The Gaia Project盖亚计划
The Gaia Project盖亚计划
「对话女性创造者」 得名于大地女神,盖亚计划是一档由同名公益组织出品的对谈类播客节目,关注可持续商业世界中的女性力量,嘉宾横跨七大洲五大洋,内容包括自我成长、职业、奇闻乐见等。欢迎你的到来。 "Dialogues with Women Entrepreneurs" Inspired by the Earth Goddess, Gaia, "The Gaia Project" is a podcast that showcases women's influence in business and innovation. Produced by our namesake nonprofit organization, we unite her voices from the globe to delve into personal growth, professional paths, and the everything in life. we are excited to have you here.