【英语播客】Yeah, Why Not Podcast
【英语播客】Yeah, Why Not Podcast
Yeah, Why Not Podcast 是一个由我(Ling)主持的个人英语播客节目。我会在节目中分享自己对于世界的看法,和大家一起讨论学习。我会经常邀请来自其他国家的朋友们参加节目,一起分享不同的经验和文化,打破刻板印象。正如节目标题Yeah,Why Not,勇敢的去经历因为就算失败也不会太糟。我是Ling希望能和你们一起进步,一起经历。 Yeah, Why Not Podcast is an English podcast program hosted by myself (Ling). I will share my views on the world in the show and discuss and study with you guys. I will invite my friends from other countries to participate in my shows, share different experiences and cultures, and break stereotypes. Just like the title of the show "Yeah, Why Not " Go try things that you wanna do cuz you got nothing to lose. I'm Ling. Hope to become a better person with you.