

4分钟 ·
  • Your worth is not determined by someone else’s ability or inability to love you. So many times we place our value in the hands of another person who can’t love you, doesn’t know how to love you or just…won’t.We see people giving the wrong people chance after chance . But I want you to know, what you are doing is brave. If anything is worth the risk, it is love.
  • 你的价值不是由别人爱不爱你决定的。很多时候,我们把自己的价值放在一个不能爱你,不知道如何爱你,或者只是......不爱你的人的手中。人们总是给错误的人一次又一次的机会。但我想让你知道,你的行为是勇敢的。如果有什么是值得冒险的,那就是爱。
  • Just remember, you are an AND not a BUT.
  • 请记住,你是AND而不是BUT。

  • You deserve someone who loves you AND wants to be with you AND can’t imagine their life without you AND will fight for you AND will do everything it takes to make it work AND never wants to lose you AND chooses you over AND over AND over again.你值得一个爱你并且希望与你在一起、并且无法想象生活中没有你、并且会为你而战、并且会为此尽一切努力、并且且永远不想失去你、并且一遍又一遍地再次选择你的人。

  • over and over again /ˈəʊvə ænd ˈəʊvə əˈɡen/ 多次;反复地;一再
  • I've told you over and over again not to do that.我一再跟你讲不要再那么做。
  • and /ænd/ 弱读式 /ənd/在文中表示并列的关系,通常一句话中and前后要表达的意思是并列的。
  • He is a good person and I want to be with him.他人很好,并且我想和他在一起。
  • What you are not, is a BUT.
  • 不要做那个但是。

  • I think you’re great BUT I can’t love you BUT I don’t know how to love you BUT I won’t love you BUT I will make you think I do BUT it will never be you BUT I am okay without you BUT you are so stupid to ever think I could love you BUT that is your fault.
  • 我觉得你很棒,但是我不能爱你、但我不知道怎么爱你、但我不会爱你、但我会让你认为我爱你、但那个人永远不会是你、但是我没有你也没关系、但你是如此愚蠢的以为我能爱你、但这是你的错。

  • but /bʌt/ 弱读式 /bət/在文中表示转折的关系,通常一句话中but前后要表达的意思是相反的。
  • He is a good person but I just don’t like him.他人很好,可是我就是不喜欢他。
  • You are an AND. Find someone who makes you an AND.
  • 你是一个AND。找一个让你成为AND的人。

  • You should never have to fight or beg for someone to love you or to choose you. Someone who loves you will never need convincing because you are all they want. It was never a question. You were always the answer. However, I want you to know…their inability to love you has nothing to do with your ability to be loved. You are so deserving and so worthy of all the love there is.
  • 你永远不应该争取或乞求某人爱你或选择你。爱你的人永远不需要说服,因为他们想要你。这从来都不是一个问题,因为你永远都是那个答案。但是,我希望你知道......他们不爱你,与你被爱的能力无关。你是如此值得拥有并且非常值得所有的爱。

  • convincing /kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/ 说服
  • Our greatest problem is convincing them.我们最大的问题就是要说服他们。
  • Know your value. Know your worth.
  • 清楚你的重要性,清楚你的价值。

  • Understand you are priceless. Find someone who loves you at full price; not half off. The minute you allow someone to love you at less than you deserve is the moment you compromise yourself and your value. Stop. You are Gucci, baby. Get off the clearance rack.
  • 明白你是无价的,找一个全价爱你的人,而不是半价。你允许别人以低于你应得的价格爱你的那一刻,就是你妥协自己和你的价值的那一刻,停下来!你很好,宝贝。离开清关架。

  • half off /hɑ:f ɒf/ 打五折
  • Do you know all these tickets are half off?你知道这些票都半价了吗 ?
  • You are Gucci.
  • Gucci是奢侈品品牌古驰的意思,在口语当中因为和good谐音,所以会代表good的意思。You are Gucci,是You are good的意思。