加更英文版啦!周二发的「10 都去过快乐无忧的暑假!提升旅行体验感的9个小方法」获得了好多收听,来了不少新朋友,真的好开心,谢谢你们! 其实,无论是旅行还是做播客,每次和温哥华的朋友们聊起来,他们也都超级支持我,老问我会不会出英文的单集。所以我把上期同步录制成这期全英文播客/英语播客,这样就能和他们分享了~
The English version of last week’s episode is here! Last Tuesday’s episode on solo travelling got so many listens and brought in lots of new friends. Thank you all so much! My friends in Vancouver have been super supportive of my solo travels and podcasting. I translated the Mandarin episode into English, and now I can share what I’ve been working on this summer with them too!
Hello, my friends! Welcome to my show (sending a huge warm hug)! This summer, I've embraced my *solo travel era*. From Canada to the UK, back home to China, then to Australia, and finally back to Vancouver, I've left my footprints on 4 continents and visited 12 cities in the past two months (my wallet is definitely feeling it, but hopefully, it will recover soon).
I realized that solo travelling is a beautiful privilege and an amazing opportunity for self-empowerment, for which I am deeply grateful. At the same time, it can get overwhelming.
I love what the book How to Travel by The School of Life says about travelling:
Going travelling is one of the few things we undertake in a direct attempt to make ourselves happy - and frequently, in fascinating ways, we fail… Our societies act as if going travelling were simple, just a case of handing over the right sum of money. But a satisfying journey isn’t something we can simply buy: it’s the result of an art that has to be learnt.”
In this episode, I will share the art of travelling that I've learnt this summer. I have nine tips and hacks for elevating your travel experience, broken down into three sections: pre-departure planning, experiences during the trip, and post-trip reflections. Let's dive in!
04:14 1️⃣ Be intentional with where you go. 向往的目的地会告诉你,你到底在寻找什么
11:06 2️⃣ Fly with the local airline of your destination if you can. 订前往地的本土航司,好处可多
13:26 3️⃣ Ask locals for tips and advice on your itinerary. 不做无用功!强烈建议问当地人要攻略
15:40 4️⃣ Warm up with books, shows, and podcasts about your destination. 出发前,用书、剧和播客先热热身
18:28 5️⃣ Pay attention to the sounds and smells of the city. 摘掉耳机,关注声音,发现气味
20:01 6️⃣ Allow yourself time and patience to be an observer. 做回专注的观察者,你会看见这座城,也会看见你自己
22:27 7️⃣ Connect with people during your travels. 人,才是了解一座城市最好的窗口
24:03 8️⃣ Wrap up your trip with reflections. 旅行复盘,盘那些真正触动到你的瞬间
27:30 9️⃣ Share your experiences with others. 你看到的世界,该和别人眼里的世界碰碰
🎵 "Lightly" by Ennio Mano