- EP36:链抽象:加密生态的十亿级用户从这里来
欢迎大家收听由Mint Ventures发起的播客【 WEB3 Mint To Be 】 本期节目是“Web3 赛道的现状和未来”系列播客的第四期,我们来聊聊链抽象。在后续的系列节目中,我们还会邀请对应的嘉宾来聊 MEME、公链、Depin、游戏&社交、Payfi、和 Web3 政策的相关话题。 主持人:Alex,Mint Ventures 研究合伙人 嘉宾:Lydia,Mint Ventures 前研究员,目前在 Particle Network 任研究员 时间线: 0:01:07 链抽象的概念和它尝试解决的问题 0:13:57 链抽象的市场规模和估值 0:17:53 意图 vs. 链抽象 0:20:41 链抽象下属项目分类 0:24:54 亮眼的链抽象产品 0:31:45 AI 与链抽象的关系 0:35:31 链抽象面临的挑战 0:42:41 对链抽象的预测 播客文字版链接:EP25:链抽象:加密生态的十亿级用户从这里来 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP35:近观Hyperliquid:产品架构、商业模式、增长来源和估值方式
欢迎大家收听由Mint Ventures发起的播客【 WEB3 Mint To Be 】 本期节目是“Web3 赛道的现状和未来”系列播客的第三期,也是一期特别节目,我们来聊聊近期非常火热的链上交易平台项目,也是一个 Layer1 项目:Hyperliquid。在后续的系列节目中,我们还会邀请对应的嘉宾来聊 Defi、Meme、公链、Depin、游戏&社交、Payfi,以及 web3 政策的相关话题。 主持人:Alex,Mint Ventures 研究合伙人 嘉宾:Lawrence,Mint Ventures 研究员 时间线: 0:00:45 Hyperliquid 的一句话介绍 0:02:55 Hyperliquid 的价值主张 0:10:32 Hyperliquid 的整体产品结构 0:17:22 Hyperliquid 的商业模式 0:24:48 Hyperliquid 的现货拍卖机制 0:32:05 Hyperliquid 的业务数据表现 0:53:05 Hyperliquid 的团队情况 1:02:01 Hyperliquid 代币的经济模型跟估值对标物 播客文字版链接:EP24:近观Hyperliquid:产品架构、商业模式、增长来源和估值方式 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP34:重新审视 Defi:Web3 商业模式最成熟赛道的现在和未来
欢迎大家收听由Mint Ventures发起的播客【 WEB3 Mint To Be 】 本期节目是“Web3 赛道的现状和未来”系列播客的第二期,我们邀请到 DeFi 领域的 OG 民道老师来一起聊聊 Defi 这个 Web3 商业模式最成熟赛道的现在和未来。在后续的系列节目中,我们还会邀请对应的嘉宾来聊 Defi、Meme、公链、Depin、游戏&社交、Payfi,以及 web3 政策的相关话题。 时间线: 0:01:11 对 Defi 的理解和阐释 0:06:26 对 Defi 赛道现状的看法 0:13:45 Defi 的潜力空间与演进方式 0:18:37 Solana 上的 Defi 发展的限制因素 0:23:46 MOVE 语言的优势所在 0:27:14 美国政局更迭对加密领域的影响 0:32:11 比特币进入国家财政的进程猜想 0:35:22 大公司购买 Defi 项目的可能性 0:45:22 印象深刻的项目和评判维度 0:54:58 配置 Defi 项目的原则 * 播客文字版链接:EP23:重新审视Defi:Web3商业模式最成熟赛道的现在和未来 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP33:Web3 赛道的现状和未来系列第一辑——Crypto AI,方兴未艾还是泡沫时刻?
欢迎大家收听由Mint Ventures发起的播客【 WEB3 Mint To Be 】 本期节目是“Web3 赛道的现状和未来”系列播客的第一期,我们来聊聊备受关注的 Crypto AI 赛道。在后续的系列节目中,我们还会邀请对应的嘉宾来聊 Defi、Meme、公链、Depin、游戏&社交、Payfi,以及 web3 政策的相关话题。 这次邀请的两位嘉宾是一直在长期关注 Crypto AI 赛道的研究员。一位是 Max,他是 YouTube 频道 “Max 的区块链空间”的主理人,Twitter:@MaxCryptoSpace。另外一位是 Lydia,她是我们 Mint Ventures 的前研究员,目前在 Particle Network 任研究员。 Twitter:@HelloLydia13。 时间线: 0:01:37 对 Crypto AI 的理解 0:17:15 Crypto AI 赛道内的项目分类 0:23:30 Crypto AI 的机遇与挑战 0:40:30 值得关注的 Crypto AI 项目标的 0:52:38 Crypto AI 项目的评估策略 1:02:57 常用 AI 工具分享 * 播客文字版链接:EP22:Web3赛道的现状和未来系列第一辑:Crypto AI,方兴未艾还是泡沫时刻? 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP32:meme投资经验谈——如何应对本轮meme周期
欢迎大家收听由Mint Ventures发起的播客【 WEB3 Mint To Be 】 本期我们邀请到专业链上投资者Louie,专业个人投资者兼链上工作室主理人Stakeholder,Mint Ventures研究员Lawrence一起就如何应对本轮meme周期这个话题展开探讨。 时间线: 0:03:00 对meme的理解与阐述 0:07:35 对meme新人的观察 0:16:48 投资meme的契机 0:28:51 优秀的meme玩家的必备素质 0:42:06 meme的投资策略 0:58:57 长短期配置 1:14:53 meme玩家的日常 * 播客文字版链接:EP21:meme投资经验谈——如何应对本轮meme周期 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP31: Catizen: The Rise of Unstoppable Gaming Ecosystem
Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk! In this episode, we invited Ricky, the CFO of Catizen and the co-founder of Pluto Studio. Ricky shares the origins of Catizen's Journey, discusses the factors behind its success, the collaborations and challenges with other projects, and provides updates on the upcoming airdrop. Additionally, he shares insights on the application and impact of AI technology in the gaming sector. 👉 Transcript Entry 00:28 The Origins of Catizen's Journey 03:08 Why TON? 06:50 Reasons Behind Phenomenal Success 10:14 Challenges in Web3 GameFi 17:04 Mutual Prosperity and Potential Competition 26:58 Token Distribution and Airdrop 31:48 Vision for the Ecosystem 35:20 Applications and Impacts of AI Technology Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way. WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。 这一集我们邀请了 Catizen 的首席财务官 Ricky,他同时也是 Pluto Studio 的联合创始人。Ricky 分享了 Catizen 项目的缘起,讨论了该项目成功背后的因素、与其他项目的合作与竞争,并提供了关于即将到来的空投的最新消息。此外,他还分享了对于 AI 技术在游戏领域的应用和影响的看法。 👉 中文文字版 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。 *
- EP30: IQ.wiki: Unlocking AI and Crypto Synergies
Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk! Get ready for an enlightening discussion with Navin Vethanayagam, the Chief Brain of IQ.wiki and Galaxy Brain of BrainDAO, as he shares the journey of IQ.wiki, explains how the platform encourages knowledge sharing through AI tools like IQ GPT and discusses the development of IQ Code. Navin also discusses the revenue model and plans for future expansions, highlighting the unique advantages and challenges of integrating AI with blockchain technology. 👉Transcript Entry 00:16 Mission and Inspiration 03:35 Encouraging Engagement, Ensuring Quality 09:00 Progress on IQ Code 13:15 Revenue Generation and IQ Token 15:36 Development of BrainPass 17:48 Competition and Differentiation 23:03 Views on AI and Crypto Crossover Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way. WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。 本期节目邀请到IQ.wiki的首席大脑Navin Vethanayagam,开启了一场颇有启发性的对话。Navin介绍了IQ.wiki的演变历程,分享了他们如何利用IQ GPT这样的AI工具来普及区块链知识,同时讲到了IQ Code和BrainPass的最新进展。另外,Navin还分享了自己对AI与区块链技术协同发展的看法。 👉 中文文字版 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。 *
- EP29: Cornell Blockchain: Empowering the Next Billion Users
Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk! Get ready for an enlightening discussion with Leah Valente, the President of Cornell Blockchain Club, as she unveils the club's behind-the-scenes story, discusses its current focus and challenges, and shares insights into American college students' interest in Web3 and her views on the regulatory environment. 👉Transcript Entry 00:15 Background and Mission Evolution 06:12 2024 Cornell Blockchain Conference 12:18 Current Focus 15:47 Biggest Challenge 21:57 Student Interest in Web3 26:31 Views on Twitter & Regulatory Environment 31:56 Future Vision Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way. WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。 本期我们邀请到康奈尔区块链俱乐部的主席Leah Valente,她将为我们揭晓俱乐部背后的故事,探讨当前的工作重点和挑战,分享美国大学生对Web3的兴趣所在以及她对监管环境的看法。 👉 中文文字版 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。 *
- EP28: Covalent: Fueling AI & DA with Our Specialty
Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk! Get ready for an enlightening discussion with Ganesh Swami, the CEO of Covalent, as he unveils Covalent's product development progress and strategic plans for revenue generation, lists AI model use cases empowered by Covalent, and shares noteworthy trends in the cycle. Tune in now for an episode that promises both insight and inspiration! 👉 Transcript Entry 00:25 Introduction of Ganesh and Covalent 05:39 Challenges & Resistance 10:13 Differences with Other Data Solutions 14:49 How the Flywheel Works 18:14 Product Development Progress 20:18 Use Cases of AI models 24:13 How CQT Plays Within the Ecosystem 27:58 Strategic Plan for Revenue Generation 31:35 Viewpoint on Centralized Data Indexing 35:56 Notable Trends 39:30 Two Thoughts Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way. WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。 本期我们邀请到Covalent的CEO Ganesh Swami,他将揭晓Covalent的产品开发进展和针对收入增长的战略计划,列举由Covalent赋能的AI模型使用案例,并分享这个周期中值得关注的趋势。 👉 中文文字版 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP27: Frax: The Main Focus in 2024 would be Fraxtal
Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk! Join me for an exclusive conversation with Andy, the Director of Asia at Frax Finance, as he unveils the motivation and challenges behind their comprehensive product lines and shares valuable insights on Stablecoin and Defi Summer. Moreover, you can catch a peek at the upcoming Fraxtal! 👉Transcript Entry 00:30 Introduction of Andy and Frax 03:06 Comprehensive Product lines and Their Motivation 06:03 Challenges & Current Focus 10:39 Brief Overview of Fraxtal 15:46 Initiatives to Engage Developers and Users 19:03 Insights & Lessons 23:00 More to Expect in 2024 25:32 Make FXS the Top Five 28:36 Insights on Stablecoin and Defi Summer Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way. WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。 本期我们邀请到Frax Finance亚洲区总监Andy。Andy不仅揭示了Frax Finance广泛的产品线背后的初衷和挑战,分享了对稳定币和DeFi Summer的看法,还透露了许多关于即将发布的Fraxtal的信息。 👉 中文文字版 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP26: Scroll: Elevating Value Innovation Beyond User Rivalry
Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk! Buckle up for an engaging conversation with Sandy, the Co-founder of Scroll. Sandy unveiled the origins of Scroll, and discussed its unique advantages, challenges, and next steps. She also offered insights on rollup summer and sincere advice for Web3 builders. 👉 Transcript Entry 01:04 Introduction of Sandy & Background Intro of Scroll 06:13 Resistance During Mainnet Launching 10:22 Co-develop With the Community 12:18 Challenges Faced in ZK Rollup 15:30 The Unique Advantage of Scroll 18:57 Next Step for Scroll in 2024 22:45 Insights on Rollup Summer 27:13 Advice for Web3 builders Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way. WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。 本期我们邀请到了Scroll的联合创始人Sandy。Sandy揭示了Scroll的创立故事、差异化优势、曾面临的挑战和下一步计划。她还分享了对Rollup Summer的看法,并对其他Web3建设者给予了宝贵的建议。 👉 中文文字版 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP25:加密市场二级投资心法:2024机会展望
欢迎大家收听由Mint Ventures发起的播客【 WEB3 Mint To Be 】 本期我们邀请到老陆的区块链笔记TG频道作者老陆,ArkStream Capital投研合伙人墨客,Mint Ventures研究员Lawrence一起针对2024加密市场投资机会展望这个话题展开探讨。 时间线: 0:02:52 2024年的投资目标 0:11:23 场外资产配置 0:19:32 二级投资策略 0:42:40 投资的日常工作 0:56:20 2024年的二级机会 1:10:32 经验与教训 1:19:42投资与生活的平衡 * 播客文字版链接:EP20:加密市场二级投资心法:2024机会展望 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP24:抄底正当时:熊市二级抄底标的及思路探讨
欢迎大家收听由Mint Ventures发起的播客【 WEB3 Mint To Be 】 本期我们邀请到Old Fashion Research 创始人Xin,头等仓研究负责人郑斯威,Mint Ventures研究员Lawrence一起针对熊市抄底这个话题展开探讨。 时间线: 0:01:56 市场周期判断 0:14:21 熊市抄底思路 0:30:56 抄底的赛道和标的 0:53:08 压舱石的选择 1:01:42 下一波叙事的猜测 1:25:52 熊市的工作和学习 * 播客文字版链接:EP19:抄底正当时:熊市二级抄底标的及思路探讨 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP23: Ava Labs: Growing the Pie Before Competing Over Slices
Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk! Get ready for an exhilarating episode with Lydia, the VP of Business Development of Ava Labs. Lydia took us through her intriguing Web3 journey and unveiled the establishment of Ava Labs with its mission and primary focus. In addition, she shared insightful thoughts on Web3 applications and the driving force for the next cycle. 👉 Youtube Entry 👉 Transcript Entry Key Moments: 00:34 Introduction of Lydia Chui 05:05 Introduction of Ava Labs 07:34 Challenges & Pushbacks 09:42 Primary Focus of Ava Labs 14:58 Blizzard Ecosystem Fund & Its Assessment Criteria 20:16 Insights on Web3 Applications & Driving Force Ahead 27:29 The Support Direction of Ava Labs Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way. WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。 本期我们邀请到 Ava Labs 的业务发展副总裁 Lydia Chui。Lydia 展示了自己与 Web3 结缘的经历,揭示了 Ava Labs 的创立故事、使命和主要关注点。此外,她还分享了对当前 Web3 应用的增长和下一个周期的主要推动力的深入见解。 👉 中文文字版 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。
- EP22: EthStorage: Boosting Storage Scalability with L2 & DA
Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk! Join us for an illuminating episode as we sit down with Qi Zhou, the founder of EthStorage and the first-place winner at the EDCON 2023 Super Demo. He unveiled EthStorage with its great vision, competitive advantages, and challenges. Additionally, he shared his perspective on decentralized storage, discussing its limitations and potential drivers. 👉 Youtube Entry 👉 Transcript Entry Key Moments: 00:34 Introduction of EthStorage 04:37 Challenges & Resistance 08:51 Competitive Edge of EthStorage 11:57 Lowering the Storage Barrier 14:20 High Storage Capacity with Reduced Costs 17:44 Interaction with EVM 21:50 Applications of EthStorage on L1 & L2 25:42 Perspective on Decentralized Storage Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way. WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。 本期我们邀请到 EthStorage 的创始人,同时也是 2023 年 EDCON Super Demo 的冠军获得者周期博士,听他阐述 EthStorage 的愿景、优势和一路以来的挑战。此外,他还分享了对于去中心化存储的看法,包括它的局限性和潜在推动因素。 👉 中文文字版 重要声明:主持人或者嘉宾在播客中的观点仅代表他们的个人看法。此播客仅用于提供信息,不作为投资参考。