龙舟与欧洲杯、奥运会有什么关系?一起发挥英语尬聊的本色尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎙️ 尬聊英语时间又到了,八卦一下今年各个运动赛事?!?!
00:49 🇮🇹 意大利球队,凭什么让Wing叹气,却让Yao赞不绝口?
05:03 💰 今年欧洲杯最贵的究竟是哪一场比赛?
07:06 🇬🇧 在别国看别国的比赛,是带劲还是殆尽?
11:47 ⚽ 看球赛还是看球迷?Wing与Yao细数看球之惊险经历
14:05 🚣 你知道2024巴黎奥运会开幕式究竟有何特别之处吗?
16:23 🐲 中华龙舟再次受邀成为巴黎奥运会表演项目?
18:29 🎥 Wing参与制作了海外宣发的龙舟纪录片?
19:40 🥁 龙舟有何组成元素?为什么Wing说龙舟鼓手与乐队鼓手的待遇大不同?
23:16 🛶 友谊的小船翻了?那再上船舀水出来后继续划好了
25:29 🎉 端午龙舟的全套仪式不仅没有失传,还每年都进行着?
30:27 🍲 广州端午划龙船探亲,从小河到珠江,有多远就划多远?
35:45 🌏 龙舟是一个国际运动赛事!不仅有全职专业队,还有世界杯!
36:51 🤸‍♀️ 今年奥运会是哪个新项目让Wing与Yao最期待?
38:29 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中,将运动话题聊通透?
44:36 🙌 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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【转录1/15】 【0:00-2:43
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到啦。 I'm Yao. And this is Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, have you noticed this year is packed with all kinds of sports events?
Yeah, of course. The Euro Football Championship is ongoing, and the Summer Olympics is coming.
So have you watched any games?
This year, no, because my schedule is really packed. I don't have that much time to watch it. How about you?
I didn't watch everything. I'm not a big soccer fan. So I didn't plan to do anything. I remember I didn't even know the Euro Soccer Championship was ongoing until you told me.
Wait, you mean football, right? Soccer. Yeah. In American English, it's soccer, but in British English, it's football.
Because in American English, football is another thing. 橄榄球。反正这两种英语就让我们过得不太好。
我跟 Wing 经常有那些误会, 就是因为这个英美表达的原因。
我们一定要做一期关于这个内容, 英式跟美式的,我们遇到好多笑话的。
那朋友们你们可以敬请期待一下, 看我跟 Wing 怎么打起来。好。
So back to the topic.
Yes. So Wing, how's the game?
I only watched one. I was hanging out with my friends. And of course, all the sports bars have big screens, and on the big screens was streaming the game. It was Switzerland versus Italy. I have to say, they surprised me.
Because I just have my probably stereotype of these two teams. So for me, Italy should be a very strong team. Yeah. But never judge a book by its cover. So here is never judge a team by its past fame.
Okay, now I know. So what happened?
Italy was pretty disappointing. They don't really work as a team. They were just like a disorganized mess. 一盘散沙。
Okay. So you mean they don't have that team spirit, right? But how about Switzerland?
Switzerland is more like a cohesive team. I didn't know they were that good. That's why I was surprised. So you know them?
Yeah, of course.
Why of course?
Back in 2021, I watched a couple of football games. It was the Europe Football Championship too. And I remember Switzerland actually had a really good performance.
People enjoy both participating in and watching dragon boat races, because of the teamwork, rhythm, and spirit involved. Yeah, that's so true. So and one more question. That is, how can sports bring people from different countries together?
Wow, what do you think?
Well, sports, especially international events, like the Olympics, have a unique way of bringing people from different countries together. They create a sense of global community and shared excitement. Athletes and spectators from diverse backgrounds come together to celebrate the same thing, which is athletes' achievements and cultural exchanges. This fosters mutual understanding and respect, highlighting our common humanity despite cultural and national differences.
Wow, that's perfect. So I think that's all for today. Thanks for listening. 也欢迎大家来关注一下我们的同名播客“尬聊英语Gossip English”。我们的播客在以下平台:小宇宙、苹果播客、喜马拉雅,还有QQ音乐,对,大家也可以到我们的小红书以及微博下面留言互动,因为我们的小红书也定期会有直播环节,所以欢迎大家加入到我们直播间,跟我们一起聊聊天,唠唠家常,特别你有八卦的话,欢迎跟我们分享一下。对,因为我们的主打就是Let's learn English through gossip。Exactly,还有非常重要的一件事情,就是要一键三连,分享我们的播客,点赞还有收藏,谢谢各位。Have a nice weekend. Thank you. Bye. Bye.
The benefits are amazing too. Physically, it’s a full-body workout that boosts cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and improves flexibility and balance. (cardiovascular ⼼⾎管, flexibility 灵活性/柔韧性)
Mentally, it’s a great stress reliever 减压⽅式, fostering team spirit 团队精神. The rhythmic
paddling is almost meditative 冥想的, helping clear the mind and improve focus. (stress reliever 减压⽅式, team spirit 团队精神, meditative 冥想的, 它的名词是meditation, 我们平时所说的冥想)
In short, dragon boat racing is a visually stunning and culturally rich sport that’s great for
fitness and mental well-being. It’s a sport I’m eager to learn more about and hopefully try out someday. (Stunning 极好的)
So Wing, except this question, do you have any other questions?
Yes, in IELTS Part 1 and Part 3, there are a few questions about sports. For example, do you watch sports on TV?
Yeah, of course. Take Olympic Games for example, usually, it is held in other countries. I cannot be there. I hope I can watch the games at the scene. However, usually I can just watch sports on TV. How about you?
Yes, I used to watch NBA a lot. Basketball is my favorite sport. The games were so far away but I could feel the excitement and energy from the screen. So definitely, I do watch sports on TV and I actually quite enjoy it. It's quite fun and especially when I watch the games with my friends, it's even more fun.
Yeah, that's true. And any other questions?
Yes. What types of sports are popular in your country?
Well, in my country, dragon boat racing is quite popular. It's a traditional sport that brings together large teams of paddlers, who race in beautifully decorated boats. The sport has a rich cultural heritage and especially popular during festivals.
I think I watched the season 1 two or three times already. It was very impressive. I mean, the people there were genius. That's why when you mentioned the breaking in the Olympic Games. I was like, I must watch it.
Let's do it together. I want to watch it too. I can't wait.
For sure, let's do it.
Okay, so talking about the sports Olympics, Euro football championship or whatever. Wing, so do you have any speaking tips for us?
Of course. In IELTS part 2, there is a topic about sports. So he says, describe a sport you would like to learn more about. You should say what sport it is, how it is played or performed, why you would like to learn more about it and explain what benefits this sport can bring to people's health.
So which example are you going to give?
Of course, dragon boat racing.
Yeah, sure.
So here's an example. Imagine this: a colorful boat with a dragon head at the front, slicing through the water as a team of paddlers moves in perfect sync. (perfect sync 整⻬划⼀) Dragon boat racing is a traditional Chinese sport that’s thrilling for both participants and spectators. (spectators观众) Teams of paddlers work together, following the rhythmic beats of a drum played by the drummer at the front, while a steersperson at the back keeps the boat on course. (rhythmic 有节奏的,这个词是从rhythm节奏来的,rhythimic是它的形容词形式,然后这个steersperson, steer是表示掌控、掌舵,然后person就是那个人,所以是掌舵人)
Dragon boat racing perfectly fits the bill for anyone looking for a fun and culturally rich activity. What I find fascinating is the incredible teamwork and coordination required. (fit the bill 完美契合,fascinating 非常有吸引力,coordination协调、配合) Everyone has to paddle in harmony creating a powerful rhythm that drives the boat forward. The sport’s rituals, like the dragon decorations and drumming, add to its visual appeal and excitement. (in harmony 和谐地, rhythm,刚才讲过的,是节奏的意思)
We protect our traditions very well.
Me too. I feel the same as you. And I so appreciate the documentary filming that I recently worked on that actually helped me understand the dragon boat like traditions like that better. Yeah, it was pretty cool. And you know, dragon boat racing is actually an international competition thing.
Yeah, in Jiujiang, there are two full-time, full-time dragon boat teams, one male and one female. They have their own gyms and train almost every day just like any other sports.
Seriously? Is it in the Foshan Jiujiang?
Yes, of course.
Wow, that's cool. Wow, well done. So just now you said like international competition, right?
Yes, I was surprised too when I found out. Actually, there is a Dragon Boat World Cup.就是龙舟的世界杯.
And this year, it will be held on October 23rd to 27th in Yichang City, Hubei Province.
Wow, it means we have another sports event to watch. So Wing, are you going there?
Well, I don't know yet, but definitely more sports events this year. The more, the merrier, right?
I can't wait.
Yeah, I can't wait too.
But before that, let's make sure we watch some of the Olympics. Which events are you most excited about?
I can name a few, like tennis.
Of course.
Yeah, recently I've been playing tennis. And badminton, I love playing badminton too. And usually the competition is really fierce, I have to say. And how about you?
For this year specifically, definitely breaking, the dance breaking.
Wait, you mean 地板舞吗?就是那个街舞里面那个breaking吗?
Wow, that's wild.
I love it
I know, the breaking used to be all about the street culture. And now it's on the Olympic stage. So the energy, the moves, and seeing all the b-boys and b-girls from around the world is going to be insane. So the street culture finally enters the international stage.
Yeah, I know, that sounds amazing, right?
And I think this is the trend I'm not so sure if you watched any variety shows before .I watched one called “这就是街舞”.
可能跟你感情还没有好到那个地步,back to our topic, ok?
Okay, and then what's the next step?
Of course, then is the dragon boat racing, is also the climax of the whole rituals. In this race, teams will paddle in perfect harmony, that means their oars slides through the water like finely tuned machines. Because they need to race against each other. So that's all about their strength and teamwork. That is the dragon boat racing part.
That's why the French Olympic Games this year will have dragon boat racing as a demonstration sport again because of all that.
Yeah, now I can understand why they were impressed by this game.
Yeah, and every time I watch the dragon boat racing, when I see this crazy, pretty, gorgeous teamwork, I will feel like crying.
Yeah, me too. My eyes will get wet when I see this kind of team spirit, you know, fighting spirit. I will always be touched.
And after the race, then the whole event would be close to the end. So the dragon, I mean the dragon boat, but we call it dragon, the dragon will be gently hidden, 藏龙, meaning the boats are stored back at the bottom of the river.
And finally, the celebration winds down with dispersing the dragon.就是散龙. A serene farewell that keeps the dragon spirits alive for the next year.
对啊! That's actually very interesting. As a Cantonese, actually, I just knew this festival and the racing. I never know about these rituals. I have to be very honest. Actually, I'm very proud of my culture. I'm very glad that I was born here and that we keep our traditions.
So that's why it's very similar.
Oh, cool.
Then what's next?
And then as all the excitement builds, there are the loudest and most exuberant parts. (鞭炮声) Along the continuous firecrackers, the community comes alive with “Inviting the scene”(招景) and “Take advantage of scene”(趁景) where villages visit each other, sharing dragon boat's banquet, dragon boat's cake and tea, and of course each other's stories.
So it's quite interesting to me. I thought this kind of rituals had long gone. I heard my mom mentioned it before but I didn't know the ritual keeps alive even right now. And I was told when they do this visiting and banqueting thing, they actually, in Guangzhou, will row the dragon boat across the Pearl River to visit each other.
Yeah, not just a close one. For example, Huangchun, all the river was so narrow. So if they need to visit the village a little bit farther away, they need to get out of the little stream and then got into the Pearl River and across the Pearl River to enter another Stream, for example to Liede. So it took them more than an hour just row the boat to another village, sometimes two or three hours.
Yeah, that's actually very interesting. 就是在广州那边的话,他们有时候就会划着他们龙船,然后穿越珠江,去拜访另外一条村子。
Wow, actually, it's really heartwarming. 就很暖啊感觉,对,就不是那种你打个滴滴,就去别人家那样子。
These few years, actually, I didn't go to 叠滘 to watch the racing. However, every year I have to look for some videos to watch, to have fun.
To find the boats that flip over?
Not just that. Or maybe just watch the 佛山吴彦祖。
By the way, Wing, so except the racing, just now you mentioned a lot of rituals, right?
So what are they?
Do you know it actually takes days to complete all the traditional rituals?
Do you know how many steps?
I don't know but I try to guess. Probably three? Get the boat and then race and then hide the boat.
It's actually seven. Before this documentary, I would think like you. Like I thought dragon boat racing is just the racing itself. But actually more than that. It all kicks off with "Awakening the Dragon" 就是起⻰, where the boat is dug out from the bottom of the river. That means the dragon's spirit is stirred awake, injecting energy into the festivities like a bolt of lightning.
And then what's next?
So the next is called "Plucking the Greens". So after a whole year at the bottom of the river, the boats will need to get fixed up. And then after that, participants offer fresh greens, like lettuce, to the dragon and water gods for good luck and prosperity, as if nature itself is blessing the events. Then comes dotting the dragon eyes.
所以第二步的话就是叫采青对吧,就是把那个龙舟给修好之后呢,赛龙舟的人他们就要向龙神还有水神提供一些新鲜的蔬菜,那譬如说生菜,我觉得应该是讲意头对吧, 那个生菜。
嗯对,所以就是向我们的神祈求那个好运,还有繁荣。所以就是像一个祝福活动那样子,那之后就是点睛了。Wing, why I think this kind of ceremony is something similar to our New Year festival? 我们也会叫采青,对不对?
对对对。The dragon boat is like a dragon right? The lion dance and dragon dance, 就是舞龙跟舞狮, is also imitating an animal. So that’s why they have 采青 and 点睛. So 采青means the animal needs to eat something after such a long time and also you need to eat something that means energy. And then 点睛 Is like open their eyes and put the energy, put the life into these “animals”.
The whole boat is handcrafted and each detail matters, then of course the drums and gongs and as a drummer in a band myself, I know how crucial and stressful it is for the boat drummer to keep the rhythm. For the paddlers, it's almost like the heartbeats of the boat.
For sure.
就是每一艘船,它的船头都会刻有那个龙头对吧,然后船尾的话会有那个龙尾,它每一艘船都是手工雕刻的,所以它上面有很多、很多的细节,那包括那个鼓还有锣。那大家可能不太记得了,然后其实Wing他之前是一个乐队的鼓手,所以她说,鼓点的话其实对整个船的那个节奏都是非常重要,那那个鼓点其实就好像他们船上面的心跳一样。Yeah, but do you know the difference between a drummer on a dragon boat and a drummer in a band?
I don't know, is it because in the band you have other instruments but in the dragon boat you only have the drum? I don't know.
No, on the dragon boat the drummer usually stand up so the drummer pops up. And in a band, I always say as a drummer in a band. I'm definitely the soul of a band because the soul is unseen. It's invisible. So in a band, the drummer usually cannot be seen. 就是龙船的鼓手通常是站起来,所以是非常显眼的,因为其他人都坐着嘛。那在乐队里面的话鼓手就是整个乐队的灵魂,因为灵魂是不被看见的,所以鼓手就消失在后面。It's a lame joke.
So I think That's called teamwork And team spirit Audience probably don't know 叠滘 is famous for their very winding rivers. 他们的河道是非常九曲十八弯的,所以 The dragon boat racing in 叠滘 Is famous for its techniques because it's so hard to make All those crazy turns. When they do the turn too quick, it's so easy For them to just slip.
我们叠滘的话好像有什么 S 弯呀,还有什么弯呀。就是你在那个陆地上的话,试过车的飘移,但是你绝对没有试过船的飘移,对不对。
I wanna watch that. It's so much fun to watch a race that there are more than just a race itself. You can watch so many dramatic scenes.
No, no, no, it's real.
So how come they will include the Dragon Boat Racing this time?
Well, I read that the Dragon Boat Racing is gaining popularity worldwide and they want to showcase sports with rich cultural history and visual appeal. So Dragon Boat Racing definitely fits the bill. 就是因为龙舟嘛,就是观赏性也有,然后它竞赛性也有,它文化性也有,所以今年奥运会想找一些有文化底蕴的一个运动比赛,那龙舟比赛就很适合。
Yeah, that's the best choice, I think.
Old traditions die hard.
Exactly.其实传统文化的话,它的那个生命力其实很强,它不会说像一些现代的一些文化那样子,很容易就会没有这个潮流了,然后它就会褪去,但传统文化的话,它会一直保留,一直存在,而且pass generation from generation,一代一代传下去。
The traditions transcend generations.
By the way, Wing, I remember that one month ago you told me that you were helping a team to shoot a documentary about the Dragon Boat Festival, right?
Yes. Yes, I helped produce a Dragon Boat documentary and it was planning to broadcast before these Olympic Games.
Yes. So the Dragon Boat can be promoted just before the Olympic Games.
And it was so interesting that I was working with a French world-beater freestyle skier. He is a world champion. 当时那龙舟的纪录片是跟一个法国的自由滑雪运动员世界冠军一起合作的,他是主持人。So it was pretty interesting to work with him about Dragon Boat. And I learned so much about Dragon Boat.
Yeah, that's why I'm very interested.
So what is the most funny thing during the filming?
The filming itself was super fun. I got the chance to see so many things, that's number one. And I learned a lot about the history and rituals of Dragon Boat. Do you know the key elements in Dragon Boat?
The boat itself?
So of course it includes the Dragon Boat. Of course. And then oars, 就船桨, rudders,就是那个舵 drums and gongs 鼓还有锣,整体才能组成一条龙船。
So to make all those there is actually a national standard manual. 就有一个国标。
So each boat is carved with a dragon's head at the bow and a tail at the stern.
I know every year the Olympic opening ceremony would be something interesting, right? So what's special this year?
So this year is the first time the opening ceremony won't be in a stadium.就不会在体育馆里面。Yeah, athletes will be parading on boats along the Seine, the river Seine.
So athletes will be sitting on boats along the Seine and the river? Yeah, exactly. A total of 160 boats.
They will pass by landmarks like Notre-Dame, the Louvre, and even the Eiffel Tower.
Wow, that's amazing.就他们还会沿着巴黎那些非常有名的地标像圣母院,卢浮宫,还有埃菲尔铁塔。
And most people can watch for free because it will be on the river and people can watch the whole parade from the riverbanks and bridges. So no tickets needed for all the spectators, for hundreds of thousands of spectators. That's a first for Olympics. Plus, each country's boats will have cameras so viewers at home can get up close. So it's going to make watching it on TV so much more exciting.
Oh, I love it so much. Which means that spectators can actually engage in the opening ceremony. That would be something different.
Yeah, definitely.
And it reminds me of something. Just like the Dragon Boat Festival, you know? In Foshan, usually it's very famous for the Dragon Boat Competition.就是我们佛山叠滘,对,我们在佛山叠滘就会有龙舟比赛。那些观众也是沿着那个河道站着,然后就观看那个比赛。Is it something like that?
I think it's very similar. And you know what? Dragon Boat Racing is actually going to be featured as a demonstration sport again this time.
No way! Really? After its debut in Japan in 2020? That's pretty awesome. And by the way, I love Dragon Boat Racing. How about you?
Me too, I love Dragon Boat. The colorful boats, the rhythm of the paddlers and the sheer teamwork are so fascinating. And with Paris as the backdrop, it's going to be incredible. Imagine watching the races on the Seine with the Eiffel Tower in the background.就我也很喜欢龙舟比赛。然后你想像一下那个龙舟比赛的背景不是叠滘了,换成是巴黎铁塔。在那后面有你的P上去了。
Wait, you're not kidding, right?
They actually make 90 minutes short because not just performance on the screen and you have a little performance off the screen in the pub.
Yeah, I think not just the England fans behaved like that. Actually, I remember once I was traveling in Indonesia, I was in the hotel room at night. Suddenly, I heard a crowd screaming. I was like, what happened? Then I went to the window, I looked outside, I saw so many motorbikes downstairs.
Yeah, motorbikes.
The guys were driving and screaming. Then I was like, what happened? Was it something like a parade or something? You know, for me, I've never seen something like that, right? Then I called the reception. I was like, excuse me, so what happened downstairs? Why it was so loud outside? Then the reception said, oh, take it easy. Just the football team in this area, in this city won the game. And that's why they were so excited.
我看到你的样子很紧张, 好像在想发生什么大事情了, 然后刚才我讲完这个事情, 然后你如释重负, 你知道吗? 就这样吗?
对啊, 我想起我在德国旅游, 刚好我在慕尼黑嘛, 我忘了那个是什么比赛了, 反正是应该是某些俱乐部的 之间的比赛, 然后是慕尼黑进入总决赛。 哇! 我就第一次经历过 整个城市在慕尼黑 他们举办的狂欢。 哇! 我没有参加, 其实我是完全不知道的
I had no idea. I had no interest in soccer or whatever at that time. And I didn't even know there was a parade and a huge party for some soccer club championship. I had no idea. I only knew until the next morning when I was traveling, so I wanted to visit more places and then I learned everywhere on the street in the very early morning was a big mess. You can, sort of, picture what happened the night before because you can see all the sticky beer and all the glasses, all the cups and everywhere. So your story just reminded me of that.
I think sports has its charm. It can actually inspire people and motivate everyone.
Well, anyway, so this year, the Europe Cup safely ended. No crazy thing around us. But now the Olympics are just around the corner.
I know. I'm very excited. I'm looking forward to it.
Have you heard about the opening ceremony of this year's Olympics on July 26th?
And when the national anthem played, everybody in the whole pub sang along. That excitement was so contingent until it turned into something else.
Oh, wow. So, what happened next?
So, that was the time they lost.
Oh, no.
Yeah, we all know the result. England lost 2-1 to Croatia, a country not many people might know.
Oh, Wing, you reminded me. Probably, I watched that game outside.
Oh, really? Ok.
Probably, I watched that game with my mom. We were having supper in the restaurant and at that time, the waiter gave us a paper and then asked us to write down which team would win. If our guess is right, then we could get a discount or something.
Oh, interesting.
So, do you want to guess which team I wrote down at that time?
Yeah, Croatia. Because I remember back in 2018, they performed very well and I remember the team leader in Croatia put all his efforts in every game and his spirit really impressed me.
And people were very amazed by the performance of Croatia. Even though Croatia is not a big country, they don't have the same resources. Like, yeah.
Well, you know much better than I did. So, I mean, England, I felt like I needed to support England. You know, just go with the vibe. And when the game nearly over, people started to get very agitated because they were going to lose. My local friends acted so quickly. Like, he basically got us out of there right away before everything ended. Later, I knew why he did that. Because England fans were so, so frustrated about the result. And we heard they cried and threw things on the floor and made a big mess. They couldn't accept England lost again.
Oh my gosh. That's very intense. I could totally relate to the England fans. However, I also felt so sorry to the pub owners.
Yeah, I kind of think the owner was part of all those as well. I remember in that pub, everybody was so, so excited, like, all stand up in front of the big screen, sang along all the time, yelling, screaming for the 90 minutes.
Yeah. I hope they don't act like some very expensive actress in like, you know, shows called something...孤芳什么什么 you know, something...不自赏.You know who I'm talking about.
Yeah.就是可能收了208w, 但是还是没有好好表现,对吧?
2.2 billion euros.
然后其中有四名球员, 他们身价都已经超过了一亿💶。天啊,我觉得他们身体可能要镶金才行, 就是如果他只是买保险还不行。
金不够硬要全身镶那个钻石, 金钢石比较硬。
It's like the walking diamond.
It's so damn true. Yeah. So, talking about the game, I was surprised how well 🇨🇭played and I watched in a bar, right? At least this time, I feel quite safe to watch in a bar.
What do you mean safe?
Well, you watched the game before in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, right? So, you know, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 soccer fans could be really, really crazy. So, back in 2018, that was World Cup. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 got into the semi-final again. It was such a big de_al because the last time 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 got into semi-final was in 1966.
So, after 50 years, they got into the semi-final.
Yeah. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 was not that great. Everybody thought they were, but they had a really bad luck in World Cup anyway.
Oh, that's really sad. It seems that the football has been wandering around the world.在流浪地球,就没有回家。
So what happened at that time then?
So, I was in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” So, I begged my friends, local friends, to take me to a pub, like a sports pub, to watch this game. At first, my friends were like, no, no, no, it wasn't a good idea because 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 fans had been waiting for 50 years to watch this semi-final in World Cup. So, they would be very crazy. I mean, if they won, it would be a blast, but if they lost, that would be a disaster. So, you know what happened?
So, what happened? Did they win?
Do you remember they won? Of course, they lost it.
Oh, that's really sad.
Yeah. Anyway, so, my friends got us into a pub and of course 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 flags were everywhere.
I mean, even though the team players were kind of weak compared to other teams. However, the goalkeeper amazed me. He tried to catch the balls and save the goal. Even though when they were in the penalties, he tried to save a few penalties. That's why Switzerland became the top 4 or top 8.
Oh, really?
And Italy was playing against England in the final. I remember at that time, I supported Italy.
Because I think the men there were very charming. You know, 我们所说的男模队。 Sorry guys, I'm really superficial. 我太肤浅了。And at that time, I was watching the final with my friend in UK. He supported the England team. Then I remember the game was very competitive. And we were saying that “football goes home or football goes Rome”. 就是不知道你们知不知道, 现代足球的起源是来源于英国的。所以goes home就是回英国。 Goes Rome, Rome就是意大利的罗马。所以就说,那究竟是哪一队呢? And finally, football goes Rome.
So they are not just handsome and also they played well. 男模队会踢球的。
对啊,就是美貌与实力并存嘛。But just now when you told me that like this year, their performance were really bad. And I was like, what? Really? But as you said, never judge a book by its cover.
Yeah, it was not that great. And I don't know how you can see their faces. Usually, even a big screen, you can just look at the game from a very far, far, far away. You cannot see their faces. How can you tell they are handsome?
The cameraman can catch those kind of moments. That's why.
I guess I don't pay attention.
Yeah, I mean, just focusing on the ball is really boring for 90 or 120 minutes. You have to find something that brighten your mood.
Why do you even watch the game?
By the way, Wing, do you know in the semi-final, Spain versus France actually is the most expensive game so far?
How come?
Because the value of both team players is up to 2.2 billion euros, which means 17.3 billion RMB.
Wow. I hope they can act well, like they can perform really well. Yeah. I was told all the soccer players are good actors.
Yeah. Somebody actually said that.
Thank you guys for getting me interested in the Olympics again!🫡
Let’s watch it together!