Hello guys! Welcome to my channel! My name is JC, a University Lecturer in the UK. 哈喽大家好,欢迎来到我的频道——每天学点经济学人英语。我叫JC,是一名在英国高校工作的大学老师。In this channel, I hope to share with you some latest news happening around the world, and some useful words and expressions to talk about them. 那么这个频道呢主要是和大家分享一些最新的热门话题,以及如何用地道的词汇和短语进行表达。我们选用的语料主要来源于《经济学人》: 一本诙谐幽默的英文新闻周报。选用它主要是因为它的用词相当日常,而且常常带有梗的成分,可以说是学习英语的不二之选。那么话不多说——let’s jump right in!
Hey guys! It's Aug 11th 2024. Today’s news is about the Marvel Universe. Recently, it has got into some trouble because audiences are tired of an excess of superheroes. However, what has been just released – the Deadpool, seemed to be getting the audience back. Why? What’s special about the Deadpool? Let’s listen to the news.
【听力原文】Marvel searches for a hero
All is not well in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Once a dominant presence in the entertainment industry, the Disney-owned franchise is in a rut. Analysts blame a surfeit of superhero films, which has dulled audiences’ appetites. The MCU’s rival, the DC Extended Universe, is also struggling.
But the “Deadpool” series has an advantage that other superhero films lack: it presents a caustic, self-referential parody of the genre and its tropes. By importing “Deadpool” from 20th Century, a Disney-owned studio, the MCU is trying to have it both ways. Had enough of superheroes? Deadpool is a character who shares your disdain.
1. All is not well in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Once a dominant presence in the entertainment industry, the Disney-owned franchise is in a rut. Analysts blame a surfeit of superhero films, which has dulled audiences’ appetites. The MCU’s rival, the DC Extended Universe, is also struggling.
All is not well: 情况不妙:表示目前的情况不好,出现了问题或困难。
< It seems that all is not well at home.> 看来家中并非事事如意。
Cinematic: adj. 电影的;电影制作的
Franchise: n. a business or service run under franchise 获特许权的商业(或服务)机构
特许经营权:a catering/rail franchise餐饮╱铁路经营权
Be in a rut: (思维、做事方式的) 刻板状态; (生活、事业) 一成不变状态
< I don't like being in a rut – I like to keep moving on.>
A surfeit of sth: 过量 = an excess of
< Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago.> 定量供应很久以前就结束了饼干过剩的情况。
Dull: v. to become or be made weaker or less severe减轻;(使)变麻木
Adj. 迟钝的,愚笨的 脑子迟钝的小学生
DC扩展宇宙(英语:DC Extended Universe,简称DCEU),是一个美国跨媒体制作的共享宇宙,围绕着根据DC漫画出版物中的角色改编的超级英雄影视作品——包括超人、蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠等
But the “Deadpool” series has an advantage that other superhero films lack: it presents a caustic, self-referential parody of the genre and its tropes. By importing “Deadpool” from 20th Century, a Disney-owned studio, the MCU is trying to have it both ways. Had enough of superheroes? Deadpool is a character who shares your disdain.
Caustic: adj. 尖酸刻薄的;挖苦的;讥讽的
caustic comments/wit 刻薄话;长于讽刺
Self-referential: 自我指涉的,自指的(即指向同一文学作品,或涉及作者或作者的其他作品)
Parody: 滑稽模仿作品
Genre: [/ˈʒɒ̃rə/] n. 体裁,类型
Trope: n. 比喻词语
Have it both ways: to get advantages from two opposing things 两者兼得
Disdain: (sing.) n. 鄙视;蔑视;鄙弃 a disdain for sb/sth 对…的蔑视