- 英语演讲|The hidden power of smiling 微笑是你的超能力
TED 题⽬:The hidden power of smiling 微笑是你的超能力 作者: Ron Gutman
- 英语演讲|Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
TED 拖延症⼈群的内⼼世界 题⽬:Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
- 英语演讲|停⽌与别⼈做⽐较
TED 题⽬:To overcame challenges, stop comparing yourself to others 停⽌与别⼈做⽐较 作者:Dean Fumess
- 英语演讲|How sugar affects the brain?糖如何影响你的大脑
TED 题⽬:How sugar affects the brain? 演讲者:Nicole Avena
- 英语演讲|Hacking your memory -- with sleep睡眠与记忆的惊⼈联系
TED 题⽬:Hacking your memory -- with sleep 睡眠与记忆的惊⼈联系 作者: Matt Walker
- 英语演讲|The benefits of a good night’s sleep是睡个好觉,还是熬夜学习
- 英语演讲|Tips for reclaiming your peace of mind online
TED 题⽬:Tips for reclaiming your peace of mind online 如何在纷扰的⽹络世界中回归平静 作者: Naomi Shimada
- 英语演讲|How to gain control of your free time 如何掌控你的空闲时间
TED 题⽬:How to gain control of your free time 作者: Laura Vanderkam
- 英语演讲|How to cope with anxiety如何解决焦虑
- 英语演讲|How to get better at the things you care about
题⽬:How to get better at the things you care about 如何摆脱“⽆效努⼒” 作者:Eduardo Briceño
- 英语演讲|All it is 10 mindful minutes 一切只需十分钟的专注
TED All it is 10 mindful minutes 一切只需十分钟的专注
- 英语演讲|Getting stuck in the negatives and how to get unstuck
TED Getting stuck in the negatives and how to get unstuck 陷入负面情绪时如何摆脱困境 演讲者:Alison Ledgerwood
- 英语演讲|The power of believing that you can improve请相信,你可以进步
TED 题⽬: The power of believing that you can improve请相信,你可以进步 作者:Carol Dweck
- 英语演讲|How to stop screwing yourself over 请停止糟蹋自己
题⽬:How to stop screwing yourself over 请停止糟蹋自己 作者: Mel Robbins
- 英语演讲|Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash
TED 题⽬:Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash 贫穷的本质 作者: Rutger Bregman