,也可以让我们更加了解你。我们会认真阅读每一条评论,并且认真做出回复。 想和我们保持联系和文字交流,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你习惯听播客的任何平台,寻找“The Spark Podcast by Meg and Amy 火花电台”的节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于The Spark Podcast火花电台最重要的事情。如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级,并邀请朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们会非常感激!感谢你一直以来的支持。是你们的存在,让我们知道火花再小,也可以无比璀璨。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.45: Alex Kim Heads to South Korea
We first had Alex Kim on The Spark in July of 2022 - go back and listen to episode 31 if you haven’t already. Last time we talked, we delved into the incredible work he’s doing to get the BIPOC community outside with Here Montana. To this day, it is one of our most listened-to and engaged-with episodes. Not just because of the work he’s doing with Here Montana, but also because of his personal story and what he shared with us about his own identity as a Korean-American. There are a lot of people who share his identity and experience and are seeking community around it. We believe they found it in his episode. So, when we heard that Alex is headed to visit South Korea for the very first time - the place where his family is from, we thought it would be powerful to capture his thoughts as he gets ready to set out on such a personal trip. Take a listen to hear Alex speak candidly about the exciting new chapter he’s beginning in his life that coincides with this monumental trip, and explore with him as we discuss what we move forward with in our lives and what we leave behind - all with the knowing that we before we try and heal others, we have to heal ourselves. When Alex returns, he’s going to sit back down with us in a part two to this episode, where we’ll capture all the stories he’ll have to tell. In the meantime, follow along with Alex on Instagram @atkpics and keep up with the work he’s doing with Here Montana @here_montana. If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat: TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件而了解到我们的播客,欢迎你且祝贺你找到了联系我们的最佳渠道! 如果你不了解Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里来关注我们。关注以后,你将了解到我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果你喜欢这个播客,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件事情,那对我们来说都非常举足轻重。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》会让你第一时间了解我们的动态,这样你不会错过任何一集节目。关注我们,给我们留言,也可以让我们更加了解你。我们会认真阅读每一条评论,并且认真做出回复。 想和我们保持联系和文字交流,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你习惯听播客的任何平台,寻找“The Spark Podcast by Meg and Amy 火花电台”的节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于The Spark Podcast火花电台最重要的事情。如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级,并邀请朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们会非常感激!感谢你一直以来的支持。是你们的存在,让我们知道火花再小,也可以无比璀璨。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.44: Amy's Big Promotion
Disclaimer: On April 16th, Amy had the opportunity to finally have lunch with her mentor, the former president of NYU. On the night of the Year of the Dragon New Year’s Eve, Amy found herself in tears while FaceTiming her parents. In this episode, she continues the conversation from our previous installment, sharing her mix of anxieties and excitement surrounding her first significant promotion. As she transitions into this new role, Amy begins to grasp the deeper value of quality work: taking responsibility doesn't just mean excelling at your tasks; it means enabling and supporting others to succeed. What people say when you're not in the room? Through their learning and growth, Amy and Meg both realize that becoming the people they admired in their youth requires immense effort— it's not the other way around. Join us as we explore the journey and insights into personal and professional growth. 声明:4月16日,Amy 终于有机会与她的导师——纽约大学前校长共进午餐。 在龙年除夕之夜,Amy 一边与父母视频通话,一边哭得梨花带雨。在本集中,她延续了上一集的对话,分享了她在人生中第一次得到重要晋升,和与之而来的焦虑和兴奋之情。随着她步入新角色,Amy 开始领悟领导力的深层意义:领导需要承担责任。而承担责任不仅意味着出色完成自己的任务,更意味着帮助他人取得成功。 当你不在场时人们会怎么评价你?在学习和成长的过程中,Amy 和 Meg 都意识到成为年轻时仰慕的人需要付出巨大的努力。请加入我们,在这集中一起探索个人和职业成长的历程! If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件而了解到我们的播客,欢迎你且祝贺你找到了联系我们的最佳渠道! 如果你不了解Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里来关注我们。关注以后,你将了解到我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果你喜欢这个播客,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件事情,那对我们来说都非常举足轻重。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》会让你第一时间了解我们的动态,这样你不会错过任何一集节目。关注我们,给我们留言,也可以让我们更加了解你。我们会认真阅读每一条评论,并且认真做出回复。 想和我们保持联系和文字交流,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你习惯听播客的任何平台,寻找“The Spark Podcast by Meg and Amy 火花电台”的节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于The Spark Podcast火花电台最重要的事情。如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级,并邀请朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们会非常感激!感谢你一直以来的支持。是你们的存在,让我们知道火花再小,也可以无比璀璨。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.43: To China and Back
Meg is back from her first trip to China in five years. We said we’d be back in three weeks, but that quickly turned into eight. For Meg, jet-leg, getting back into routine, and processing this trip so that she can share her experience took a little longer. This is one of the most precise and poignant episodes we’ve ever recorded. The points of conversation we explore in this episode reignite why we set out to create The Spark Podcast and mark a new chapter in its story. There’s not much more we can say beyond that. You’ll just have to listen. Meg从她五年后的第一次中国之行回来了!我们本来以为这次停更会持续三周,但不知不觉就变成了停更八周。Meg回顾这次旅游经历才意识到,不论是倒时差,还是回归日常作息,静下心来整理这次旅行经历需要花费她极多的时间。 这是我们录制过的最有力的一集节目之一。在这一集中,我们回顾创办“火花电台”的初衷。这一步标志着我们即将开始的新篇章。单集中的更多内容,需要你自己来聆听啦!我们期待和你的交流。 If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件而了解到我们的播客,欢迎你且祝贺你找到了联系我们的最佳渠道! 如果你不了解Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里来关注我们。关注以后,你将了解到我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果你喜欢这个播客,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件事情,那对我们来说都非常举足轻重。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》会让你第一时间了解我们的动态,这样你不会错过任何一集节目。关注我们,给我们留言,也可以让我们更加了解你。我们会认真阅读每一条评论,并且认真做出回复。 想和我们保持联系和文字交流,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你习惯听播客的任何平台,寻找“The Spark Podcast by Meg and Amy 火花电台”的节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于The Spark Podcast火花电台最重要的事情。如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级,并邀请朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们会非常感激!感谢你一直以来的支持。是你们的存在,让我们知道火花再小,也可以无比璀璨。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.42: Home for the Chinese New Year
By the time you read this, Meg will be on a plane to China for the first time in five years and you won’t hear from us for about a month. In this episode, Meg shares her thoughts as she finally gets to go back to China. Amy shares what she’ll be up to while Meg’s gone. 当你读到这条消息时,Meg 已经在飞往中国的飞机上了。接下来的一个月你可能不会收到我们的更新,这是因为Meg要在中国好好体验。毕竟这是五年来她第一次回国。在这一集中,Meg 分享了她即将重回中国的心情。Amy 也分享了在Meg离开期间她将要忙碌的事情。 And, we want to know what makes you giggle? 与此同时……这期的问题是:我们想知道是什么让你开心地笑呢? If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件而了解到我们的播客,欢迎你且祝贺你找到了联系我们的最佳渠道! 如果你不了解Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里来关注我们。关注以后,你将了解到我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果你喜欢这个播客,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件事情,那对我们来说都非常举足轻重。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》会让你第一时间了解我们的动态,这样你不会错过任何一集节目。关注我们,给我们留言,也可以让我们更加了解你。我们会认真阅读每一条评论,并且认真做出回复。 想和我们保持联系和文字交流,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你习惯听播客的任何平台,寻找“The Spark Podcast by Meg and Amy 火花电台”的节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于The Spark Podcast火花电台最重要的事情。如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级,并邀请朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们会非常感激!感谢你一直以来的支持。是你们的存在,让我们知道火花再小,也可以无比璀璨。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.41: When is a Risk Worth Taking?
We all take risks, big and small, every day - especially those of us who are leading unconventional lives that span across multiple countries and cultures. In this episode we ponder the question, “When is a risk worth taking?” 无论大小,我们每天都在冒险——尤其当我们是过着跨越多个国家和文化的非传统生活的人。在这一集中,我们思考一个问题,“何时冒险是值得的呢?” Listen along to hear our answers. Join in on the conversation and reach out and share yours! 请聆听我们的答案。加入对话,联系我们并分享你的看法吧! Xo, 爱你的 Amy Tianyi & Meg If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件而了解到我们的播客,欢迎你且祝贺你找到了联系我们的最佳渠道! 如果你不了解Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里来关注我们。关注以后,你将了解到我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果你喜欢这个播客,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件事情,那对我们来说都非常举足轻重。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》会让你第一时间了解我们的动态,这样你不会错过任何一集节目。关注我们,给我们留言,也可以让我们更加了解你。我们会认真阅读每一条评论,并且认真做出回复。 想和我们保持联系和文字交流,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你习惯听播客的任何平台,寻找“The Spark Podcast by Meg and Amy 火花电台”的节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于The Spark Podcast火花电台最重要的事情。如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级,并邀请朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们会非常感激!感谢你一直以来的支持。是你们的存在,让我们知道火花再小,也可以无比璀璨。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.40: New Year, More Us
We’re baaaackkk! Did you miss us? In our 40th episode and first of 2024, we take some time to reflect on 2023 and share what we’re most looking forward to in 2024. Our first episode of each new year has become a ritual of sorts - a way for us to take inventory of where we’ve been and where we’re going. 我们回来了!你想我们了吗?2024年的第一集也是我们的第40个整集。在这集中,我们花了一些时间回顾了各自的2023年,并分享了我们对2024年的憧憬。一年伊始,坐下攀谈,录制一期节目早已成为火花电台的传统,也成为了我们回顾过去和展望未来的方式。 First off, it’s wild to think we’ve been on this sporadic podcasting adventure for five years now - that’s half a decade! Thank you for being here. When we first set out to let others in on the conversation, we never thought there would be thousands of you tuning in - but here you are. We see every single one of you and we are so incredibly grateful for you. We can’t wait for all the conversations we’ll have and the stories we’ll share in this new year. 一想到我们已经将这个零零散散的播客做到了第五年,我们激动的同时也带着一丝紧张。在2024年的年初,我们想诚心感谢每一位听众的陪伴。当我们最初决定开始邀请嘉宾的时候,我们从未想过会有总共超过一千人在小宇宙,喜马拉雅,和网易等平台收听我们的节目。作为主播,我们看到了你们每一个人的每一次关注和聆听。我们也迫不及待地想在新的一年邀请更多有意思的嘉宾,和更多人进行更有意思的对话,将更多层次的故事带到你的眼前和耳边。 (This is the part where we remind you that if there’s someone you think we should talk to or if that someone is you, reach out!) (如果你认识,或者想让我们采访某位嘉宾,再或者你想和我们在新的一年聊聊天,请现在就联系我们!) One thing that we both realized in the midst of this conversation is that that texture of our lives are constantly changing. A year comes and goes. We get older. Wonderful things happen. Our hearts break. Life continues on, and we level up. 在这集的对话中,我们都意识到生活的质地在不断变化。一年又一年。我们变老了。美好的事情发生了。我们的心碎了。生活还要继续,我们不断升级。 In 2023, we both were overcome with the fact that we’re not kids anymore. The reality is that we haven’t been for years, but we each had some adult-defining moments that marked true adulthood for us. 在2023年,我们俩都意识到我们不再是孩子了。事实是我们已经不是孩子很多年了。我们每个人都经历了一些定义“成年”的时刻,而那些时刻在我们的心底也留下了或深或浅的烙印。 In 2023, we both traveled again post-pandemic. Amy went on a life-changing trip to Japan and Meg found revival in Hawaii. Meg also found power in pushing her physical limits with a 46-mile bike ride and a race she’s always wanted to do. 2023年,Meg 和 Amy 在疫情后正式重新开始旅行。Amy进行了一次改变人生的日本之行,而Meg在夏威夷找到了新生。Meg还在一次46英里的自行车骑行,和一场她一直想参加的长跑中挑战了自己,找到了身体的极限,和不可言说的力量。 Tune into the episode to hear more and listen as we share what we’re most looking forward to in 2024. We’re also doing something new where we’re asking a question at the end of every episode! This week’s question is: What could you achieve in life if you decided to become totally and blissfully impervious to hostile criticism and rejection? Reach out and share your answer with us! 收听本集以了解更多我们对2024年最期待的事情。火花电台永远在尝试一些新的东西,而新的一年,我们在每集或开始,或结束时都会提出一个问题!本周的问题是:如果不计后果 ,你可以做出什么事情?请在下面的评论中分享你的答案! Xo, 爱你的 Amy Tianyi & Meg If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件而了解到我们的播客,欢迎你且祝贺你找到了联系我们的最佳渠道! 如果你不了解Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里来关注我们。关注以后,你将了解到我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果你喜欢这个播客,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件事情,那对我们来说都非常举足轻重。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》会让你第一时间了解我们的动态,这样你不会错过任何一集节目。关注我们,给我们留言,也可以让我们更加了解你。我们会认真阅读每一条评论,并且认真做出回复。 想和我们保持联系和文字交流,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你习惯听播客的任何平台,寻找“The Spark Podcast by Meg and Amy 火花电台”的节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于The Spark Podcast火花电台最重要的事情。如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级,并邀请朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们会非常感激!感谢你一直以来的支持。是你们的存在,让我们知道火花再小,也可以无比璀璨。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.39: AI - The Future or the Foe?
In this episode, Meg and Amy deep dive into AI, their experiences exploring its capabilities, where they think it will be adapted and where they think it won’t, and more. Both Amy and Meg share how it is or isn’t being used in their respective fields, and Meg shares the fun ways she’s been using it outside of work. Meg 和 Amy深入讨论了人工智能——这个可能对创意行业产生深远影响的发明。她们分享了在探索人工智能及其潜能方面的经验,以及人工智能在哪些领域能起到重要作用。Amy和Meg还分享了在截然不同的工作环境中,她们的日常工作是怎样受到人工智能和高端科技的影响。Meg还在节目结尾,和大家分享了人工智能在提升生活质量方面的妙用。 If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件在阅读有关这集的内容,祝贺!如果你不了解 Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里对我们进行关注。关注以后,你将了解我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果这个播客对你有意义,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件或全部,对我们来说意义重大。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》不仅可以帮助你不会错过任何一集节目,还可以帮助我们更加了解你。要做到这一点,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你听播客的任何地方的《The Spark Podcast》节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于《The Spark Podcast》最重要的事情。在那里,如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级和评论,并与朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们将不胜感激。我们非常感谢你的支持。谢谢你的参与。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.38: Field Notes - Observations, Interpretations, and Reflections of a Life Lived Wholeheartedly
What you might not know is that when Meg is not behind the mic for The Spark Podcast, she’s writing. Surveyor of life, midwife of stories - the truest thing Meg knows about herself is that she’s a writer. In May of 2022, she started a personal newsletter called Field Notes where she shares her lyrical essays, poems, and personal anecdotes. With Field Notes, she’s created a community of “messy, complicated, brave, courageous, vulnerable, adventurous, kind, wholehearted, free-spirited, perfectly imperfect, follow-your-gut, and lead-with-your-heart kind of people,” as she likes to put it. Her most recent piece, “Keys” - a personal essay about her best friend-breakup, caught the attention of many with a deep resonation around the story she shares and her redefinition of friendship. It also prompted this conversation, where Amy dives deep into conversation with Meg not only about Field Notes and her writing, but about creativity as a whole, what it means to be vulnerable, the difference between vulnerability and oversharing. And more. This conversation is one of Meg and Amy’s most favorite conversations to date. Read “Keys” and the rest of Meg’s Field Notes, and join her community at megdowaliby.substack.com. 也许你不知道的是,当 Meg 卸掉The Spark Podcast火花电台的工作后,她在写作。作为生活的勘测者,故事的助产士,Meg清楚地知道,她其实是一位作家。在 2022 年 5 月,她开始了一份名为《田野笔记Field Notes》的电子报。Meg在其中分享她的抒情散文、诗歌和个人趣闻。 通过《田野笔记Field Notes》,她打造了一个社群。正如她所说,这是一个“混乱、复杂、勇敢、坚韧、脆弱、冒险、善良、真实、自由、完美、随心而行的人”的社群。 她最近的一篇作品,《钥匙Keys》 是一篇关于她与最好的朋友分手的个人散文。这篇文章引起了许多人的关注。读者深刻地共鸣了Meg在随着年岁的增长而发生的对友情的不断重新定义。 这也引发了这次对话。Amy 与 Meg 进行了深入的交流。谈话间不仅涉及到《田野笔记Field Notes 和她的写作,还包括创造力的概念,脆弱的意味,以及表现脆弱与过度分享之间的区别。 这次对话是 Meg 和 Amy 迄今为止最喜欢的对话之一。 阅读《钥匙Keys》和 Meg 的其他《田野笔记Field Notes》,并加入她的社群,网址为 megdowaliby.substack.com。 If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件在阅读有关这集的内容,祝贺!如果你不了解 Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里对我们进行关注。关注以后,你将了解我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果这个播客对你有意义,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件或全部,对我们来说意义重大。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》不仅可以帮助你不会错过任何一集节目,还可以帮助我们更加了解你。要做到这一点,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你听播客的任何地方的《The Spark Podcast》节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于《The Spark Podcast》最重要的事情。在那里,如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级和评论,并与朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们将不胜感激。我们非常感谢你的支持。谢谢你的参与。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.37: We're All Just Barbies Living in an Oppenheimer World
In this episode, Amy and Meg sit down to talk about the Barbie movie - because it’s a MUST. IYKYK. They talk about their experiences going to see both Barbie and Oppenheimer, how the Barbie movie was received in both America and China, the stark contrast between Barbie and Oppenheimer, and their arrival at this moment in history. 在这集中,Amy和Meg分享了观看电影《芭比》和《奥本海默》截然不同的观影体验,以及这两部电影在中国和美国引起的各类社会反响。在交谈中,两人对比了这两部火遍大江南北的作品的本质不同,以及我们是如何从被奥本海默极其一举一动影响着的历史,走向连芭比娃娃都有话语权的未来。 If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件在阅读有关这集的内容,祝贺!如果你不了解 Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里对我们进行关注。关注以后,你将了解我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果这个播客对你有意义,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件或全部,对我们来说意义重大。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》不仅可以帮助你不会错过任何一集节目,还可以帮助我们更加了解你。要做到这一点,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你听播客的任何地方的《The Spark Podcast》节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于《The Spark Podcast》最重要的事情。在那里,如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级和评论,并与朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们将不胜感激。我们非常感谢你的支持。谢谢你的参与。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.36: Summer Check-In
Meg and Amy sit down for a mid-summer check-in. They talk about what they’ve been up to since the last episode, visiting past versions of themselves, work, Amy’s trip home, and more as they look forward to what fall holds for The Spark. Meg 和 Amy在这仲夏之日,坐下聊了聊过去几个月发生的点点滴滴。她们分享了从刚开始做播客到现在的心态变化,工作上的起起伏伏,以及Amy的回家之旅。在这集的结尾,Meg和Amy分享了对“火花电台”接下来节目的策划和期盼。 If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件在阅读有关这集的内容,祝贺!如果你不了解 Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里对我们进行关注。关注以后,你将了解我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果这个播客对你有意义,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件或全部,对我们来说意义重大。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》不仅可以帮助你不会错过任何一集节目,还可以帮助我们更加了解你。要做到这一点,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你听播客的任何地方的《The Spark Podcast》节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于《The Spark Podcast》最重要的事情。在那里,如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级和评论,并与朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们将不胜感激。我们非常感谢你的支持。谢谢你的参与。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.35: One Life, Multiple Cities
Meg and Amy revisited their past episode "Two Cities, Multiple Lives” after three years of turbulence, travel bans, and growth. The world may seem and feel different after the pandemic. However, upon re-listening to the episode and reexamining their lives over the past three years, they realized that instead of splitting lives in between different places, it is in fact, the other way around. Meg 和 Amy 在经历了三年的风风和成长后,重听了三年前录制的单集“两个城市,多种生活”。这个世界在2020年后虽然有所不同,但两位姑娘意识到她们过去在各地的生活并未因为地点的变化而变得更加碎片化。换句话说,我们并非是换一座城市就换一种生活方式。相反,生活如同一条长河,就算起起伏伏,也始终如一。 If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件在阅读有关这集的内容,祝贺!如果你不了解 Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里对我们进行关注。关注以后,你将了解我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果这个播客对你有意义,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件或全部,对我们来说意义重大。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》不仅可以帮助你不会错过任何一集节目,还可以帮助我们更加了解你。要做到这一点,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你听播客的任何地方的《The Spark Podcast》节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于《The Spark Podcast》最重要的事情。在那里,如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级和评论,并与朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们将不胜感激。我们非常感谢你的支持。谢谢你的参与。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.34: Two Things Can Be True
Meg and Amy reflect on episode 3: Scared But Brave, and episode 4: Hello 2020 - the two episodes recorded before the world as we knew it fell apart. Hello 2020 right? And when they look back they talk about how coincidental it was that the motto they went into to 2020 with, “Scared But Brave,” would be so necessary. They discuss the moments they had to be “scared but brave” over the past three years, and they further explore the concept and juxtaposition that the phrase brings. Life is full of dualities. You can’t have courage or bravery without fear. The only thing they know for sure is that two things can be true. Meg 和 Amy 回顾了播客第三集“恐惧和勇敢” 和第四集“你好2020”。这两集均录制于口罩事件发生之前。回顾过去三年,当初一句无心的“你好2020”,如今却显得些许沉重。而兼具“恐惧和勇敢”的我们,也被现实逼迫成了“恐惧且勇敢”。过去三年,每个人的生命中都有无数个即将崩溃,但又必须勇敢面对的瞬间。每个人都在恐惧和强大的边缘徘徊。生命中总是充满无数的对立面,正如恐惧和勇敢的存在就如硬币的两面一样,二者相互依存。所以,很多时候,两件事可以对立存在,且同时为真。 If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 如果你是通过Substack的邮件在阅读有关这集的内容,祝贺!如果你不了解 Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里对我们进行关注。关注以后,你将了解我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to us if you’d be willing to take 30 seconds to do each or all of these three things. First, can you please follow or subscribe to The Spark Podcast? Following The Spark Podcast helps you because you’ll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you’ll never miss an episode. To do this, just go to The Spark Podcast show page on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and then just tap the plus sign in the upper right-hand corner or click on follow. This is the most important thing for The Spark. While you’re there, if you’d be willing to give us a five star rating and review and share an episode you loved with a friend, we would be so grateful. We appreciate you very much. Thank you for being here. 如果这个播客对你有意义,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件或全部,对我们来说意义重大。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》不仅可以帮助你不会错过任何一集节目,还可以帮助我们更加了解你。要做到这一点,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你听播客的任何地方的《The Spark Podcast》节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于《The Spark Podcast》最重要的事情。在那里,如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级和评论,并与朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们将不胜感激。我们非常感谢你的支持。谢谢你的参与。 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com
- Ep.33: Let's Start at the Beginning
Every great story starts at the beginning. Now that The Spark is almost four years old, Meg and Amy wanted to take a look back on how it all started. They reflect on their first two episodes and from it emerges a the topic of growth. Amy shares how she’s learned to less-critical of herself and Meg shares how she’s learned to become more herself and less self-conscious. Taylor Swift and Jay-Z (not Dr. Dre) lyrics are quoted along the way. If you’re reading this in your inbox or on Substack, yay! If you’re not, you can join us on Substack here - where you’ll be the first to know about every new episode and update. And be sure to follow along with us on… Instagram: @spark_podcast WeChat:TheSparkPodcast Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 If you like what you hear, please rate and review this podcast on your favorite platform and share it with a friend! If you didn’t, don’t worry about it. It’s fine. 千里之行,始于足下。每一个引人入胜的“后来”,都在“很久很久以前”之后。在火花电台四岁生日之际,Meg和Amy重温创作起点。她们终于克服了恐惧和尴尬,重新聆听了火花电台的第一集和第二集,并且讨论了这四年里二人的变化和成长。Amy分享了她学着如何减少对自己不必要的苛责,Meg分享了她如何更加勇敢地直面自己内心,克服因为自我意识过重而导致的过度局促。霉妹和Jay-Z (在录制的时候,我们以为是Dr.Dre) 的歌词在这集中也起了极大的作用。 如果你是通过Substack的邮件在阅读有关这集的内容,祝贺!如果你不了解 Sutbstack, 那么,你可以点击这里对我们进行关注。关注以后,你将了解我们所有的更新和动态。 我们其他的官方社交平台有: Instagram: @spark_podcast 微信公众号: TheSparkPodcast 小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花) 喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台 网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesparkpodcast.substack.com