00:00 🎙️ 尬聊英语时间又到了,八卦一下今年各个运动赛事?!?!
00:49 🇮🇹 意大利球队,凭什么让Wing叹气,却让Yao赞不绝口?
05:03 💰 今年欧洲杯最贵的究竟是哪一场比赛?
07:06 🇬🇧 在别国看别国的比赛,是带劲还是殆尽?
11:47 ⚽ 看球赛还是看球迷?Wing与Yao细数看球之惊险经历
14:05 🚣 你知道2024巴黎奥运会开幕式究竟有何特别之处吗?
16:23 🐲 中华龙舟再次受邀成为巴黎奥运会表演项目?
18:29 🎥 Wing参与制作了海外宣发的龙舟纪录片?
19:40 🥁 龙舟有何组成元素?为什么Wing说龙舟鼓手与乐队鼓手的待遇大不同?
23:16 🛶 友谊的小船翻了?那再上船舀水出来后继续划好了
25:29 🎉 端午龙舟的全套仪式不仅没有失传,还每年都进行着?
30:27 🍲 广州端午划龙船探亲,从小河到珠江,有多远就划多远?
35:45 🌏 龙舟是一个国际运动赛事!不仅有全职专业队,还有世界杯!
36:51 🤸♀️ 今年奥运会是哪个新项目让Wing与Yao最期待?
38:29 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,将运动话题聊通透?
44:36 🙌 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!
小红书同名直播时间:每周三、五、日 22:00,不定期也在周一 22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂!
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到啦。 I'm Yao. And this is Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, have you noticed this year is packed with all kinds of sports events?
Yeah, of course. The Euro Football Championship is ongoing, and the Summer Olympics is coming.
So have you watched any games?
This year, no, because my schedule is really packed. I don't have that much time to watch it. How about you?
I didn't watch everything. I'm not a big soccer fan. So I didn't plan to do anything. I remember I didn't even know the Euro Soccer Championship was ongoing until you told me.
Wait, you mean football, right? Soccer. Yeah. In American English, it's soccer, but in British English, it's football.
Because in American English, football is another thing. 橄榄球。反正这两种英语就让我们过得不太好。
我跟 Wing 经常有那些误会, 就是因为这个英美表达的原因。
我们一定要做一期关于这个内容, 英式跟美式的,我们遇到好多笑话的。
那朋友们你们可以敬请期待一下, 看我跟 Wing 怎么打起来。好。
So back to the topic.
Yes. So Wing, how's the game?
I only watched one. I was hanging out with my friends. And of course, all the sports bars have big screens, and on the big screens was streaming the game. It was Switzerland versus Italy. I have to say, they surprised me.
Because I just have my probably stereotype of these two teams. So for me, Italy should be a very strong team. Yeah. But never judge a book by its cover. So here is never judge a team by its past fame.
Okay, now I know. So what happened?
Italy was pretty disappointing. They don't really work as a team. They were just like a disorganized mess. 一盘散沙。
Okay. So you mean they don't have that team spirit, right? But how about Switzerland?
Switzerland is more like a cohesive team. I didn't know they were that good. That's why I was surprised. So you know them?
Yeah, of course.
Why of course?
Back in 2021, I watched a couple of football games. It was the Europe Football Championship too. And I remember Switzerland actually had a really good performance.