Don’t look for perfection, because that’s the very first stumbling block that keeps you from finding a relationship. Just as you are not perfect, there’s not a perfect person out there waiting for you.
She had only vague notion of what might happen.她对可能发生的事情只有一个模糊的概念。
Think of three defining characteristics
What are some specific behaviors that a “nice” person exhibits that are meaningful to you? That’s what you are after. How will these personal qualities advance your relationship and make your life happy?
Violent images are a defining characteristic of his work.
Love Yourself
To fall in love with someone, you need first to fall in love with yourself.
Do you care about yourself? Do you do things that are good for your body and mind? Do you respect yourself?
body and mind
By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind.可以通过锻炼来放松身心。
Stop the self-doubt
While it’s important to take an objective look at your actions and plans, doubting yourself is not going to get you far. Instead of self-bashing, look at your bigger goal and the smaller steps you have made in that direction.
There is some doubt about the best way to do it.这件事怎么做最好有点吃不准。
no doubt 无疑,很可能
No doubt you will have your own ideas.当然,你会有自己的想法。
self-doubt 自我怀疑
We all have to struggle againest self-doubt.我们都会与自我怀疑做斗争。
Stop complaining that you are not lucky
Maybe you had your share of bad romances, relationships that didn’t go well or that went totally wrong; perhaps you think you are not lucky. But it’s not about luck; it’s about misjudging someone, having incomplete information when making a decision, taking a risk, or learning a lesson. Move on.
She now realizes that she misjudged him.她现在意识到错看了他。
Enjoy your life — create your life
Enjoying your life will bring a smile to your face and broaden your mind to see new opportunities around you.享受生活将带给你笑容,扩大思想,看到你周围的新机会。
Embrace the future you
Believe in yourself, love yourself, change in a positive direction, self-develop, and create your life. Be open to the opportunities to meet this special person, who’s not going to be “perfect,” but who’s going to be the right one for you.