Universities, centres of knowledgeproduction, are also fertile grounds for urban legends and romantic tales, withtheir essence flowing through the individuals who inhabit them today. Much likethe resident ghosts of Hogwarts, our universities are haunted, though it's hardto say whether these spirits hail from the past or have returned from thefuture. They might take the form of a student's identity, an unnoticed brick,or a tree on campus.
In this episode, Yuehanjiang Bao, Ph.D.candidate from University College London (UCL) guides us on a journey throughthe campuses and histories of UCL and the Institute of Education (IOE),exploring the multiple faces of a university. How does it define the model of a21st-century institution? As part of UCL’s bicentennial project, we study the lives of Chinese students inthe 1920s-1930s, who might have changed the world. Yet, these prominenthistorical figures were once just students themselves.
As we revisit the past in the guise ofstudents, we see how student life has shaped the city’s landscape and evolution. Meanwhile, theghosts that haunt us today—the lingering ones—are actually versions of our future selves. As we ask the question:Who truly owns the university?
1:09 伦敦的中心,大学本身作为展览空间能呈现什么?
4:05 建校的”神学谱系“,从一幅虚构的浪漫绘画开始
11:28 陈列。绝版的校园纪念品,学生视角下的一所大学
18:40 实验的教学空间,以校史档案和收藏为基础的探索。UCL与Kings的情仇
23:42 教学当中的批判反思,我们无不裹挟在这思潮当中
25:41 一个世纪前“留子”的故事。学习,和整个中国近代史绑定的个人生活
29:19 Bloomsbury Group的现代主义艺术和中国“留子”。塑造伦敦的”中餐“
31:19 学生与大学历史的争执:属于谁的大学校园?学科的神坛上
34:01 教育学院IOE,50年打造教育的巨舰。历史的幽灵,也是未来的我们
43:54 学生的细微触角,穿梭在这个流动的鬼魅空间里,感触到了什么样的历史变化?又有谁在一同书写这个学院的历史?
· 包岳涵江
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* edit: Ben
* 图片源于官网&自主拍摄